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When what they mean is, "Support what I want, shut up... or get out"?

2007-06-09 05:16:07 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

54 answers

It is simplistic and counterproductive. Loving America means staying here and putting in the hard work needed to see America live up to her ideals. Simply sitting back and accepting the status quo as our civil liberties are eroded and our national treasury is bled dry is unAmerican - the America I believe in, anyway.

I say that if you love something or someone, then you are particularly concerned when that something or someone turns out to be broken or sick. When your child has a fever, you don't waste time bragging to everyone that he's an honor student, you take him to the doctor. And you don't accuse the doctor of hating your child when he points out that he has an infection. You thank the doctor, you get the prescription antibiotics, and you work hard to heal your child.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out America's problems. If you can't identify the problems, you can't begin to solve them.

2007-06-09 16:06:42 · answer #1 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 3 0

I agree with the premise that it is our country and you should love it or move on somewhere else.

However, it is pretty obvious that the second part comes from someone who wants to suppress our freedoms.

So the two do not seem to go together. Maybe you meant that Patriots say the first and those who follow socialism believe the latter. Now that makes a lot more sense than the way you phrased it.

I see you have an answer from the stalker tonight, wonder if he is espousing his wondrous views on pornography or maybe you have a 14 year old blond girl answerer that he is stalking. But being a commie I am sure he agrees with whatever is in HIS best interest.

2007-06-09 13:08:16 · answer #2 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 2 1

I agree...
The saying leaves little room for criticism...
I love our country, but it is far from perfect, and could use a lot of improvement. If we don't point out it's faults, and shed light on it's corrupt elements, we'll just sink farther into apathy, and things will only get worse.
The illegal immigration issue is the biggest hypocrisy in the world. Most of our federal highways and other things are built from the hard labor and cheap wages of the illegal immigrants.
The govt. hands the winning bidders govt. contracts, and then those companies hire illegal immigrants to do the bulk of the work.
The Great Wall of China didn't work, and neither will a wall across the border of Mexico or Canada...
When I think of the Big Picture of all the problems we face as Americans, though, my mind boggles at the immensity and complexity of it all...
What the hell are we going to do...?!?

2007-06-09 05:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I am on both sides of the fence

I have uttered the phrase if you unhappy in Canada then maybe it is time to move along

There is a case to be made for both sides

If you really are unhappy with the direction of the nation and have big big problems maybe it is time to go

At the same time I should have no right to play the do it my way or get out card either - I am a small one person voice in this mix and as such I only get the say of that one person - no more no less

So then the question is ---- Am I just trying to shut you up and take away your one person voice - In which case I have no right to do so

Then the question is are you really just unhappy about the fundemental priciples in the nation that reflect the majority and that majority is not likely to change - Then yes - live with it or do somthing about it - And by douing somthing about it I mean it is time to go shopping for a new home

2007-06-09 05:26:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I will not shut up! I will not get out! I love my country! I say you have a right to what you think and so do I. We live in the Land of the free, right? My Dad is a W.W.2 Vet and he hates this war and all of the Young lives that are being lost.

2007-06-09 11:51:01 · answer #5 · answered by sheila g 2 · 5 0

Its an attraction to authority fallacy. It is going: If i'm a real American, then all people who disagrees with me isn't. Ergo, because they at the instant are not authentic individuals, they should not be able to stay in united statesa.. even though, there is no serious criminal, social contractual, or philosophical help for any doctrine which postulates that Love is a prerequisite for US citizenship or place of living. even though obeidience to the regulations and value of taxes is needed of all electorate and denizens, and a frequently favorable opinion of our constitutional form of government is statutorily required for naturalization, a citizen has an unquestionable authentic to hate united statesa., or something in it if he chooses to accomplish that. That, by the form, is likely considered one of the failings i in my opinion love approximately united statesa..

2016-11-27 19:56:22 · answer #6 · answered by satterly 4 · 0 0

You lie when you say that what I mean is "Support what I want, shut up... or get out!"

I mean just what I say. If you are a citizen of this country be proud of it. I have lived in twenty six other countries on 4 continents some were first world countries and most were third world cesspits. In the first world countries there were fewer but in every country there were people wanting to leave family, friends, their current home and way of life to move here. WHY? Because this is the best country in the world is why. It is not perfect but it is a damn sight better than the next closest alternative.

You want to have the advantages of living in America then Love It or Leave It. Improve it if you can but do not demand it change to be like some third world cesspit because you do not think it lives up to your ideals.

2007-06-09 05:28:55 · answer #7 · answered by Coasty 7 · 1 4

I don't think they really love America themselves. They are confused about WHAT America is about. Ask a typical American to sum up America in one word, they will probably say "freedom." Well...that means freedom to have different opinions on how the country should be ran.

2007-06-09 15:24:45 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

If you; don't like'm then leave'm alone, better to walk away from a Hornets nest than to give it a good shake. Who better to answer this question I'm not Amercan but have American blood lines or ties if you prefer.... there is only one way to answer this question its like a two headed coin , both support it, have different views , and get very different results but try to achieve the same goals... One's a Patriot, and the other's a Redneck..They are far from perfect but I think they are just grand anyway inspite of their flaws....And one mistake I think they made was removing Kate Smith from the end of their tv broadcasts......Hey I'm just a Redneck Canadain so what do I know?????

2007-06-09 05:51:07 · answer #9 · answered by Back Attcha 4 · 1 2

I tell them that we so far still have freedom of speech here in America! If we have to agree with everything our political leaders say or do that will be the day we kiss our freedom goodbye, because the day we no longer have the right to voice our difference of opinion is the day we are living under a dictatorship!

2007-06-09 07:55:43 · answer #10 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 2 1

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