2007-06-07 19:23:47
answer #1
answered by teanna l 2
i do believe that some prophecies are true. however i think that people who prophecy take advantage of the fact that people will listen to them when they tell of the end of the world because everyone wants to know if it will happen far aways or in their time. i do think how ever that no matter what a said prophecy has foretold the world will come to an end no matter what someone says. God has already chose the date it will happen and it is written in stone; now maybe a prophet has come up with the same date and maybe a prophet hasn't. the only way to find out is to be here when it actually happens and know one but God himself knows of the exact date.
2007-06-15 14:37:15
answer #2
answered by Kate D 1
Bible prophecies always come true. If they don't, God would be lying, right? And God does not lie, he abhors liars in fact. Some prophecies have already come true and is continuing to reveal themselves as the days and the years pass by. No one can prevent them from happening.
2007-06-15 01:41:33
answer #3
answered by annabelle p 7
Eventually, the world WILL come to an end because the sun will expand to a red dwarf and consume the Earth in a fiery death. Life on Earth will have gone by then. The reality is that the "world" ends for YOU when YOU die, because then you are no longer "of this world". This applies to everyone.
2007-06-07 19:25:06
answer #4
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
Yes, there is still hope
One responder said that since it is a prophesy, it cannot be stopped
But what is known can be stopped, for there is a reason behing it to be known
It can be prevented, as we awaken as a whole to our true Divinity, it is then fulfilled
that is its own purpose, we have jacked around for so long, now it is this process to make us spiritually mature in a sense
good question
2007-06-07 21:25:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Prophecies are still coming true. Read Nostradamus.
2007-06-13 11:41:22
answer #6
answered by simplesimon 5
it is very much out of our control if the world ends tomorrow or in a million years it is just an act of god
2007-06-14 15:04:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sure reyen why not, you story has a happier ending than a lot the the ones your mentioning...
2007-06-12 04:05:15
answer #8
answered by Jezmanrulz-PWC-WRW 5
^ No, I don't.
You have a good imagination, why don't you try writing a story about it, similar stories have been written but you could put your own spin on it. Maybe about parallel worlds.
2007-06-14 12:47:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. To be honest, I don't wonder or even care about stuff like that. I have better things to worry about.
2007-06-07 19:24:03
answer #10
answered by idog 2
Uh, if it can be 'stopped' or 'prevented,' IT'S NOT A PROPHECY.
By definition, it's got to happen to be prophetic.
2007-06-07 19:22:49
answer #11
answered by Anonymous