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that whether one's service in the military is irrelevant to whether any military action is right or wrong? I was told when I was 20 years old by a friend (who was the local army recrutier) that I would not be allowed to serve in the army if I wanted to because of a medical condition (asthma). Does that disqualify my opinion on whether the war on terrorism is justifiable?

Of course the anti war crowd can't have an honest open debate of ideas. They'd lose every time.

2007-06-09 04:13:13 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

No they don't. They hate the fact that some want to defend this great nation

2007-06-09 04:17:33 · answer #1 · answered by Brian 7 · 6 7


Where have YOU been?

This has been a talking point of the right for decades.

Then all of a sudden everyone on the right pretends no one on the right ever made this argument, and they just LOVE those who never served.

The reason it seems to you that the left can's win honest debates is that your side has absolutely no respect for the truth, reality, reason, or fact.

You're telling me that no one on the right every hammered Clinton for not having served, and said that he was unfit to be Commander in Chief?

Did you sleep through the 90s?

Heck, this was an argument the right made when I was a child, in the 60s.

It's not an argument I make, but a lot of people on the left love rubbing the right's nose in their own reasoning.

Can't really blame them now, can you? It's just so tempting.

Of course those who haven't served in the military have a right -- heck, an obligation -- to judge right and wrong.

But to say that this argument was invented by liberals is to pretend the last 40 years of political yammering from the right never happened.

That was the stock in trade for people on the right when they were losing an argument based on relevant facts and values "Did YOU ever serve? No? Then shut up!"

99% of the times I've heard this, it was from a conservative.

2007-06-09 15:49:23 · answer #2 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 1

The act of "disqualifying" a person from having an opinion based on their military history, or lack thereof, is common on both sides of just about any debate on military and defense matters.

So, it sort of sounds like you're whining. Remember John Kerry being disparaged because he wasn't wounded enough to justify his medals? Remember Bill Clinton being accused of draft dodging? And of course Republicans get it too, with George W. being accused of hiding in the National Guard, or his father "only" serving on a bomber in World War Two.

So, it kind of sounds like you're whining here.

On the other hand, the charge of "Chicken-hawk" can be legitimate. Asking for others to go to war, or even worse, drafting others to go to war, when on has not done so himself can be a little hypocritical. And while serious and obvious medical conditions are often excused, many people don't serve because of unnoticeable and embarrassing reasons. The most famous example is Rush Limbaugh's pilonidal cyst.

I think such accusations are just the price people have to pay for having the audacity to speculate and kibbitz on policies that endanger American lives.

2007-06-09 11:58:25 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 0 2

Funny, I always thought that it was so easy to argue the pro war crowd to silence because they cannot win an open debate on the ideas.

And the other responders are right, you are whining; because even Kerry who served was attacked by the pro war crowd for not being heroic enough. Whichever side does this it is childish and irrelevant.

People who have served are both for and against this war, whether they served makes no difference in how I weight their opinions. I would not serve, that's just me; I don't want to kill on command.

2007-06-09 12:15:33 · answer #4 · answered by ash 7 · 0 3

I believe you're oddly worded question is asking if your lack of military service still allows you to agree with the war. Yes, you can, just as I have never served in the military but it goes against my principles to allow thousands of my fellow Americans to die in a war that's creating more terrorists than it's killing.

2007-06-09 11:37:02 · answer #5 · answered by John S 3 · 0 2

Not all but many if not most of them can't see anything but their own ideas. In their line of thought, they are right and if you don't agree with them you are wrong. My girlfriend is a liberal and she is one of the smart ones. She sees things logically. She has corrected my thoughts on many matters but I know when to say I am wrong and so can she.

You keep up the good work and forget about all of the bashers on these boards.

2007-06-09 11:35:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm a liberal grandma. I can't serve in the military either. But that doesn't prevent me from knowing that this war is wrong.
You are entitled to your opinion but your statement "Of course the anti war crowd can't have an honest open debate of ideas. They'd lose every time." shows how closed your mind is to others opinions. If you want people to respect your opinion, you must at least treat others opinions with respect.

2007-06-09 11:19:19 · answer #7 · answered by katydid 7 · 5 4

No, they can't see our side of things. I try to see things from their side but I simply do not agree. They can call me what they will, I don't mind. But I try to never call them names. I let them do the name calling and I rise above it. Let me tell you sometimes it's hard. But I always feel better knowing I did not allow someone else to cause me to lower myself in anger. Even my responses to hate mail and death threats are written with amusement and are mild.

I would like to add that not all Liberals and Democrats stoop to that level...My best friend in the world is Liberal and she would be appalled by some of the behavior displayed on here in the name of her party.

2007-06-09 11:44:51 · answer #8 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 1 1


To all the bleeding heart liberal Democrats...and right wing neo-Nazi Republicans...LISTEN UP...You're all Fascists...with a capital F.

Your continued efforts to intimidate, insult, disparage and threaten people on the other side of the political fence is fascism pure and simple...and it's polarizing the nation. If it continues unabated, it will eventually jeopardize the existence of the greatest democracy the world has ever known. Congratulations!!!

Here's a thought...why don't YOU TRY AND ACTUALLY THINK FOR YOURSELF...at least once in a while...instead of moronically spewing forth the latest RNC or DNC BS rhetoric...and then acting like the "other side" is the sole cause of the problem.

As for your assertion that an "honest open debate of ideas" would lead to the other side "losing every time"...LOFL!! It's clear that you have never attended or even participated in anything that even remotely constituted a "real" debate. In a real debate you don't get to pose your BS strawman arguments...and you don't "win" by simply believing your right and then calling the other side names.

That's it...you liberals may go back to obsessing on how you plan to save the world...without a plan to pay for it...and you neo-cons please feel free to go back to waving the flag of Holier-than -thou Christianity...while not practicing what you preach.

Sad, pathetic little Fascists.

2007-06-09 11:31:12 · answer #9 · answered by widewillie 4 · 1 5

Lets hear you "ideas" why this war is the right war at the right time and the right place instead of your cry baby whining about us who are against this war. My idea is that preemptive attack against Iraq was unjust and immoral act and that 911 has been used for an excuse to wage war for the sake of corporate gain for America's elitists.

2007-06-09 11:39:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You have rights regardless of your medical condition.
The anti-war crowd shouldn't be condemned because they are against war.
If you are for people being blown to pieces, made lame, limbless and brain injured, homes destroyed, children left without fathers and mothers, cities bombed, soldiers committing suicide, deserting, being lonely, depressed, heartbroken, tired, weary and sad, while mothers are in constant anxiety, fathers are crying, etc., then it is you who desperately needs help not the anti-war crowd.
Get a life and a grip, but most of all get a brain.
You want glory while another pays the price of blood, pain and literally having his guts spilled out.
YOU want the glory while others physically, emotionally and mentally pay the price.
It is the soldiers paying the price, NOT the conservatives who talk about how much they love God, while THOSE Christ died for are dying a dozen a minute.
May God help you and your party because IT IS the Dem's who see reality, not the repubs.

2007-06-09 11:20:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

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