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Bush is one of the strongest and most tough Presidents we have had in many years. He attacks countries that are a threat to America, and destroys danger. Our enemies, like Russia and Iran, are afraid of Bush because they know that if they do something, their country will be a parking lot in 20 minutes. That is the way it should be. Liberals try to talk things out, which makes our enemies laugh and unafraid. Bin Laden supports the Democrats because they want us to stop fighting our enemies and run away. Real Americans fight until all of our enemies are dead.

2007-06-08 08:59:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

Dude he is crying like a baby cause he has a stomach ache. Don't you watch the news before you post how tough President belly ache is.

IF Iran is scared how come they never gave up the spys and keep making nukes and why is putin pimpin the president to remove his lame missle defense system

2007-06-08 09:02:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I don't think that the libs are tough, i think that they are a bunch of chickens that can't stand the fact that there are ppl out there that will fight to make things right.
Like i have said a million times over, the only good things about a liberal is they are there for a good laugh.Seriously, just listen to one start ranting and raving one time, dang by the time they are done you will be laughing so hard you'll be rolling on the floor. They make no sense. They think that everything should be done with a hug and a kiss, and a little makeup sex later.
Seriously now, i agree with you about Bush though. Now he is tough. I would hate to have his job, though there are so many ppl out there who think that they can do it 10x better.

2007-06-08 09:13:15 · answer #2 · answered by Squeakers 4 · 1 1

Well the liberal newspaper reporters and media think they have the ability to say anything they want to get a story. I understand how you feel. He has been taking a lot of crap from the liberals. My answer term limits for career politicians. Attack liberals on every front because just for a change they will allow socialism. Oh and watch out for the conservatives not doing there jobs either. Look at McCain-he is just a transplanted democrat.

Hey whatever happened to the good democrats like hubert humphrey?

2007-06-08 09:10:43 · answer #3 · answered by ab2623 2 · 0 1

Look I am sorta liberal and I am tough. Everyone is tough as they need to be. How about Lincoln Chafee Republican that voted AGAINST the war, grilled all of the intelligence people for screwing up. Scorns the left and the right. Now that is a Senator. Too bad Bush cost him his office in 06.


2007-06-08 09:18:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


The average Liberal:

Believes that the government should be in the business of conducting social agendas. Theirs of course (distributing condoms to grade schoolers, etc.)

Believes that the only solution to problems, like the crisis in education is to throw lots of money at it.

Thinks that a 14 year old girl should have an abortion without telling her parents, because of the constitutional 'right to privacy' (something that is NOT spelled out in the constitution).

Believes that all privately owned guns should be banned and confiscated. After all, the framers of the constitution really did NOT mean what they said in the 2nd Amendment (notice how we change the constitution when it suits their needs.)

Wants to keep a 45 year old man who has raped and murdered children alive forever and 'rehabilitate' him. When he rapes and kills again, wants to blame it on a bad childhood.

Believes that 'alternate' energy is the only solution to the energy crisis. But like Robert Kennedy Jr., only so long as it is not in my back yard.

Keeps the trial lawyers strangle hold on the justice system alive and well. No tort reform, no 'loser pays' (which by the way, is the norm in ALL of Europe).

Believes that the United States of America is evil, imperialistic, and in its current state has nothing redeemable to offer the world what so ever.

Believes that the USA should immediately become exactly like Denmark, Britian or another socialist country.

Thinks medicine should be socialized, EXCEPT for the plastic surgeons who give them their botox shots every week.

Illegal immigrants should have the vote (because we KNOW they'll vote for the government to give them free medical care, education, etc., which means more taxes, bigger government).

Brags that they embrace diversity, yet when you disagree with them, are more vehement and angry than any conservative.

Does that sound "tough" to you?

2007-06-08 09:08:14 · answer #5 · answered by ganjaman415 3 · 2 1

Iraq certainly isn't a "parking lot", and we've been there for 4 years. Hell, even the latest intelligence report out states that the war in Iraq is creating more terrorists than we're killing and that any success we see there is "uneven at best".

I'm afraid Iraq has become quagmire that we are slowing being absorbed by.

I'd rather be smart than tough, personally. Using your head often allows you to avoid HAVING to be tough.

2007-06-08 09:06:17 · answer #6 · answered by Athena 3 · 1 1

Iran is already supplying terrorists in Iraq with weapons, Syria and Pakistan are hiding them and helping the insurgents. And Lebanon is letting Hamas run amok. And your tough guy president that promised to take out anyone involved in terrorist activity has done what to them? Did I fall asleep and miss an attack somewhere?

2007-06-08 09:18:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You made some stable observations and have been given me thinking approximately this. Republicans have on no account gotten previous the "Reefer insanity" mentality. they're being stable conservatives whilst they don't want to alter regardless of info that the ban on marijuana is not greater clever than prohibition replaced into with alcohol. And the Republican combat against differences in tobacco use to house non-human beings who smoke and wellness matters linked with it is likewise consistent with conservatism,merely keep on retaining on. We individuals have been smoking tobacco products because we've been given off that Mayflower and we intend to maintain doing it. So there! Democrats are additionally being authentic to their form as progressives whilst they help those newfangled suggestions that 2d hand smoke harms and tobacco reasons ailments. and probably progressives settle for the concept that incarcerating human beings for marijuana use has gotten us nowhere in this loopy conflict on drugs. the version between the two methods:Republicans desire an outright ban on marijuana use,while Democrats settle for regulations on tobacco use. And a huge distinction that's.

2016-11-27 03:21:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LOL! Good one! Bush is as tough as his military record. Bin Laden LOVES Bush. He is a coward and a bully. He sat frozen for 7 minutes after being told that America was under attack - coward. He attacked acountry that was really no threat at all while lying to the American people by leading them to believe Hussein was responsible for 9-11 - Bully.

If he is "tough" in your eyes (like Limbaugh, Cheney, Savage, and the other draft dodgers) you need to lay off of the kool-aid.

To answer your question, liberals ARE tough and cons are, well, cons in that they con you into thinking they are tough, but they are complete cowards and full of fear.

2007-06-08 09:06:15 · answer #9 · answered by Arbgre555 5 · 2 3

Real americans defend our country (meaning the one you are standing on) until our enemies are dead. Problem is we haven't fought a war on our soil since we killed the last indian. Bush is a wimp who fights wars with his mouth and your children. He joined the National guard to avoid Vietnam and then sent them to Iraq. What a hero.

2007-06-08 09:14:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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