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2007-06-06 17:16:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

LOL! Thanks, Doc! :)

2007-06-06 17:27:11 · update #1

25 answers

We don't hate this country, we hate the uneducated, unprogressive third world nation it has become under the lack of leadership by the Bush administration and other controllers. The rest of the world sees as an aggressor to world wide harmony. I remember not too many years ago when the USA dominated the world with promoting personal freedoms. Now the countries of Europe and even Canada have a better score on such things.

2007-06-06 17:57:08 · answer #1 · answered by razor 5 · 2 1

I don't think most Americans hate this country, but they hate what it has become, we have let a minority of Jew;s pretty much ruin our country thru their manipulation and buying votes from our congress and senate and down right forcing them to vote for their agenda's and many of their agenda's have certainly hurt this country, but since our people are so blind and have let them get is charge of our new's media and own our monetary system they are the power brokers and control our elections and our country's domestic and foreign policy, it has made other country's despise us , they don't understand the average person don't have any control over what our politicians do, our constitution says the gov, is by the people and for the people and the gov should always fear the people , B.S. is there any one out there who is not deathly afraid of our crooked gov, , every one knows they can do any thing to you at any time, they can take your home and property, kill you or ??? and with impunity , it has been done many times,now , the people don't have any input into what our politicians do, sure we can vote him or out of office but any one who comes up in either of our 2 party system must kiss up to the Zionist or they won't even get on the board to be voted for and certainly never elected, or if in office they go against the Zionist or their party they will never be reelected,so we the people don't mean squat. I fought for this country for over 20 years in every hell hole they could find to send me, I love this country , but. I do hate what it has become.

2007-06-07 00:48:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Because we don't know any other countries well enough to "hate"....

Seriously, though, I think it is a case of being close to the problems, therefore being able to criticize in the best way. It's hard to criticize something you know little about. I don't think it's "hate"; I think it is a genuine concern for turning this country back into what we were raised believeing it was.

2007-06-07 00:23:49 · answer #3 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 3 0

I don't think we hate our country. We just have the freedom to voice our opinions. Many people hate certain political parties but that is ignorant. Our country thrive because we have differences...

fatsausage....that governemnt for the people by the people only works when your own party is in office....when dems are in office the system is not working for half the country...when reps are in office the system is not working for half the country

2007-06-07 00:21:29 · answer #4 · answered by freeatlast2200 3 · 2 1

You can hate your country's policies and not hate your country. I don't care for our foreign policy, but I still love all the wonderful things that make America home.

2007-06-07 00:23:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The vast majority of Americans love America. You are refering to the liberal's mantra and false propaganda. They hate it because (the Constitution and Bill of Rights) scares the socialists/closet communists who want to destroy America from within.

2007-06-07 01:22:19 · answer #6 · answered by ideamanbmg 3 · 0 1

I like people who are willing to look at what might be wrong with our country and find ways to improve it.

Why, for instance, do Americans find themselves in 37th place among countries in heath care?

Let's be realistic rather than dogmatic and conservative. Or, you might want to just go on reading your comic books.

2007-06-07 00:34:58 · answer #7 · answered by Skeptic 7 · 2 1

The rate at which the machine is working to squash the middle class. The gravity of social echelon. The lack of culture. etc etc ...

2007-06-07 00:24:55 · answer #8 · answered by serfdom 2 · 3 0


2007-06-07 00:23:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I can't speak for all Americans, I can say, I believe there is rightfully so - many of us who are fed up with the LIES, DECEIT, BULLYING TACTICS, etc., of our President, and his cronies on the Hill - and, all the SECRECY they are using as a means of dividing and bringing down Democracy.

2007-06-07 01:11:09 · answer #10 · answered by Ro40rd 3 · 2 1

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