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my life dream is to do my very best for my daughter, and to try to give her the best possible life for herself, she has cerebral palsy, epilepsy and a few other wee problems, if i could see her living a happy, independant life with all she needs i would be satisfied, i muster the will to achieve this by just looking at her, great question, all the best from mandy in belfast.

2007-06-10 08:26:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 25 0

To answer this question, a person should relax. If there is the will, there is a way. Sure it sounds trite, but we can achieve more than we realize when put to the tests in life about what kind of person we are. Our brains are not completely communicating (all the circuits are not up and running) until we are about 23. By then most people have already made the BIG decisions such as whom to marry, where to live, more education, how many kids, job or career. WOW, and we are not even functioning at 100% yet !
I was happy, married and my life was pretty much planned out, but things happen and we change, morph, mutate, whatever our recovery capacity dictates. Then without warning I found an interest that is poignent, requires passion, rage, empathy and an infinite amount of drive; I went back to school.
Thirty some odd years between High School and Higher Education. In my second year I decided on Psychology, then Criminal Psychology, then Child Psychology, then public speaking. They all came together when I decided that I would like to teach and interact with communities about child abuse and neglect. There are so many warning signs, and so much can be done that I felt compelled to continue in this direction. We don't have to go out and rock the world, everyone makes a difference, and if you are happy and proud of your description of yourself then you are far ahead in the goals we create. Liking yourself and trusting your spouse will last longer than most careers or gossip.
Remember that you may have a talent that you did not know about and you may never discover it if you don't expose yourself to new experiences. I know a 73 year old woman who took two classes in painting with watercolors and now sells Christmas cards with her designs on them.
If you con't take a chance, you don't have a chance. Hope what you find brings you joy. Tess
I am a Jr. in a respected University now, and while it is not an easy thing, I keep looking at the big picture. I look at my life as if it is Thursday, and I cannot put off what I need to get done before Saturday night so I can do exactly what I want and rest all of Sunday. Heard of the "would-a could-a should-a's? Leave them for someone else.

2007-06-10 10:49:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The question should not be what is your life's dream, but what are your Life's dreams.

I am working on fulfilling many dreams.

I joined a local rock band in the mid eighties and learned about synthesizers by chance and still do some recording engineering on the side.
I became a cometitive ballroom dancer by birthright and chance when I was in my twenties.

After developing these two skills that are dreams to other people it became clear that dreams are not so hard to attain if realistic.

Now the real dream working began.
I always wanted to get a degree in science. I enrolled in college and after two false starts I ended up with a Bachelor's of Science in Zoology, Minor in Italian, and a Masters in biochemistry.

My new goal is to become a physician to help the spanish speaking population in the U.S. I am not of spanish or mexican decent but I see a need and want to fill it. I am in my second year at one of the most prestigious medical school in latin America, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.

Funds are tight, loans look big, but the end is near and this dream will come true like others.

In order to muster the will to acheive any goal, dream, endpoint you must first ask people who have achieved your dream. Then make a realistic plan, when that doesn't work make an unrealistic plan, and when that doesn't work; just go and do it anyway.

Who would have though that a long haired rock keyboardist and ballroom dancer would become a full fledged scienctist and soon to be doctor.

2007-06-09 19:43:01 · answer #3 · answered by Asclepius 3 · 2 1

Good question. First off, you need to get off of the couch if you're gonna find you dream! If you want it bad enough, you gotta be willing to put in the hard work for it! You also need to ask yourself the question as to wheter or not your dream really is achieveable. It might not be; I probably will never become the next World Wrestling Heavyweight Champion (NO, that's not my dream - just a bad example.) If your dream is achieveable, it then needs to be translated into action. At this point, it's a matter of planning, establishing timelines and milestones, and then determining the path by breaking everything down into small, manageable pieces then acting on each of them.

This is all good and fine, but the most important component to achieving a dream are burning desire, the deep-seated self confidence and knowledge that you really can achieve what you set your mind do, the knowledge and acceptance that you'll probably fall on your face a few times along the way, and the willingness to pick yourself up and keep moving along. Without this, you'll never get off of the couch.

Personally speaking, I'll probably never fly an F14, but with enough practice and hard work, I bet I could get to the point where I had my turbine ratings and could fly some other pretty cool toys. And maybe if I play my cards right, I could actually land my dream job of being a private pilot for VIPs. And I'm slowly, surely on my way now.

2007-06-10 02:39:46 · answer #4 · answered by Charlie 4 · 1 0

Part two is with my share of the earnings, once all family bills are satisifed I would like to set a philanthropy for those people who fall through the cracks.

The single mother that needs her car fixed so she can get to school and what ever. The family that needs a new roof, the child that need a special opertion, the third world village that needs a new water well, a school that needs to be refurbished.

Based not upon requests but upon research that I would hire someone to searchout and validate. Often times a $100 dollar gift will do more good than millions if applied at the right time and place.

I guess this is my frist dream and to get there I need to get the mine up and running.

We have all the processing equipment to process/concentrate the material once we can get it to the mill. Once concentated it will be sent to a refinery for final processing and sale. This has been a hard 5 year project to get this far, because we are paying for everything as we go.

How do I/we muster the will, one day at a time one step at a time one action at a time. Just worry about today and forget about the past and not worry about the future, just do what I can do today. Taking it easy one day at a time.

2015-10-31 14:06:50 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

As opposed to the other answers on this page...mine may appear a bit more selfish.. My life dream is to graduate as great doctor, so that I can take care of my family. As a physician, our goal is to avoid illness, heal the illness and provide comfort. With the help of God, this is exactly what I want to do.

I have all the will power I need to achieve my goal and I have the support of a loving husband. Thinking about the changes I would make in those patients' lives is another major factor that boosts my will.

You've got an interesting question here... what is YOUR dream? And how do YOU muster the will to achieve it?

2007-06-11 00:57:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anna S 2 · 0 0

My dream life is to have the opportunity to write. I had been so busy with my career over the last 20 years that I never seemed to have the time to dedicate myself to that endeavor and so I let that dream go to the wayside. Now it seems I will have some time on my hands since I've been injured. This is now my third injury in my professional career. Maybe, rather than feeling so lost and defeated, I should pick up pen and paper and make use of this time. Yea, maybe someone is trying to tell me something...for the third time! As for mustering up the will to achieve it, believe in your dream and let your dream be your passion then mustering the will to achieve it will not even be an issue.

2007-06-10 20:34:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I want to write at least one major work that impacts the lives of others the way that my life has been changed by my favorite works of literature.

Being a writer and a mom and working full time isn't always easy. Sometimes writing time is crammed into the half hour right after the kids are in bed and I fall into a dead, exhausted sleep. Sometimes I'm in my study typing along, picking up momentum, just getting into a good scene and the door flies open and my two year old marches in shouting "got a butterfly sticker" or "open pop! open pop! open pop please!"

Sometimes even though I enjoy my job, eight hours of work sucks all the creativity out of me. I sit down at my desk feeling husked, whipped. Less like a brilliant Pulitzer-winning writer and more like the banana peel my toddler left under my car seat and I didn't find until two days later.

I write anyway.

Sometimes I sit at my computer and sit and drink three cups of tea and sit some more (and then I have to get up and go to the bathroom) and then I sit back down again and after two hours I get a paragraph. When I read the paragraph after I'm done I realize not only was it just one paragraph, it wasn't a very good one.

I keep writing.

Why do I persist? How?

I'm a stubborn person, for a start, and my kids have taught me what's important in life (ice cream and being good to one another), and I realize after having spent most of my childhood in third world countries that I'm very, very lucky. I have a house, a job, two beautiful children, enough to eat, clean water, health care and time - not a lot sometimes, but some, some - to write.

I have something to say.

Having these things, being granted the gift of this privileged life and a voice, as well as living in a place where I am not only free but encouraged to say what I like... makes it impossible not to write, in the end.

Over the years, I chip away at a career. I have things published, here and there.

I persist, because am able to.

And I'm an artist, and a mother, and a voice in the world and I cannot imagine doing otherwise.

2007-06-10 12:31:59 · answer #8 · answered by lotusice 4 · 1 0

mine is a two part dream. I am currently in the process of developing a small but lucrative gold mine. All permits and legal requirements are filled, I just lack earthmoving equipment, which I am going to have to lease/purchase.

That is part one, to get the mine up and running.

Part two is with my share of the earnings, once all family bills are satisifed I would like to set a philanthropy for those people who fall through the cracks.

The single mother that needs her car fixed so she can get to school and what ever. The family that needs a new roof, the child that need a special opertion, the third world village that needs a new water well, a school that needs to be refurbished.

Based not upon requests but upon research that I would hire someone to searchout and validate. Often times a $100 dollar gift will do more good than millions if applied at the right time and place.

I guess this is my frist dream and to get there I need to get the mine up and running.

We have all the processing equipment to process/concentrate the material once we can get it to the mill. Once concentated it will be sent to a refinery for final processing and sale. This has been a hard 5 year project to get this far, because we are paying for everything as we go.

How do I/we muster the will, one day at a time one step at a time one action at a time. Just worry about today and forget about the past and not worry about the future, just do what I can do today. Taking it easy one day at a time.

2007-06-10 06:29:22 · answer #9 · answered by auhunter04 4 · 0 0

My dream in life is to do something for the poor and the ones who are suffering! I want to spread education so that people can recognize what's good and what's not, so that every one can live in peace! I want to make a world without wars a world full of love and empty of hatred and suffering. I know its impossible and I also know that it can never be achieved but as they say we need to learn how to dream! I will try my best even though my contribution will be small and will be like a drop of water in the ocean but I will still try!
Second part of this question (how do i muster the will!) I dont need to muster it whenever I see anyone smiling i feel happy and I want to give those smiles to everyone!

2007-06-09 11:34:05 · answer #10 · answered by cheetah 3 · 0 0

Elisabeth, I want to tell you that you are one of my favorite actresses!! I have loved watching you perform in movies since I was young.

Now to your question. My dream in life has been happiness. I have acheived that dream. Now it's sustaining that happiness. I always look at things from a positive point of view, even when something goes wrong I look at it as a situation that I can learn from and then what can I do to make it better. It's really not a dream that I had to muster the will to acheive. It's something that has always been a goal, even before i knew it was a goal.

I have seen some very hard things in my life, but through it all I always kept a positive attitude (usually) about the situations I was in. And even if at the time I didn't have a positive attitude, I came out of it stronger and happier in the long run. I always remember this phrase:

Everything I have experienced has made me who I am today. Everything I will experience will make me who I will become.

With remembering this I know that the happiness I have right now has come from not only learning, but hard work to be where I am today and have the great relationships that I have today. My husband, my son and my unborn child are all part of my happiness. Smelling someone cutting the grass (even though I have allergies) is such a nice scent, watching two people walking hand in hand, seeing two older people that are still married and very much in love, children playing, adults laughing. All the good and bad memories I have remind me so much of everything that I have in my life.

I could look at the bad things that I have experienced and accept defeat OR I can take those experiences and make things better from what I have learned of them.

I choose the latter.

2007-06-09 05:05:54 · answer #11 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 5 1

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