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In the beginning two players are asked to leave the gym, one comes back. The other player "Buddy", mysteriously comes back without our knowledge in time for the playoffs. Does anyone understand this? Also, why did the players hesitate in the state finals when the coach called his last play before Jimmy said "I'll make it"?

2007-06-08 03:13:35 · 5 answers · asked by Scott B 7 in Entertainment & Music Movies

Suzy: I know, but it's really bugging me. The just released DVD doesn't do much to provide the answers I'm looking for either.

2007-06-08 03:30:03 · update #1

5 answers

The answer to the first question you asked is they deleted the scene where Buddy makes his apology because it seemed redundant. The answer to the second question is they have a dramatic pause there to show that the team believed that Jimmy should take the shot and they trusted that he would make it. It is also the belief that none of them want to be the one who missed the shot and cost them all a tournament.

2007-06-09 08:18:10 · answer #1 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 0 1

I found this on IMDB. Don't know how reliable it is. My guess is that he just decided to come back and they just didn't show it. Maybe when Jimmy joined up.
From IMDB:
"Continuity: In the first practice, Buddy and Whit both quit the team. Soon after, Coach Dale allows Whit to rejoin the team at the request of Whit and his father. But later in the season and through the tournament, Buddy is also playing on the team, even though he was never showed rejoining the team. A deleted scene with Buddy rejoining the team was cut to reduce the film's running time."

2007-06-08 04:29:25 · answer #2 · answered by coleslaw1017 2 · 0 0

wish i could give you all your answers but i haven't seen that movie since in at least 10 years

2007-06-08 03:27:36 · answer #3 · answered by *Suzy-Q* 4 · 0 2

i havn't got a clue

2007-06-08 04:03:43 · answer #4 · answered by steve h 2 · 0 2


2007-06-08 03:22:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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