My friends husband helped me get a job at his work.We go to work together & one day he was telling me about their problems.One time I was surprised that he ask me to give him a b_ _ _ _ _ _. Then he stop asking me coz i said no,he said not to tell wife coz he might lose the kids.Then when i was at work one time & was alone in the are where nobody can hear you he ask for it &do it there.I said ok on his bday just to make him stop.He he has to put it in writing and make me sign i said no thats a promise.Then I ended up quitting my job but kept it to myself&then told my husband.he called me one day 7 want to come to my place i said no my husband is here.Told him to stop doing it.Then after 6mos he called me &said its his bday & ask me if i remember my promise.I told him promises are made to be broken.He said if i ever change my mind just callhim. He did not know i put it on speaker so my husband can hear it.I told his wife and of course he denied &said it was a joke.
13 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
now wife is so mad at me for telling her & her husband said that it was me who are saying about it. I told my friend to make him stop calling but she is so mad at me now. She trying to call up everybody that i am trying to ruin their family. I am just the victim here and now it looks like i am the bad person.
16:13:05 ·
update #1
the husband is firm in his story that it was all a joke. I am so mad that it all turned against me. God knows what happened and what he said to me that day. Right now, myfriends are divided some believe me and some believe them. My friend was so mad at me and said to everybody i am the want who wants to have a relationship so i can have a better life. I don't want or like her husband. I just told her this coz she is wondering why i dont go to their house, i dont call them anymore. please help..
16:16:21 ·
update #2
Sweetie, by going along with his jokes in the begining, instead of giving him the frown and telling him upfront that you were seriously asking him to stop harassing you about it because you were so not interested in him and in hurting your friend, you opened the doors for him to continue with his ignorant games. I know you didn't mean it and perhaps didn't know how else to react, but now that you've finally let it out in the open and his wife knows, you did the right thing. It's her loss if she prefers to lose a friend over a looser of a husband she has. One day she will wake up and realize that she chose the wrong person to side with, but you should do your part in moving along with your life without her, until she realizes what mistake she made. At least you told your husband and he heard if with his own ears. Your marriage should be fine and that's all you should be worried about. Next time, though.... just a word of advice.... don't tease a guy with 'on your birthday' as he will continue to harass you, as he thinks he's got a slim chance, since he didn't get a straight firm 'no' to begin with.
2007-06-07 16:21:31
answer #1
answered by Faith . 4
You aren't a bad person but you aren't as innocent in this story as you think. You gave this horny guy just enough encouragement to keep him going. You told him you would blow him on his birthday - he thought to himself, 'Now, that's progress!' Then when he wanted to come over to your house, you answered him, No because your husband was there. He thought to himself, 'Well, her husband won't always be there. I'm getting closer to getting it on with her.'
And why wouldn't he think these thoughts? Because you couldn't say No clear and loud so that he understood that it was out of the question, ever - not on his birthday, not when your husband wasn't home, never ever.
Your coy 'Promises are made to be broken' remark only made him think you were a tease. The biggest promise he was asking you to break was your promise to be faithful to your husband. A promise to be broken.
You played along enough and then you thought you caught him in a trap. Are you really surprised that it all blew up in your face?
I don't know how close you are to having casual sex with people you don't even like that much. But with this guy, you acted like it was a possibility, no matter how small.
Because it was a work situation at first, I'd say you lack confidence in yourself to keep your job and feel secure without exchanging sex if you had to. That's pretty bad.
But when it wasn't a work situation any more, you were still taking calls about this matter and not hanging the phone up as soon as he started badgering you for sex. In that case, I'd say you might have been enjoying teasing him.
Just try to learn from it and hold yourself higher in the next situation that comes up like this. Good luck with it. I think the relationships are probably irreparable all the way around.
2007-06-07 16:28:48
answer #2
answered by kathyw 7
Best Friend Trouble
2016-11-08 15:41:18
answer #3
answered by ? 6
I would leave it alone. You are better off without them as friends. He will do it again to another woman and someday he will get caught again. His wife will look back and know you were telling the truth. If you try and mend this friendship it will just be heartache all the time. You would have to continue to be around this man. I have no idea why you would want to be around him ever again. I know you want your friends to know you are not lying. I am sure they will all see him for who he truly is eventually. The best thing you can do for your friend is pray for her. If she believes this jerk she needs as many prayers as she can get. I think I will pray for her and you too.
2007-06-07 16:24:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Can people you're not friends with on Facebook poke you?
2017-03-28 04:23:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
How to ask a white girl out?
2017-02-06 20:48:46
answer #6
answered by ? 6
10 very fast points? Is she a good friend.?
2016-10-14 02:54:54
answer #7
answered by ? 6
Let it go.
He has his wife fooled and there is nothing that you can say or do that will change this.
The more you try the more it will look to her and others that what he is saying is true.
2007-06-07 16:16:23
answer #8
answered by zen522 7
never get in a car alone unless it is your husband no man in the universe can be trusted. did you learn your lesson? ignore those people who cares what they think.
2007-06-07 16:17:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hiiiiiii i want a friend of usa ?
2016-11-06 17:43:23
answer #10
answered by Alfredo 6