A debate can start here, and include those who just want to insult those who disagree with their positons. But those who want to engage in a more polite and respectful discussion can invite others who want to do that to other forums.
There are many places to find free websites and forums you can set up. Many of these free forums allow the person setting it up to approve messages before they are posted to the forum. That would allow the forum editor to filter out the name calling and keep it focused on the actual pros and cons of whatever issue is being discussed.
You can find such a forum and a link to a site where you can set up your own at:
Polite Discussion, Respectful Disagreements regarding nonlethal alternatives to Abortion, Death Penalty, Lethal Weapons.
Well, actually I have to change the posting back to approved comments only (it currently allows any comments). Some people will call this "censorship," but the way I see it censorship is preventing someone from saying what they want on their own site, not refusing to publish all types of trash on your own site.
Good to hear from someone who thinks we can discuss issues instead of just labeling and questioning the intelligence or good intentions those who disagree.
2007-06-03 12:18:52
answer #1
answered by Yaktivistdotcom 5
As long as the 'liberals' bad/'conservativs' good nonsense as put out by the right wing talk show rascals fuels the 'questions' from the Bush Believers there really can't be any objective debate. The 'liberals' are anyone not 100% on board with the Iraqi occupation cheering section, the warming planet deniers and the 'abortion is murder' gang and all the rest of the wedge issue sillyness. It's difficult to bebate the charges thrown at the 'liberal' strawman. There ain't no such a critter. If you have a question, ask it....don't level it as a charge against the strawman...that's not a debate. Support your thesis...if you believe we should spend a billion borrowed dollars a day in Iraq for the next ten years, tell us why. Seewaddamean?
2007-06-03 19:29:12
answer #2
answered by Noah H 7
First of all, this is not a Forum. It is a sort of because you can not go on a discussion with questions and answers, and other questions over the answers, and so forth.
And yes, in general I think there is a lot of civilized information that most of the time clarify the question posted.
2007-06-03 19:10:23
answer #3
answered by JLK 2
No. It's not possible on any internet forum where there's nobody picking the winners. On Y/A, it's not even a debate format. Debate isn't what they intended, it was answering questions.
2007-06-03 19:28:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Let me begin by saying that I like your new hairdo and think that will make you appear as a sincere and interested debater. Just like putting a suit and tie on, hair styles and the way we wear them are so important. :) I'm proud of you!
Yes, we can debate, but I think that much of the time, we're all so frustrated that we forget to do that. :)
2007-06-03 19:13:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, it is only a question and answer site. But you do get a lot of civil answers and the chaff is easy to ignore.
2007-06-03 19:09:05
answer #6
answered by lcmcpa 7
no. Not when Y!A speech police pull your answers upon any report and won't explain how dissenting answers, politely stated, are violations of community standards. It's a tilted playing field for sure.
2007-06-03 19:11:38
answer #7
answered by nileslad 6
People only believe what they want to believe at this level..
Debate is for grown ups.
2007-06-03 19:11:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I wish but I don't think it will happen.Too many come on here just to cause problems and really don't care what is going one.
2007-06-03 19:07:39
answer #9
answered by ♥ Mel 7
you can, it's no problem, but for goodness sake not everybody is going to be civilized. and many people have such strong beliefs, they will lash out and I don't blame them.
2007-06-03 19:15:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous