I really enjoyed The Corpse Bride.
I love the irony in how he portrayed all the dead people as full of live and vice versa. It did a wonderful job of showing how people spend all their life complaining about how horrible it is- not realizing that it is better than death.
And because the other Tim Burton movies are all a bit too cliche for my taste.
2007-06-04 09:48:54
answer #1
answered by Mrs. Carl Barât 3
I am a big fan of Tim Burton. My favs are Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Big Fish, Sleepy Hollow, Mars Attacks!, Ed Wood, and the two Batman movies that he did. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was okay, it would have been really great except I couldn't stand the oompah-loompahs or the songs. I can't wait for Sweeny Todd to come out, I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
2007-06-04 16:51:21
answer #2
answered by kaliluna 6
Pee-wee's Big Adventure
Edward Scissorhands
Batman Returns
Nightmare Before Christmas
Ed Wood
Mars Attacks!
Sleepy Hollow
Planet Of The Apes
Big Fish
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Corpse Bride
I just can't wait until Sweeney Todd comes out!
2007-06-05 18:54:53
answer #3
answered by josh_lech 5
Tim Burton has so many wonderful movies. I have seen almost all of them. He is so quirky!
I would have to say that Edward Scissorhands is my favorite of all of his movies. It is a story overall about how those few who are a little different from the norm are treated. It also has a very sweet love story. It stars Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp (They were also dating at the time the movie was made).
Now, if you are just into wacky and funny, I would say Beetlejuice is the way to go. You can't get any better than the cast of that movie. Alec Bladwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and , of course, Michael Keaton.
Mars Attacks got some bad reviews, but being one for thumbing my nose at reviews, I watched it anyway. It was so kooky! I loved it!
The list goes on and on about the Tim Burton movies I love, but I would have to say that those are my top three picks.
2007-06-04 17:11:17
answer #4
answered by Starr 7
Edward Scissorhands and Nightmare Before Christmas!!
2007-06-04 16:54:50
answer #5
answered by Jenn G 4
I know most people can't stand it, but I have to say Mars Attacks! It's quirky, dark, and hilarious (as only Burton can serve it up). Basically, without giving too much away, the movie focuses on various plot lines with the main theme being bubble-headed Martians invading Earth.
Oh, and it's got Tom Jones.
:o "It's not unusual...."
Cheers!! :)
2007-06-04 16:48:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Pee-Wee's big adventure is still the goofiest and best. Followed close behind are Beetlejuice and Nightmare Before Christmas.
2007-06-04 17:08:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Edward Scissorhands. It's a classic.
Nightmare before Christmas. There's a reason it has a cult following, lol. It's really good.
2007-06-04 16:48:06
answer #8
answered by decoratedemergency 4
My favorites...
"Edward Scissorhands"
"Sleepy Hollow"
"Pee Wee's Big Adventure"
2007-06-04 17:28:27
answer #9
answered by GK Dub 6
It looks like I'm the only one who loves Beetlejuice. Whenever I'm flipping channels and I come across it, I have to sit and watch, no matter where in the movie it is. Sure, a lot of his others are good, but I love this fr the sheer frenetic joy that's he brought to it.
2007-06-04 16:54:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous