You may be required to repay in several cases. If they committed fraud or lied about anything to collect benefits, they must be repaid. If the recipient has monetary assets not disclosed (house, cars, savings, etc), benefits must be repaid.
If the recipient comes into money of any kind, inherits, trust funds, lotteries, repayment of loans, etc., money has to be repaid.
Welfare is meant to help those who have genuine need.....not someone who doesn't feel like working or moves the boyfriend in, or has more children while on welfare..or uses drugs. Any of those things can lead to payback.
2007-06-04 15:36:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If an elderly person receives Medical Assistance (Medicaid) to pay nursing home and medical expenses, all states have an Estate Recovery Program under which such funds advanced must be repaid by the decedent's estate if the decedent had an estate that was solvent.
2007-06-04 15:54:12
answer #2
answered by Mark 7
The money that is received in welfare is raised through our taxes. We all pay for welfare, except those on welfare (because they don't pay taxes)
Maybe if more people had to repay "government loans a.k.a. welfare" maybe we wouldn't have so many people taking advantage of the system!!!
2007-06-04 15:08:08
answer #3
answered by christilicious 2
Sometimes. I was on welfare while I was waiting for my disability case to be approved. Once it was,I had to pay welfare back for the cash assistance I received during that time.
2007-06-04 17:23:04
answer #4
answered by Jan 7
Only if they obtain it fraudulently.
2007-06-04 14:49:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no they don't that's why the country is in a deficit
2007-06-04 14:10:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous