Research has show that people's temperament does not change. They may be able to adapt to situations, but their temperament will never change.
For example, a "shy" child will always be shy, but as they get older, they may be able to adapt to situations and be able to talk and interact around people.
2007-06-07 15:35:25
answer #1
answered by beb 5
Your friend is a pessimist and an idiot. Of course people change. They change every day. Your mind changes, and your body changes. Every second something is different if you really want to get technical.
As for people changing for the worst, that is his opinion and maybe because of those he associates with. Is he in his teens by any chance? Or into Dark clothing? ;)
This applies for a lot of other people too but for the first 15 years of my life, I changed everyday for the better. Then for the next 7 or 8 I changed everyday for the worst. For the last 4 to 5 years I have been changing daily again, and for the better once again as well.
That can either be a really stupid question or a deep thought all at the same time..... Good Luck with your enlightenment.
2007-06-14 23:36:00
answer #2
answered by Dizzle O' Diddy 3
Oh yes, people change. Some for the better & some for the worse. Every minute of our lives and every person we meet & every event , changes who we are, how we think, & the decisions we make. Some learn from things, become stronger & wiser and evolve everyday striving to be a better human being. Others seem to be hardened by the bad & miss all the good and tend to get worse with time.
So I say you are both right
Good Debate!
2007-06-14 21:22:13
answer #3
answered by Raphesmama 3
People must change to move through lifes changes. People adapt to situations either self imposed or thrust upon them. The basic character of a person does not change. I had the chance to get together with a women I dated when I was 23. I dated her in high school, too. She was always a selfish and self centered person. Now, 20 years later, she has a good job, and she has had several relationships. She asked me "Why can't I find love?" My first thought was "It is because you have always been a very self centered and selfish person" So, the basic character of a person does not change, but they may change the way they deal with life as it comes down the road. Make sense? I dunno if I understand it. :)
2007-06-15 20:13:01
answer #4
answered by Irish Rider 1
Depends on the person. Some do, some don't. take my parents for instance. My father was and still is, perfectly content with working 9-5, fishing on weekends taking an occasional vacation and listening to his heavy metal. he had the same freinds personality and life goals since he became an adult.
My mother on the other hand grew tired of her routine and wanted something new. They got a divorce. My mother, although she still has the same personality has become more confident. She was sheltered living with my father.
It depends on lifes course and each individual experience that make us who we are. So yes, some people change.
2007-06-15 12:45:08
answer #5
answered by smartin1248 2
Yes people definitely change!!!!
you can change for the better
we change with evolution
if we could not change then addicts would not be in recovery
and people with mental health would not get better
it is hard to change, people stay the same things stay the same people judge and people have expectations people cannot accept change it is different
that is why addicts are always known as addicts and people with mental health will always have mental health, our bodies adapt our mind adapts
but if we stop doing one thing if we decide not to do this anymore or physically carnt do things anymore, a certain way, our mind and bodies will find other ways
I believe in opposites so i say YES WE CAN CHANGE but no we carnt, i think the answer is we adapt, we grow, sometimes we have choices and other times we dont they point is if someone wants to walk on the other side of the road they can,
if someone has been walking on the same side of the road all their life, then choosing to walk on the other side one day is going to be difficult but it can be done
If people continuely get told they cannot change then they arent even gonna try unless it is to proove you wrong but they have to do it for themselves.
if your friend says they change for worse, then in that case they can change for better i would say, tell your friend that and that if they dont want to change that then that is upto them it is there life
2007-06-15 17:37:33
answer #6
answered by serious sarah 2
People definatly change. If that wasn't the case, then every perfect high school romance would work out every time. I don't think people change dramatically over the course of a lifetime, but they change little by little..over time.
2007-06-14 17:02:53
answer #7
answered by Shay_Shay03 4
I have to agree with you, people can change. I did. I quit smoking cigarettes and pot, became more serious about my life and my future, focus on my kids more, and I am a much more responsible person. I have had many people tell me just how good I have done and that they are proud of me. 4 years and counting!
2007-06-14 12:30:12
answer #8
answered by TC 2
People can change, for better or worse. In recent years, I have changes monumentally for the better, but I have also changed for the worse in some areas. Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.
2007-06-15 10:37:24
answer #9
answered by Just Nikki 3
Of course people change. I am a recovering alcoholic and I see changes in people every day. Mostly for the better.
2007-06-15 20:08:49
answer #10
answered by TDCWH 7