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i feel big brother was looking for a scape goat after the last time. so is it one rulr for one and another for the others?

2007-06-07 01:50:32 · 32 answers · asked by stephenweed04 2 in Entertainment & Music Music Rap and Hip-Hop

32 answers

It's all about the government and FCC
They said it's okay as long as it's got that White Steam sticker on it (Parental Advisory) or is bleeped from the radio...

It's all good... According to the government, and what they say, goes... Easy as that...

And if Y'all ain't feelin' it then start voting for better, more reliable people...

2007-06-07 03:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by DJ Mach Z-Ro 3 · 0 2

What is wrong with you people!! You obviously don't understand why the word n***** is used in hip hop, it is used because still today many people use the word to be racist, originating from slavery. Black rappers have taken the word and made it their own, to demonstrate their frustrations at the word in the first place. The word n***** is edited out on most if not all radio shows anyway, hence the reason why tracks always have to have a radio edit on them!!

2007-06-09 00:14:10 · answer #2 · answered by ANNIER 2 · 0 0

As far as I am aware it is not played on the radio so on this occasion it's not a double standard. I hate the word being used by anyone and don't care whether they claim it is n****a rather than n****r. I think anyone who does use it is ignorant regardless of whether they are white, black or otherwise. As for BB brother they did not stop it being aired so it was hardly banned. Also isn't it obvious that BB and radio are two different organisations with different rules. Different forms of media have different rules. For example, read a Stephen King novel, he is certainly not shy of using the N word.

2007-06-08 06:40:26 · answer #3 · answered by Stella 2 · 0 1

Am I the only person on here that doesn't give a flying f**k about this?
It's a word, and it's how it's used that's the problem not the word itself. They edit the word out on the radio anyway so what's your problem?
Big Brother was definitely looking for a scapegoat after the 'celeb' version, I'm with you on that one!

2007-06-08 08:10:12 · answer #4 · answered by mr_sinister 3 · 1 0

There's 2 different words, rappers aren't saying the n...ER word:
N...er: Foul and racist, originated as a racist term, still is.
N..ga: A word used affectionately, like: bruh, homie. There's lots of controversy over these WORDS, but lets not pretend that there aren't 2 different words, with 2 entirely different meanings. When was the last time you heard a black person call another black per n...er, with racial intent? NEVER, not in rap, and not on the street. Some black people have chosen to take a word meant to sting, and turn it around so that among each other, it doesn't mean that, in other words to say "IN YO FACE" to white racists. The more we fuss about that word as a culture in 2007, the more it STILL empowers the white racists, because THEY STILL USE THAT words as a racist dig. Racist people will hear all the controversy and think.. WOW, this word still bugs them that badly?? , and they will make SURE that's the exact word they say when thy want to insult us.
Ever heard a white racist say .. F you n...ga?? NO, that won't happen. They use the racist word n... er.
This is not a new thing.. it just became important to white folks when a white dude got fired.. prior to that they weren't saying jack about it.
There's something called "Cultural slang" and that is slang that can be used within certain communities among each other, and an outsider wouldn't dare or shouldn't dare say it. There's Aussie slang, English slang, Hispanic slang, Asian slang, even slang confined to neighbourhoods. We wouldn't toss their slang out at them, why? Because of respect, it's not OURS to use it, and if we said it, it would be offensive, because we are NOT part of their culture.
Similar "bad words" gone good:
Pimp: To be cool. To be flashy and popular with women. Pimp doesn't usually refer to the classic definition of pimp as a manager of prostitutes. In slang, to say "you're a pimp" is to pay a guy a complement.
Sick (sik) : Sik is a street term which means something that is good.
Bad: dope, good, tight

And I could go on, but you get the drift. In my opinion white folks need to stay worrying about what THEY SAY, and how THEY SAID it and continue to say it, and let our culture worry about what we do. They try to take anything they can away from us, and suppress us from speaking the TRUTH, which is what majority of rap is, the TRUTH about how some of us live, and the conditions we live in. As long as I know I'm not a ho, or , or B, I'm cool with it, they aren't talking about me, and they don't use the n....ER word in rap, so it's not an issue.
How you gonna let a culture that held us back for so long DITATE, what YOU say, and TELL YOU what YOU mean WHEN YOU SAY IT? That's lunacy....Quite empowering people who have been out to oppress and SUPPRESS us for hundreds of years.

There's my rant LOL... have a great one!☺☼♥♀

2007-06-07 03:39:22 · answer #5 · answered by ™Tootsie 5 · 1 1

there is a mixed opinion on this, and I believe ban those songs from the radio unless you buy a certain radio company that offers songs like those, but for the rest of us take it off! I see that it is racist for a white guy to call a black guy(not being racist just trying to make myself clear!) that is racist, ubt when two black people say it to each other, it is just a nickname! So one minute a black find it offensive and kick somebodies but for it and then goes around calling his buddies that. It is wrong! Take it out! For open discrimination like that is horrible! N***** shouldn't even be used! If it is going to turn into something nasty just stop using it! I am white, but I have mexican heritage! I am sad because I do havwe black friends and they say n***** to each other and because they say it so much I want to say it to and when I said it to them they got realy offended, so know they aren't my friends anymore! it was scary to see how they changed from laughing to scowling at me! I don't believe the word should ever be used! It causes too much violence and is led too much to be prejudice!-It is a dangerous world we live in, live one day, die the next!-It wasn't as scary as before!-Security is at an all time high!- When will we be able to comeout of our houses and not fear a robber, kidnapper, murderer, raper, or a dangerous person!-When....?

2007-06-07 02:04:21 · answer #6 · answered by nickthegeek15 2 · 0 1

Very simple. For the same reason a white person can go over the air using one of the few racial slurs there are for whites and not be reprimanded. I personally disagree with present use of the word, but it comes down to intent. Whites don't use it with good intentions.

For comparison, many blacks don't have a solid understanding of what really happened during slavery. Because of this, many blacks today believe that "cracka" is a slur against whites. The truth is slave masters loved to be called that, because they were "whip crackas".

2007-06-07 14:38:35 · answer #7 · answered by pure_genius 7 · 3 0

PC=Political Correctness by coincidence it also stands for Puerile Crap
Pretty Crazy
I could probably add dozens. Surely it's not what you say it's how you say it. My mate is a West Indian, I always greet him with Hi blackboy, and the reply is I'm cool Honky. What's the problem with people, we regularly end up Pi**ed together and slag each other off mercilessly but let anyone have a go at either of us and they're looking for trouble.

2007-06-07 04:40:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you really care about what happened to black people back in the day and feel sorry that the "N" word is still being used today?

Or do you just want to be able to say the word your self?

2007-06-07 19:51:02 · answer #9 · answered by sweetnbitter 3 · 1 0

Wake up and smell the stuff you're shovelling!
Imus didn't get thrown off CBS because of what he said. He got fired because of the CBS sponsors pulling our.
WHat does that mean to all of you people who are too young or too dumb to know about business? It means MONEY talks.

WHy don't rap artists get banned? BECAUSE THEY SELL RECORDS with what they say right now. If they're making money, then why would anyone who profits want that to change?

Every person who says CBS needed a scapegoat has not clue.

CBS needed to drop a man who was going to cost them advertising dollars.

2007-06-07 06:11:00 · answer #10 · answered by AgentZero 4 · 4 0

the n word is a word used as an insult 2wards black people if black peole use it to each other and claim they are takin back the word let them,none of my m8s use the word amongst themselves,then again they r older than tha kids who use them,havin grown up in the 70s an 80s.I spose wen u r gettin yr head kikd in by the n.f. while they call u the n word reminds them of the offence of the word

2007-06-09 00:05:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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