I think so. They are not blood related.
2007-06-09 01:32:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Firstly in which country? All countries have different laws.
OK so the man and the women get married. Now are their kids grown-up already or not?
If the kids are grown up when the other two get married, then yes the kids can get married (and this has happened, to someone my mother knew actually).
If the kids are still children when the two get married, and the process is made for each to be legally adopted by the other parent, then no they can't get married because it is incest. Somewhat unfairly (as some couples in this situation would argue), step-siblings, despite not being of blood relation and often not meeting until age 15 or similar, can't get married.
2007-06-09 08:35:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Legally yes. There is no biological relationship between the two children, and they are STEP brother and sister. This situation could get a bit sticky though. Lets say the mother and father break up. I am sure the son would want to take his father's side, and the daughter would want to support her mother. This may make it very difficult not to lead to arguments between the son and daughter. However if they love each other, there is no legal or biological reason they cannot get married. I think they would simply have to agree between the four of them, that whatever happens between either couple, the other would take no sides, but would support both partners.
2007-06-09 08:52:57
answer #3
answered by sparrow 4
Now, if you are implying that the son and daughter are not blood related then OF COURSE they can marry each other, they will not have "something wrong with their child" if they are not blood related, nor will it be illegal (at least not in any area I know of).
As for it being gross, if they had grown up together knowing they weren't blood related, knowing they were just step-siblings, I don't see how that is gross at all? It's kind of nice, actually.
It's definately not unheard of either - there are always stories about this kind of thing in womens magazines.
2007-06-09 11:30:25
answer #4
answered by angeldrac 2
Yeh if the son n the daughter both want to get married they can & besides they arent blood related & they dont have a problem with being step brother/sister so why not.
2007-06-09 08:41:42
answer #5
answered by Love 4
If a man marries a woman can his son marry her daughter? Yes, if they are not of blood relations. Of course, I guess if you want to keep the family very close... Sounds like one heck of a situation going on. God bless****
2007-06-09 08:34:23
answer #6
answered by ? 7
if a man marries a woman, his son CAN marry her daughter...simple as that...there is no blood relation there...
i would think that if the son and daughter were raised together, it makes it a little too closely tied, but, there is nothing but society that says it is wrong
2007-06-09 09:18:39
answer #7
answered by uranus2mars 6
Technically,. yes. But its gross. The son would be marrying his step-sister, and not gaining any more family. Its just wrong, but I suppose legal since they aren't blood related, but I am sure the state will frown upon it. Where are you btw?
2007-06-09 08:34:00
answer #8
answered by Andi 2
EW. what is wrong people? is there a shortage of males and females out there that we have to start wanting the family members even if they are not blood related.
2007-06-09 08:36:36
answer #9
answered by beachgirl90 7
Well they are not blood related, but ethically it is sooo wrong.
The children would not only be siblings, but cousins also.
This could lead to much confusion.
2007-06-09 08:39:57
answer #10
answered by charlie B 4
no. the couple is married. and that means the child is already legally adopted.. that means it can not be done.. as much as they want to.. it's against the law.. its up to you if you are willing to sacrifice you happinesss for son and her daughter.ü goodluck!! i hope i can help!!ü
2007-06-09 08:35:18
answer #11
answered by Anonymous