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vedio card

2007-06-03 14:34:14 · 6 answers · asked by handbordy 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Add-ons

6 answers

Seriously, dude get a Voodoo 2. It comes in PCI AND AGP interface! Here are some of the AMAZING specs!

The card runs at a chipset clock rate of 90 MHz and used 100 MHz EDO DRAM, and is available for both PCI and AGP interfaces. The Voodoo2 comes in two models, one with 8 MiB RAM and one with 12 MiB RAM. The 8 MiB card has 2 MiB of memory per Texture mapping unit (TMU) vs. 4 MiB on the 12 MiB model. The 4 MiB framebuffer on both cards supports a maximum screen resolution of 800×600, while the increases texture memory on the 12 MiB card allows more detailed textures.

WOW!!!!! AMAZING!!!!! GET VOODOO 2!!!!

2007-06-03 15:32:41 · answer #1 · answered by steve w 3 · 2 0

What is a vedio card? Seriously check your spelling it is video card. Well first of all what is your system specs. If you don't know how to find them I would ask you to go and google PC Wizard 2007 it tells you everything.

2007-06-03 14:41:18 · answer #2 · answered by Kenster102.5 6 · 0 0

in an optimal setting a nVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra OC would be the "best"....

but that depends on several things:

1) your budget

2) your motherboard

3) your ability to install it without killing it.

4) your PSU (power supply), as it might not have enough voltage to support a card of this caliber.

5) and (this is a potential problem) your CPU, as it can bottleneck your whole system.

if you have all the requirements, then you should be good.

2007-06-03 15:00:36 · answer #3 · answered by somebodys_here 2 · 0 0

Best video card, as in best performance, is GeForce 8800 Ultra

And yes, did you know now we can run 2 video card together. Get 2 GeForce 8800 Ultra for the ultimate killer system. But it will kill your bank too of course.

If you mean best as in best bang for bucks, then it really depends on your budget and your usage.

2007-06-03 17:42:29 · answer #4 · answered by Hornet One 7 · 0 0

The best is the one that performs well and fits your budget.
<$100 - 7300GT ddr3
>$100>$250 - 8600GTS, 7900GS, X1950 Pro
>$ 250 - 8800GTS, 8800GTX, 8800 Ultra

2007-06-03 17:27:34 · answer #5 · answered by Karz 7 · 0 0

I have an Nvidia FX 5200 card and you can find the newer version at Wal-marts,,

2007-06-03 14:47:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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