If your battery is bubbling, it usually means that it is overcharging. It could be trying to stay charged if you have alot of accessories(lots of speakers etc.). If all of that is normal, I would check it with a volt meter with the engine running. It should be about 13volts. Not knowing what kind of car it is and all. I would make sure the cables are clean too.
2007-06-04 09:16:46
answer #1
answered by none 3
No, it's not normal. The noise indicates the liquid electrolyte in the battery is boiling which is caused by overcharging. Your charging system needs repair. If you don't take care of this soon, you will be stranded when your battery dies and the car won't start.
Don't open the battery! The electrolyte is a strong acid and generates hydrogen when the battery is charging.
2007-06-12 05:38:54
answer #2
answered by Carey 2
the battery gives off hydrogen gas, as the charging system charges it. Some times, the battery will gurgle and bubble for a monent till the battery settles down.
It may be advisable, to have the charging system, totally checked over. The alt, could be over charging, which will make your battery die at a young age.
wwith engine off, 13.8 volts, with engine running, 14.5 volts MAX. Any readings over 14.5 volts is over charging.
that will eventualy take out the battery and other electrical devices
2007-06-04 09:13:59
answer #3
answered by duster 6
Are you sure it's the battery? If your overflow is located near your battery, that could be making the gurgling noises.
2007-06-04 09:20:02
answer #4
answered by FirebirdMan54321 3
Sounds like your alternator is overcharging the system.If you use a meter to check the voltage when it is running it should be about 12.6-14 volts DC. if it is more then you need to change the alternator. You may also have over filled the water level in it too. Both are easy to check.
2007-06-12 02:43:49
answer #5
answered by Charles P 2
No. Not realy.
You probably have a bad cell in your battery and the other 5 cells are over charging.
If you battery is over 5 years old, I'd replace it.
2007-06-04 09:20:49
answer #6
answered by Mr. KnowItAll 7
No it is not normal. Are you sure you have proper fluid amount in battery?
Check battery fluid once car has been shut off for at least 2 hours.
2007-06-04 09:12:01
answer #7
answered by The Oracle 4
no because there are corrosive chemicals in the battery so that means something is wrong with the battery so you should really check that out
2007-06-04 09:12:47
answer #8
answered by franky1238 2
you need a new battery before the one that you have blows up
2007-06-11 13:51:28
answer #9
answered by gabriel c 2
no thats not normal, u should check your alternator
2007-06-04 09:17:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous