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i am trying to get my PSP to work on my computer. when i plug the usb in nothing happens, it doesnt recognize it or anything. the psp is even on usb mode, and it recognizes that its connected. but i need to find a way to go directly into the computer to open it i think. right now i only have a c drive and 2 cd drives. any help? thanks.

2007-06-07 14:32:46 · 2 answers · asked by rob w 2 in Computers & Internet Other - Computers

2 answers

If the PSP does not show up as a Removable Drive then you may want to make sure you have a PSP compatible USB cable. Just because it fits in the PSP does not mean it is compatible.

2007-06-09 20:13:34 · answer #1 · answered by mal 7 · 0 0

have you ever tried downloading the latest driving force application for the cd/dvd diskcontinual you put in. it may be so new that even your computing gadget does not recognize it because it is not in its reminiscence data as a make it recognises.

2016-11-07 21:58:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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