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i'm a 15 years old, and i'm from Palestine the country that some ppl doesn't think its a country,the country that some ppl say about its ppl terrorists, its where u think that israel is just so innocent and so good and thats its fighting that bad guys..well IT'S NOT..israel isn't the good thing around here and israel is the terrorist ..even though that till now i lived there only 15 years but I've seen israel's true face more than anyone did...i've seen my uncle taken to jail and beaten to death for just standinging in a place where ppl threw rocks ...and my uncle getting shot right between the eyes right in fron of us..and my grandma telling the isreali soldier to get the hell out of here house cuase its enough they've taken hr sons and her land..and my friend getting killed ..and why..cuase she's a PALESTINIAN girl cause as they say the daughter of terrorist ppl ....

2007-06-07 21:36:53 · 17 answers · asked by someone 3 in Politics & Government Politics

and i've seen 6 years old boys don't even know wats like to play normally with the other kids cause they were born when their village got torn down...and a young and new born child getting shot in a heart even though she's just 6 month old...and then we r the terrorists...how could that be

2007-06-07 21:38:06 · update #1

i know that maybe a hundred question like that got posted..but every time i get surprised by the answers...

2007-06-07 21:39:14 · update #2

slyn nice answer...but need more words

2007-06-07 21:42:35 · update #3

and ofcours here i'm talking about the lives of Palestinians

2007-06-07 21:47:43 · update #4

thanks but i don't need u guys to be sorry..i just want u to know the truth..cause lately no body seems to know it..or even want to think about it

2007-06-07 21:49:19 · update #5

supaypahuahua who r u exactly talking about?

2007-06-07 21:50:27 · update #6

Unsure u said fighting for something that ain't ours..we're not that stupid..i admit that we didn't make it officially our land till it was too late..but its our documents say..and we've been their forever..how could u expect us to leave..israel came and claimed that the land is for them over some reasons that non of them exist ..and u know wat i'm talking about...i don't know the word in English but its the place they said must be under the Aqsa but never fund it..which means its not true..and the land isn't for them

2007-06-07 21:55:04 · update #7

culture_warrior18 u and i have a bad history so i won't say anything to u..at least no more than wat i said before cause u won't open up...so don't bother write more details cause i won't even bother to read..sorry

2007-06-07 21:57:01 · update #8

culture_warrior18 and i became 15 this week...ever heard of birthday

2007-06-07 21:57:37 · update #9

and i was never 47 i was 14 ..and i'm no liar..so u get over ur self..and ur fighting like a 6 years old..

2007-06-07 21:58:32 · update #10

i know thet maybe after a million years if i kept saying the same thing no body will want to lsn or care...but i'll keep posting questions like that..just to show u culture_warrior18 how bad and wrong u could be

2007-06-07 22:04:11 · update #11

culture_warrior18 ur very hopeless i don't need ur pity i said it before..just want u to know the facts..simple as it is

2007-06-07 22:12:41 · update #12

Locutus say wat ever u want about me..but don't come near bringing up my parents...and we're not terrorists ....can u hear wat ur saying..have even read wat i wrote...

2007-06-07 22:19:48 · update #13

culture_warrior18 u keep saying we're pigs and garbage..and wat that makes u...when u stop acting like a jerk i'll talk to u...do u even hear ur self..imagine talking like this to ur sister or daughter..would u want that..i'm not ur enemy ..never will be..sos top acting like that..i know that i'm no sister or daughter to u..but...oh forget it..u won't lsn anyway

2007-06-07 22:23:14 · update #14

promote hate..interesting..and how did i do that?

2007-06-07 22:32:04 · update #15

and we do fight ..we fight for our right to live...we fight for having a home again after it got stolen from us...so yes we fight...

2007-06-07 22:33:44 · update #16

and don't make being 15 as something little cause at 15 u can do alot of things...and i'm not promoting hate..i just told u how we live everyday...is that a problem to u?

2007-06-07 22:35:14 · update #17

Chery thanks...i really thanks...u can't imagine how tired i got of the whole thing..and ppl like unsure keep asking for proof..i got it but not with dates and names..cause i hated the history class..and i keep searching on the internet..but still get me very tired...so...ihope someday i'll be heard in a good way

2007-06-07 22:42:48 · update #18

wild-man of Borneo u said someone is looking it through..who..cause don't u think 60 years were enough to look in this case..and till now nothing..the hell is still there...

2007-06-07 22:45:32 · update #19

17 answers

someone, you truely are someone. *hugs*
I agree with you 100%. I am not of Arab descent but I began studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict 5 years ago and I am deeply concerned about your life and the lives of all Palestinians. I know what is happening there and the nightmare your people are living. If you look at my profile you will see by my answers that I fight for your people at every turn. I have educated many and I will not stop. Many here on YA sends me msgs asking me for websites and asking what's going on because many people here in the US knows that our government is lying to us as I'm sure the Israeli government lies to her people as well. The blame falls on the Israeli government and also on the US government for allowing the occupation, and the terror brought by the IDF.
I want you to know that you have a voice in the US because I will not stop raising this issue, I refuse to bow to untruths.


2007-06-07 22:35:23 · answer #1 · answered by Chery 5 · 8 4

what's happening? harmless little ones are being killed and on an identical time being categorized terrorists. they're suffering to stay to tell the story whilst the Israeli Occupying Forces systematically attempt to ethnically cleanse the finished area. the super partitions style outdoors prisons. in the event that they raise a finger in reaction they're branded "terrorists" and the worldwide looks to nod in contract. what's happening in Palestine isn't the paintings of "God's chosen human beings", yet quite the Israelis are appearing extra like people who persist with an entity lots distinctive and from a lots warmer climate. Your son's perception is a consequence of being living house schooled by making use of an sensible lady, your self, and not being brainwashed like something of this united states of america. you ought to be very pleased with him. Pray for peace in Palestine.

2016-10-07 02:34:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry about your Uncle.

I have heard about this kind of thing before before.I am from the UK and have friends who fled here from Palestine because of what your describing.

I have no time for Israel,it's an evil fake country that should never have been re-created and I hope the Palestinians get their country back soon.

Don't give up hope because of some of the idiots who answered you with pro-Israeli rubbish.They don't know or refuse to believe what Israel is doing.

2007-06-08 16:46:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Sorry, kid, but there are Arabs who know just a little bit more than you and have read some history too.

The following is the statement of a Muslim Arab:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to benefit from the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before.


2007-06-08 00:33:44 · answer #4 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 1 8

Wow! Truly strong stuff, i am so glad that you ask this question. Don't be discourage by some or lots of answers to insult you, those poor people are brainwashed slaves and totally in dark when it comes to global politics. I know because i lived in Middle East for many years, and i know a 15 years old from ME knows twice as much as a 30 yr old in US who has never traveled and discover the facts. But I know about the conflict in your country, Israel is truly a violator of human rights. But it is under complete support of US. As the matter of the fact Israel is US arm of aggression in the ME.
I salute you for your courage, don't give up and keep on fighting, you will get your country and your Independence back soon.

Best Regards to you and viva Palestine.

2007-06-08 04:03:37 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 6 3

Dear someone, I want to invite you to really be somebody. As far as my knowledge goes, Palestines invaded the land where you live now. Why fight for what's not yours? Why not find a place that welcomes you instead. I don't see the reasoning behind fighting to be accepted, when your people is killed and tortured. I know Israel is not the only country your people are fighting to live, but so it is Lebanon. Look at what's going on here in the USA. Illegals are seen as criminals for coming to a country without an invitation and legal status.

Well, the same thing applies to those who try to take by force someone elses land. You're young, perhaps your generation can break free from misleading ideologies and go settle where you can live in peace and acceptance.

If you think I'm wrong, show me factual historical evidence that shows that you people have rightful possesion of the land that you're now settle.

Again, you haven't show any proof. At this point I don't belive you're a 15 yr. old girl. What's are your intentions really? Awarness, I don't think so. Stop using this site to promote hate. What I meant to say is, if you're people are really fed up, do the things right and get better leaders that will help you find peace and land where you are able to settle without being agrevated. Otherwise, you're just showing the world to be stubborn and close minded. Don't tell me you don't fight, though, cause you guys do too.

2007-06-07 21:50:45 · answer #6 · answered by Unsure 3 · 2 7

First of all, I kind of doubt all the stories you're telling here, quite frankly. Secondly, you seem to be implying that there was nothing done to Israel to provoke any of this backlash. While I do feel that Israel has been going overboard lately, you need to look at the full picture to understand what's happening. You leave out the suicide bombers at bus stops, schools, cafes and supermarkets who force the average Israel citizen (Including many children, like your alleged friend) to live in a state of perpetual fear. You leave out the indoctrination you would have had if you're really a 15 year old Palestinian teaching you nothing except that Israel is evil and must be destroyed. You leave out that Israel was willing to accept the UN partition plan, and if Palestine had done so also, you'd have had a state for 60 years now.

Also, if you really are just 15, its too bad you're not old enough to remember what life was like for Palestinians before the intifada. Under Israeli rule, Palestinians had the most rights of anyone in the Muslim world, were able to work freely in Israel, and basically were treated better than any of your Arab brethren. But that's a fact, so you probably never learned it in your school.

2007-06-08 02:19:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 7

Palestine is a country without a territory because their land is occupied by Israel. Thus, the Palestinians must not stop their struggle to get their land.

2007-06-07 23:53:08 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 11 1

The UK is powerless, the conservative elite accuse the left in britain of anti semitism if they criticise isreali policy, or try to make this a political issue ..

2007-06-07 21:50:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle. My condolences.

First and foremost, we are all human. Palestine needs a state, I agree with you. I honestly don't know how that will happen - I do know whoever escalates violence is always making things worse and that violence is never the solution.

2007-06-07 21:46:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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