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...Those of us who visit this site. Are given the chance to express our thoughts in stories. We are offered the chance with the likes of Sunshine, Silva, and Sarge, etc; Three of my dear friends, I may add.
...Yet I see some, come on this site and choose to throw out several words of disrespect?
...The kindness that these People give. In giving us a chance to express our thoughts? And you choose to spit hatred back at `em?

I don't ask for a story. I ask you to explain why someone would wanna disrespect those. For no `apparent` reason at all!

Why use words to harm. When anger is not called for?

2007-06-04 01:27:19 · 12 answers · asked by Nunya Bidniss 7 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

12 answers

Right on!
I know you speak for a lot of Y!A users.
I try to answer questions honestly & respectfully. I'm not above having fun with a question (especially if Sunshine posted it), but I don't purposely try to offend people. Some people have taken offense, however just because I sometimes express a viewpoint that they don't agree with. They seem to forget that free speech works both ways.
Then there are the "trolls" who have made rudeness, offensiveness & outright vulgarity on the Internet a way of life. They're always trying to get a rise out of someone & someone will always take the bait. They lead such pathetic lives that they have nothing better to do with their time. It's really pretty sad when you think about it. The 'Net would be a much nicer place without the trolls, but getting rid of them is easier said than done.

2007-06-04 10:38:09 · answer #1 · answered by WillyC 5 · 1 0

Writing is a skill that not all have mastered. It takes me hours to compose a story, while I suspect those with a vivid imagination and good language skills can probably do one in a less timely manner. For me, it's hard work but when the story comes together it's well worth the effort. It's a creative outlet and I enjoy it a lot.

It seems to me that it's easy to vent and spew anger at someone, but over what? Is it the story line they don't like? I don't happen to like all story lines that appear, but why not skip over them without making a hurtful comment? Is it the fact that they were not chosen for the Best Answer? What's the big deal here, it's 10 useless points that get you NOTHING. It's not easy to decide who should get the 10 points and it takes a lot of time and consideration on the Askers part to make the call. Maybe they liked the funny story as it had a lot of quirky moments over the sad story that made them cry. It's a personal decision that no one has the right to question it.

I personally think if someone can't be nice that they should go play elsewhere. People certainly don't have the right to send nasty emails to other here. Grow up and get on with your life. It's only a question. Instead of being nasty, why not use the anger to write a story? Who knows, maybe it will net you ten points. LOL

Love and peace be with you all.

2007-06-04 13:53:17 · answer #2 · answered by marilynn 5 · 2 1

First, Thank you for your friendship and your concern! A kind word does SO much, I have come to realize!!
I guess some people are just trying to be "cute" when they answer with things such as "do your own homework","this has been done before" "I can but why would I want to" and my all time favorite and winner of the booby prize, "why don't you get a life". I agree with much of what Sunshine and the others have said. We are all free to give our opinion. If this be the biggest of my problems, I would count myself as lucky!! I am often tempted to come back at some of these "non-answer answers" with a little piece of my mind(and I sometimes do!) but I think the best thing to do is ignore it. To the person that told me to "get a life" I wanted to say "OK, as soon as I finish this next story....." but the humor of that may have been wasted on such a one!!
Thank you for being who you are!

2007-06-04 13:24:01 · answer #3 · answered by Silva 6 · 2 0

I think the anonymous nature of the computer enables some people to say things they wouldn't ordinarily say to someone in person. Not speaking to someone in person can be kind of limiting, in the sense that you can't see people's non-verbal cues, and use that as a guide to whether you're offending someone or not. There are a lot of jerks out there who like having the oppurtunity to insult someone while they're safely hiding behind their computer; most of them are probably not older than 13, and those who are not clearly don't have much going for themselves.

Have a great week, Buzz!

2007-06-04 04:08:34 · answer #4 · answered by Gina E 4 · 4 0

Dear Buzzman, You are a rare person indeed. You are the Champion of The People !!!
I appreciate your concern, but personally, someone telling me "to do my own homework" is rather laughable!!

Please do not take on this burden. They are merely expressing themselves. I believe with all my heart that we live in the greatest country in the world....To quote Abraham Lincoln....."The last best place on earth."
With all the freedoms we enjoy, comes responsibility.
Many of the people on this site are very young and have not yet learned that we do not need to express EVERY thought that comes into our head!
And on the subject of FREEDOM....... Regardless of how that phrase irks many people, always those from oppressing political beliefs from my own, I would like to take this time to say........Freedom really ISN'T free. It was fought and died for. I am so thankful to be an American. I will try to tolerate the way others have interpeted the concept of FREEDOM.

Again, dear Buzz....It's always good to have someone covering my "6." You are a good wingman!!

2007-06-04 02:39:15 · answer #5 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 4 1

I too, have found that there is someone spewing venom in just about every location on this site.

I just ignore them and get on with my day. My sister has a wonderful phrase that I just love and she always uses it with others when she is in the wrong.....

Such as, if she isn't paying attention and cuts someone off in traffic, she always says without venom "I'm so sorry I did that to you, but please don't let it ruin your day."

There are some people that are only happy when they are miserable and they are happiest when others are miserable along with them. So to that effect, they try to anger anyone they can for any reason. I don't let them get to me because then they are getting their way.

2007-06-04 04:25:23 · answer #6 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 4 0

Thoughtful post.

Hurt people hurt people.

It is our desire to enable those who have 'issues' to vent them in a non-harmful way. And in their pain we, the answerers, can dole out advice, or criticize. Or sympathies. Or pray.

You speak of "no apparent reason". I believe that it is just that - we are not able to see the hurt in other people, but is shows in their posts and hurtful language.

Be blessed.

2007-06-04 01:49:18 · answer #7 · answered by thisbrit 7 · 4 0

The answer lies in being a lady and / or being a gentleman.
If we want others to treat us with respect we need to stand up and act like we deserve the respect( hidden meaning).
You my friend, are always the gentleman.
Words do hurt so we should all weigh our expressions to others. Even if we don't agee, disagree respectfully.

2007-06-04 01:38:59 · answer #8 · answered by Me 7 · 4 1

the ones you have mentioned, enjoy so reading what they write, they have a talent, that I respect and enjoy, others it seems, when met with jealousy , can only spew out hateful and catty comments. Great question, though I wish more would take it to heart

2007-06-04 11:41:55 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

The kind words are appreciated Buzz. I personally think it comes down to respect. Not necessarily respect for others, but self respect. Those who do not respect themselves cannot have respect for others. And lack of self respect leads to internal strife and hatred for others and what they stand for. One with no self respect fights a continuous battle within themselves for a false dominance over others. A proverbial "losing battle". They are to be pitted really.

2007-06-04 02:06:29 · answer #10 · answered by sarge 6 · 4 2

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