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has power but i turn the key and nothing happens

2007-06-09 01:23:24 · 3 answers · asked by mark 1 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

3 answers

Year make model please there is a clutch switch that is pushed by a rubber grommet look on the floor do you see any rubber tan colored pieces? replace that grommet and the clutch switch will be pushed on and the car will start. To get to the dealer make sure your car is in neutral set the parking brake with one hand under tha dash and other on the key push the switch pin in and turn the key with the other hand. Auto transmission ? different things to cause no start. Let me know?

2007-06-09 01:31:50 · answer #1 · answered by John Paul 7 · 0 0

John Paul seems to know your Nissan well. Some basic battery checks you could also make are to replace any battery that is 5 or more years old. The pain and aggravation isn't worth it when they get older than that. Otherwise, you can't tell a good battery by simply looking at it and making sure it's shiny black in color. So if you don't have a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) to make sure the battery voltage reads 12.6 Volts after charging the battery (see Sears battery maintainer/ charger below) and waiting 1/2 hour for the surface charge to drain off, then you'll need to have your battery load tested at the auto store. The battery cables and connections are all important too, and you need to remove the battery cables once every year or so and clean them with a wire brush, especially inside the cable clamps and around the battery posts.

This battery charger can be conveniently plugged into your cigarette lighter, but you have to charge the battery all day or all night since it charges at only a 4 Amp rate.


2007-06-09 08:46:07 · answer #2 · answered by bobweb 7 · 0 0

If the lights go a lil dimmer then the starter maybe locked up.

If the lights don't go dimmer then the starter relay or fuse may be bad.

There's other things but those two are most likely. Check them and ask again if needed.

2007-06-09 08:28:59 · answer #3 · answered by Octal040 4 · 0 0

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