I had a friend just like you, she was obsessed with a singer, she used to send him roses at every show she had every record etc. etc. then one night she managed to sneak into his trailer, he eventually came back with a girl and told my friend to f**k off! It broke her heart - but what was the point of all those years and years of pining for this guy who didn't (of course) give a monkeys. it is really hard to take this but OB would do exactly the same to you as he will meet beautiful (I'm not saying that you are not) rich and famous women and you just ain't in his league. The only suggestion I can make is that you get yourself a wonderful guy who will take your mind off Bloom. Get rid of anything of his and don't watch the films. I wish you all the best of luck as I saw what it did to my friend, she was eaten up by it - and she will be a lot, lot older than you. Take care Hon, hope your Mum can help you throu. Love Lottie.
2007-06-04 08:11:59
answer #1
answered by lottie 3
Usually an attempt on their life and a little time in the mental ward will 'fix' you.
But you'll 'grow out of it'. You really will. There will be one day when you will be so grown out it that you'll even throw away all the stuff you saved about Orlando. Though you 'think' you will never want to see that stuff again, if you can save it for a great memory when you're much older, then you'll thank yourself for it! Meanwhile, just do what you do. :-)
2007-06-04 16:21:50
answer #2
answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7
Well try being more friendly with boys and you might want a boyfriend when you have a boyfriend then you might forget about Orlando and If you find a really cute boy that you really like then you will probably forget about Orlando.
2007-06-04 15:16:10
answer #3
answered by susu_luvya 1
Your mother was right to cut you off. That sounds like an unhealthy obsession. Where are you expecting this 'crush' to go? He doesn't even know you exist and you probably know every detail of his life. Go out and flirt with some boys your own age. You'll find that they're much more fun than a pretty face.
2007-06-04 15:09:04
answer #4
answered by smilestace2001 2
I know what your going through, I had crushes celebs like that when I was younger (Leo DiCaprio before you ask, lol) I'm still quite young though.
The crush will eventually wear off.
I still 'crush' on the occasional celeb (at the moment its Johnny Depp and Rachel Bilson) but its just a crush and its not obsesive. Just think they are hot.
2007-06-04 15:22:24
answer #5
answered by sparkle 5
What's wrong with a crush? I don't think he's hot, but a lot of people do! It's okay to like him, just don't talk about him all the time or stalk him.
edit: wow, I just noticed you asked a question about how to contact Orlando Bloom. Sorry, but that's just kinda...creepy. Stop obsessing.
creepy: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ap1Pg9..M9Vs.OJbjPxMchnSxQt.?qid=20070604113219AAz09u2
2007-06-04 15:09:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like more than a crush to me; it sounds like an obsession. Some people move from obsession to obsession, esp. young people. So you could try finding a new obsession. Or, more practically, you can remind yourself that you're wasting a lot of time, energy, and money on something that makes no difference to your life. (And I merely mean that in a practical sense, not judgementally or rudely. Trust me... I know obsessions...)
2007-06-04 15:05:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i know how you feel,i take it that your pretty young,im 25 now but i was like that when i was 14 till 16 about peter andre, see you probably think how sad am i,and looking back now i was i used to cry because i knew that i would never meet him etc,but then i got older and my tastes change i took his posters down and i started going out clubbing etc and meeting real boys and eventually met my hubby,believe me things will change and it doesnt hurt to have crushes aslong as they dont go overboard!!good luck
2007-06-04 15:10:59
answer #8
answered by lainaloo 4
Find something better to do with your time. The best way to really get over it would be to throw away anything you have to do with him, pictures, movies, ect. That should help.
2007-06-04 15:12:27
answer #9
answered by Stars 2
NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN but it sounds like an obsession not a crush!
2007-06-04 15:20:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous