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then why does he allow innocent people to suffer.

2007-06-03 16:38:54 · 19 answers · asked by Mercury 2010 7 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Those in power are given "free will" to make desicions that could endanger others.

2007-06-03 16:45:10 · update #1

I think we've been lied to and god just really doesn't care, or even exist.

Why can't christians consider that as a possibility. Its the only thing that make logical sence.

2007-06-03 16:46:35 · update #2

so babies are born sinful? If my wife gives birth to a child and because of a doctors mistake, they both die and the baby goes to hell because it is full of sin?
I though children where innocent. Why would I care for a god that would send an innocent to hell?

2007-06-03 16:49:48 · update #3

repeated questions = aka the wear down tactic

hoping the question can stir the thoughts of fresh minds.

2007-06-03 17:00:35 · update #4

I get a kick out of the long detailed fairy tale stories, but not a lot of logic. just stories.

2007-06-03 19:25:37 · update #5

19 answers

God is not perfect because he was CREATED by man as a tool to ease the utter futility of human existence. How else can you rationalize spending earth's resources to make war, rather than colonize another planet to ensure the safety of the human species? God is an idea, a representation; we are more a material representation of god than if god existed in some form or another.

2007-06-03 16:49:43 · answer #1 · answered by Udontknowurself 1 · 2 0

You may be correct and God dose not care if we are here or not. And yes he gave us free will, and children are born free of sin ( they can not commit an act or have complex thoughts) that is why he states parents take the blame for a child's behavior until it reaches the age of 12, but they are not born perfect and these imperfections in the mind, body or soul are what causes problems,. As a Native American we see the creator in a different light than Christians. We do not blame him for the condition of people/world nor do we give him credit for the good things we receive. But we do acknowledge him and thank him for what we do have, because he is the keeper of the elements: rain, air, and keeping this complex Eco system still going. Looking into the Native American religion might make understanding God and his role with humans a little clearer.

2007-06-04 00:26:18 · answer #2 · answered by esri9 2 · 0 0

I found out that God exists. Maybe I should be specific and say that I had proof of another existence with forms full of light (no I was fully conscious and well, physically and mentally) and I was touched. It changed my life. But if it happens to you, no one will believe you and it will finally hurt your feelings for the last time and you will shut up about it and figure you didn't need to tell anyone else. It's apparently not my job to spread the word, but I saw the entity with my own eyes. He (male) spoke to me by thought waves, and the message was pertinent to my life. Go ahead and laugh now. I know there is "another place" and the way it looked fits closest to the religious explanations though I am not religious. There is a live Jesus and a Holy Spirit that will answer you if you keep trying. I swear to God it's true. (And never swear God to a falsehood). End of story. Blow that off and call me nuts. But I saw what I saw and understood the message that was conveyed to me. (Blessed is he who has Not seen but yet believes) So I have no excuse to deny there is a God. Why does God allow this or that? This isn't heaven or the next dimension. This world and life is full of persecution. We aren't home yet. Maybe this is a test or even hell. God doesn't have to explain anything to me or ask my advice.

2007-06-04 07:44:01 · answer #3 · answered by Dovey 7 · 0 0

He does this so that we have the 'will to live' again. If we were always happy, peaceful and calm, even good, the will to live would be adequate but the knowledge, truth and acceptance that there can be a variety of possibilities in life including making innocent poeple suffer, increases our will to live, in that we can recognize problems and hopefully deal with them, and that there is justice for all types of people from highly moral people to lowly moral people. The will to live is essential and is not fixed but made by choices of life so that our will is as strong as our hope, for in eternity, the will can fluctuate and even too much of any good thing, can become boring and monotonous thus there is a need for change and change will always occur naturally. We have problems and suffer, but there is a reason, but once you find the reason (that is usually to promote and solve the problem at hand) you must do something about it, to fix it. It gives a meaning to life, that is different from just being good, harmonious, and peaceful. It is however, the toughest thing that the universe and life can offer. It is sometimes the worst.

2007-06-04 03:18:24 · answer #4 · answered by pp 2 · 0 0

Here is why you question is foolish to me:

I see that we put ourselves here to learn from the suffering. I believe it is our free will to come into life, and that God, allowing us to have free-will, allows us to suffer.

God does not make us suffer, God allows it for the learning experience. We become better people by learning long-suffering, patience, unconditional love, strength, courage, knowledge.

None of us are innocent, and none of us are guilty. We all make mistakes, and everything happens for a reason: so that we may learn. If a baby dies at birth, it is not that God "takes" that baby, or is heartless. It is that we have been given the earth to rule, and it is our job to solve these problems. God allows it so we can learn and experience knowledge.
Why would God clean up our mess? We created the suffering. Just as when a child makes a mess, the parent does not clean it up. The child does not learn.

That is my idea relating to your question.

2007-06-04 01:42:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After the fall we were given free will. Also, Satan was given free reign over this world.

Because of our free will and Satan's free reign we have people who choose to do bad things, natural disasters, diseases, etc. Sometimes we are the ones who choose to hurt someone, and whether we consider it a small thing (teasing) or a big thing (sexual abuse) it still causes another person to suffer. And sometimes we are the victims of someone else's nasty choices.

God allows this because of what I mentioned in my first statement. However, He is here for us, for you. Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms the child while the storm rages. I don't know why He chooses what he does, just like I don't know why other people choose what they do. What I do know is that I've experienced His love firsthand, I know what it's like to feel His arms around me when I'm crying so hard I can't breath, and then I calm down. I've felt His presence surround me when I've been terrified of someone, and because of that I was able to calm down enough to make a rational decision and have the courage to follow through with it.

God is our father, our parent. If you are a parent then you know how much you love your children. As a parent we aren't always able to take away the hurt our children experience because we are not in control of others actions. However, we comfort, care for, love and do everything within our power to help them. Think of how you feel when your children need you and multiply that times a million...that's how much God loves us. If He removed all of the pain and bad things that happen to us, then He would also have to remove free will.

One more thing, and then I'll get off my soapbox...

I do NOT believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that there is sin in the world and sometimes we are the victims of it. God can bring good out of something horrid if we allow Him to, but no one can convince me that children are molested for a reason, tsunamis happen for a reason, a woman is diagnosed with cancer for a reason...that's simply ignorant.

2007-06-04 00:04:24 · answer #6 · answered by SingleMomE 1 · 0 0

It does seem odd that if God loves us so much he would prevent us from suffering or anything at all bad from ever happening to us. But that is not the case.

Unfortunately the universe God created is far to complex for us mortals to fully understand. If we assume that all or most of the things that go on in the universe are at God's command then there must be some reason for these things that make us suffer.

It might be that he wants us to have the chance to overcome
that suffering, or that others need to see suffering and thereby release their compassion and sympathy which may prevent suffering like that in the future.

God's reasons for what he does may be far too complex for us to map out completely. I'd also have to say that with each bad thing that happens I bet another good thing happens to someone else somewhere. One person's suffering and pain could mean growth and joy for someone else.

And, it is through this suffering and pain that one can grow and strengthen their soul. If you think of your soul as a muscle, without any kind of workout or stress we'd all be weak and feable not be able to deal with one single unpleasant even in our lives.

The bad things in life also allow us to fully experience all thing things that could happen in life. God might want us to fully experience life in all it's forms, good and bad.

2007-06-04 00:01:19 · answer #7 · answered by David01 2 · 0 0

I have been where you are and often become just as despondent. Yet, I know God exists and that He loves me too. Without Him, I would be up nothing.

I don't think the average scientist would take my phone call but God does. He always comes thru and He really is a good God.

I'll see if my husband has the time to respond to you. He can break down this subject like none other.....very understandable.

Please reach out to a clergyman you can trust. You are really seeking the Truth. What do you have to lose?

2007-06-04 00:08:17 · answer #8 · answered by professional4567 1 · 0 0

God gives all of us the power to make our own choices if we choose the wrong choice that is where judgement day comes in God also understands that we are only human and that we are going to make bad choices that is why he sent his son to take the punishment for us so that we can make the wrong choices and still be forgiven God wants us to have enough faith to be able to beleve he is thair even though we cannot see him satin was sent to hell because he ask god to let him come here and force us to beleve and follow when god refused satin said that he would one day take gods place and show god that he was wrong and that the only way to get us to love and follow him would be to not let us have a choice in the matter thisx is why the beautiful angel lucifer was cast out of heaven

2007-06-04 00:03:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately, we have been given the pleasure of free choice by God. Most people believe he grants prayers and gives us peace and health.

I do not believe God allows people to suffer, people do. We have forgotten what compassion and understanding are. We are selfish and arrogant.God has given all of us the means to change our world, but we elect not too, just like he gives us our knowledge for medicine and science. Those, man has elected to act on, our compassion and understanding are in the toilet.

How many times do you chastise the vet on the streets begging for money or remember the toys for tots at Christmas? We have to change our world and quit expecting God to do it for us. As a father, he is letting us make our mistakes, as any father will let his grown child do.

2007-06-03 23:52:06 · answer #10 · answered by Barbie 3 · 0 1

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