Darn, you've caught me there.
I confess ......
I've kidnapped a lovely muse for myself and locked her up in my closet. I got her to answer all the questions that struck my fancy, at gunpoint. Foolish, I know, because they're really immortal. But she seems to enjoy using my PC so, what the heck...
(Sorry, bad joke. They don't really exist, do they?)
To answer your question, yes, all my answers here came from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely want to share my thoughts and I have been having a blast here so far. I do admit I sometimes do a little bit of homework before answering so I won't get my terms or definitions wrong.
But yes. My answers came from me.....
Cute question, Enki... :-D
2007-06-09 03:20:12
answer #1
answered by shahrizat 4
Sometimes I copy something to go along with replies here-a type of reference. . But sometimes I have been accused of coping when I have not perhaps because we share the same vocabulary or it seems close.in idea--not hard to see why. How many ways can you say Goodbye??? I tend to answer by feelings--so it might be the way others feel.
If you mean as in New or beginning or novel-Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun--he was very wise.
An original idea is an Idea, which one person thought up wholly or partly independently of other people- so says it's definition--than I would say yes here--rarely does anyone help me with answers.
2007-06-11 00:11:07
answer #2
answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7
My ANSWER is original to me. But sometimes there are other 'originals' out there who think like me.
2007-06-09 22:59:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes... I have not copy pasted.
But of course nothing indeed is original except may be the Big Bang.... because original means whichever is its own origin and not derived from any other origin.
2007-06-09 10:19:13
answer #4
answered by small 7
We answerers post originals. Nothing but the best quality. Ask for us, and you will be given the best answers. Nobody can fake it.
2007-06-09 23:21:11
answer #5
answered by Qyn 5
Well they're original with me - but of course they stand on all that I learned from others, too. We are all the product of what has gone before, though we may add a little of our own for better or worse, unless we're only parrots.
2007-06-09 09:45:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am original.
2007-06-09 09:43:37
answer #7
answered by lovelet 2
If I have valid information from a source, that someone is asking for, no. (Never cut & paste, don't even know how.) But as in most of your questions, my "source" comes from deep inside, & I "feel" as I go along. That would have to be "original" would it not?
2007-06-09 18:56:26
answer #8
answered by Psychic Cat 6
No, my answer is based on what I have been taught, what I have observed from other's actions (good or bad) and what I have discovered in my own explorations of life. Our first goal in life is to find markers left by others. Our second goal in life is to get to a place where we can leave our own. Our final goal in life is to make sense of what we find there so we can leave some hint for whoever might find our marker in the future. Then, we change form and learn what our next phase of existence has in store for us. This playpen of a universe is to get us ready for reality. that's where the good stuff is!
2007-06-09 13:41:26
answer #9
answered by MUDD 7
Don't all answers originate from somewhere?
2007-06-09 10:24:50
answer #10
answered by Luxifer 3