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I was watching it on tv but i had to leave and i was wondering how it ends?

2007-06-04 08:11:20 · 6 answers · asked by .:AsHtEn*BrOoKe:. 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

6 answers

Ray Liotas character squeals on his mob friends and he goes into witness protection program. In the in credits it says his wife filed for divorce and they are now separated.

2007-06-04 08:42:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Goodfellas Ending

2016-10-06 23:16:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ray Liotta's character goes into the Witness Protection program (the movie ends) (real life continues) eventually he and his wife come out of hiding and he writes the novel 'Wiseguys'. Then he does the Phil Donahu show but they don't show his face. A few years later, they turn his book 'Wiseguys' into this great great movie called 'Goodfellas'. He finally shows his face and nobody tries to 'take him out'. (speculation occurs) Though not in hiding, he might as well be because now he's addicted to the internet. Especially, Yahoo Answers! And the only way the 'wiseguys' could get to him now is through his 'myspace' account... ;-)

2007-06-04 09:10:54 · answer #3 · answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7 · 0 0

When did you walk out?? @ the very endBasically all the "Goodfellas" get caught. Main charater played by "Ray Liotta" rats everybody out to save him and his family. All go to jail, even the old heads. And you see Ray's character standing outside of his middle class house talking about how tough life is, they then show subtitles abt him and wifey getting a divorce or something like that. Overall, ending was pretty depressing.

2007-06-04 08:41:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Agree with the others. He testifies in court and goes into the witness protection program. He never says where he lives, but he complains that the last time in an Italian restaurant he was served egg noodles with ketchup.

Yeah, I have seen the movie too many times.

2007-06-04 08:46:23 · answer #5 · answered by Adoptive Father 6 · 0 0

I go in the witness protection program after ratting on my friends

2007-06-04 08:15:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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