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Use VSEPR theory to predict the electron-pair geometry and the molecular geometry of the nitrite ion, NO2-.

a.The electron-pair geometry is linear, the molecular geometry is linear.

b.The electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar, the molecular geometry is bent.

c.The electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar, the molecular geometry is linear.

d.The electron-pair geometry is tetrahedral, the molecular geometry is bent.

e.The electron-pair geometry is tetrahedral, the molecular geometry is linear.

2007-06-04 07:10:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

2 answers

b.The electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar, the molecular geometry is bent.

2007-06-04 07:24:13 · answer #1 · answered by ag_iitkgp 7 · 0 0

The answer is B...the electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar and the molecular geometry is bent or angular.

Refer to a VSEPR notation table or chart, your chemistry textbook should have one.
NO2- = has 5 valence shell electrons and one lone pair Its VSEPR notation AX2E which indicates that is trigonal planar for its electron group geometry and angular or bent for its molecular geometry.

2007-06-04 14:29:19 · answer #2 · answered by cRiMiNgEr 2 · 0 0

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