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ok, so does anyone know the difference between the original pretty in pink and the special collectors edition? Who recommends the special edition?
thanks !:)

2007-06-04 12:44:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

1 answers

Usually in a Special Edition, they dig up obscure cut scenes and add them with or without commentary to the new disc.

It really is just a ploy to get more money out of the fans of the movies. I fell for it once when they issued the Special Edition of Titanic...it was a waste of money considering I already had one copy.

If you don't already own it on DVD and want it, then I'd buy it, but I wouldn't waste money to buy a second copy.

2007-06-04 12:49:39 · answer #1 · answered by pipi08_2000 7 · 0 0

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