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If abortion is baby killing then shouldn't it invoke the death penalty? I hear many saying they oppose abortion, but I don't hear people state their opinions on what the punishment should be. If friends or family members assisted, should they be imprisoned?
What if it were retroactive? would you support rounding up past abortionists and executing them, too?

2007-06-06 10:46:24 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Did I mention that I'm liberal and pro choice?
Just curious about the legal argument favoring abortion. If pro- lifers support life imprisonment or the death penalty for a mother who kills her 5 year old child, then shouldn't the same penalty be applied for abortion?

2007-06-06 11:18:25 · update #1

35 answers

With our infant mortality rates 26th in the world and rising should we shoot people who don't support nationalized health care? After all, people who don't allow everyone equal access to adequate health care are guilty of killing these babies.

2007-06-06 10:48:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 7

Well, it is a rather ridiculious question but it does make one thing, doesn't it. I suppose if the woman were to have to pay the penalty, the cause of the problem--the IRRESPONSIBLE MAN--should be held in just as much condemnation so get out a second pair of handcuffs.

Abortion is not an easy issue. I am against it--but there are no definites in life. There are too many variables in each person's case. Life is sacred. Those who have no legitimate reason, and even those who do, will eventually face the man who gives life itself. That is the main judgment seat that people should fear when they take life so casually. I think the couple who decide to get an abortion because of convience (vs. the woman who will die and leave her family behind if she didn't have one) will have a much bigger price to pay in the end.

2007-06-06 11:04:14 · answer #2 · answered by G V 1 · 0 1

In a perfect world, yes. Abortion is murder, and is a horrific one at that. I fully support making abortion illegal except for life threatening cases and of course for rape. If this were to happen I would hope the abortionist would be tried for 1st degree murder and the mother for a lesser murder charge. Currently 35 states recognize a fetus as a homicide victim if it is killed in a violent crime. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act states that a fetus is, "a member of the species homo sapiens". Someone who kills a fetus intentionally or not gets tried for feticide, which is tried the same as homicide in 21 states, why should doctors get paid for doing the same thing?

2007-06-06 11:16:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No. That would make a totalitarian state, much like Rome used tobe, and not what America stands for. I am totally against abortion, but no one need be murdered for having one. Men and women both need to be more educated, BEFORE conceiving a child. When they know it is too late, they've already conceived on, they must either stay, love, and support their child, without abuse, put the baby up for adoption Too many-grown people want a baby so bad, but are unable. Give the precious children to them, after thorough screening. That will make everyone happy, don't you think?

2007-06-06 10:58:05 · answer #4 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 0 1

As it stands, the abortion issue is a moral one. Not a legal one. So all the self-righteous Christians should be content to know that, according to their beliefs, women will be punished when they meet their Maker. Until that time, no laws have been broken - except by the pro-lifers that commit acts of aggression against pro-choicers.

2007-06-06 11:02:25 · answer #5 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 0 1

It figures this would be asked by a man. Someone who will never have to make a choice like that in his life time. How about executing men who don't pay their child support? And even better let's execute all rapists. And men who cheat and impregnate many women at once. Or maybe just cut their ***** off? How about that? I think that's a good idea.

2007-06-06 10:56:35 · answer #6 · answered by Penny K 6 · 3 0

Not being a woman, you probably don't undertand that women who have chosen to abort a child already endure a lifetime of suffering from the experience.
You obviously already have your mind made up on the subject so there is no opposing argument to your opinion that you would accept as valid.

"you say you love the baby yet you crucify the (woman)"

When all abortion is illegal, the penalty for an illegal abortion is often death from the procedure itself....

2007-06-06 10:52:16 · answer #7 · answered by ©2009 7 · 3 1

Please spare us the religious rethoritic.

A zygote, an embryo, a fetus is neither a baby nor is it a sentient being

Main Entry: zy·gote
Pronunciation: 'zI-"gOt
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek zygOtos yoked, from zygoun to join -- more at ZYGOMA
: a cell formed by the union of two gametes; broadly : the developing individual produced from such a cell
- zy·got·ic /zI-'gä-tik/ adjective

Main Entry: em·bryo
Pronunciation: 'em-brE-"O
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural em·bry·os
Etymology: Medieval Latin embryon-, embryo, from Greek embryon, from en- + bryein to swell; akin to Greek bryon catkin
1 a archaic : a vertebrate at any stage of development prior to birth or hatching b : an animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems; especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception
2 : the young sporophyte of a seed plant usually comprising a rudimentary plant with plumule, radicle, and cotyledons
3 a : something as yet undeveloped b : a beginning or undeveloped state of something

Main Entry: fe·tus
Pronunciation: 'fE-t&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, act of bearing young, offspring; akin to Latin fetus newly delivered, fruitful -- more at FEMININE
: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth

Main Entry: sen·tient
Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-sh(E-)&nt, 'sen-tE-&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sentient-, sentiens, present participle of sentire to perceive, feel
1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions
3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling
- sen·tient·ly adverb

2007-06-06 10:57:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have never heard someone calling for executions of women in this part. We just don't believe the state has the right to give a person the right to kill another person even if that person is still inside the body of another. To me a human fetus is a human from day one not a elephant, not a fish, not a blob of tissue, it is a human which has its own rights to live.

2007-06-06 10:54:34 · answer #9 · answered by ALASPADA 6 · 1 2

Boy- it is amazing how many people feel they have the right to decide if a woman is in charge of her body decisions. I have never had an abortion, nor would I ever plan to have one- but if I was raped, or unable to care for myself physically or mentally- it should be MY choice!

2007-06-06 10:56:12 · answer #10 · answered by Shaun K 4 · 4 1

It should be treated as capital murder IMO, but the in the situation posed by your second question, the prosecution would be ex post facto, and therefore unconstitutional.

Death penalty? Yes
Accessory to murder? Yes
Retroactive? No

2007-06-06 11:36:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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