I replaced left and right side rotors and brake calipers (pre-loaded set) I cleaned the rotors of any oil and bled the brakes when I was finished. Now after I drive the car for about 10-15 minutes, the brakes grab the wheels and will not allow the car to go over about 10 mph. Driving like this causes BOTH sides to become hot and smoke. What could I have done wrong? The calipers are on the right sides, I know that for a fact. Also, it seems that there is no "play" at all in the brake pedal, as soon as you touch it, they engage...its like they are too tight or something. I dont know what to do. Help please. thanks.
8 answers
asked by
Cars & Transportation
➔ Maintenance & Repairs
the rear brakes are not disc brakes, do I still have to bleed them too? I didnt see a bleeder valve back there.
11:16:01 ·
update #1
you could have gotten the proportioning valve off center on it,and this makes it apply more pressure to the front brakes than the rear,it also makes the front brakes stick up on them,if this is the case,you,ll have to open the bleeders,and hit the brake one time not hard but enough to help the valve re-center its self,this doesn't always work though,in most cases you have to go and get another valve,it happens sometimes ,even to brake shops it can happen,but you might get it to re-center by loosening the front bleeders and hit the brakes one time,if this doesn't help it,replace the valve on it,and if it has anti lock brakes on it look in the book for the right procedure for bleeding them,they bleed a different way than regular ones do,good luck on it.
2007-06-03 11:19:47
answer #1
answered by dodge man 7
Make, model, year of vehicle,ABS...? Sounds like the metering or proportioning valve is stuck--possibly when you bled the brakes,the piston moved in it's bore and became lodged in one place not allowing balance in the system from front to back. Need more info to tell if it's the valve but that's where I would start.
2007-06-03 11:22:52
answer #2
answered by paul h 7
The calipers are sticking. Either there is a problem with the calipers (defective) or the slide pins are bent or corroded.
I am assuming that the calipers are the correct ones and are seated properly. Did you clean the slides and coat them with anti seize?
2007-06-03 11:13:41
answer #3
answered by fire4511 7
it sounds like frozen calipers and any time you open the brake lines all of them have to be bled front and back you didnt list the car but the procedure for most cars is right rear first then left rear then right front then left front
2007-06-03 11:24:45
answer #4
answered by anthentherwasi 6
Could be hoses are bad and not releasing the pressure build up. Other possible hardware in calipers sticking, caliper may not be centered.
Note watch the bleeding patern for your car. May have to check tech book for proper pattern.
2007-06-03 11:19:02
answer #5
answered by charlie 1
steps i would do:
take the calipers back off and depress the pistons in fully ( with the screw undone), reinstall them, then RE -BLEED all FOUR brakes (yes front and rear), then see what happens.
It sounds like their is air trapped in the line, and if you didnt bleed all four that might be the case. After that hopefully youll be fine.
2007-06-03 11:13:43
answer #6
answered by threeonspeed 4
Brakes are a major safety issue and should got to a qualified mechanic. This is why! Best to leave the important stuff to the people who know what they are doing. Keep youself, your family and other road users safe
2007-06-03 21:55:04
answer #7
answered by wrxtcy 2
This is just another example of trying to save a penny and it costing you a buck. Should have taken it to a shop.
2007-06-03 17:08:29
answer #8
answered by Ron B 6