Is it because I'm not in a "clique" on Y!A? I think I ask some good questions that would be fun or interesting to answer. I would appreciate it if y'all would read my questions and give me your feedback. Thanks.
24 answers
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LOL. I really wasn't asking for a gazillion answers or stars, and thank you to all who did give me a star and answer, if even it was a rude one. My questions about stars and getting answers are honest curiosity.
05:15:11 ·
update #1
Its crazy cause I was thinking the same d@mn thing!!! LOL But once I realized that people actually get points and move up to different levels I thought to myself, "IT IS WHAT IT IS!!" LOL Kind of the way I look at life. So I'll become your buddy and I can give you 10pts for every answer and we can beat them at thier own game???? But that wouldnt be fun now would it......
2007-06-03 05:07:35
answer #1
answered by Kyle G 3
I doubt there's even a gazillion people in y!a or the US for that matter! Haha, lower your expectations, then you won't be disappointed! For me, I always tell myself that there is a possibility that NOONE could answer my question, hence even 1 answer cheers me up tremendously! You should try it too, it works! Happy Sunday!
2007-06-03 05:08:30
answer #2
answered by Wisdom on a platter 3
The most I ever got was 35 I asked a political question
2007-06-03 05:03:12
answer #3
answered by Springsteen 5
It all depends on the time of day and what the question is.. you don't have to be in a "clique" to get alot of answers
2007-06-03 05:01:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
no it's because after a while your questions are so far in the back of the menu and most people are only willing to to wade through so many pages to find a question and prefer to answer the newer ones
2007-06-03 05:05:48
answer #5
answered by Sabamika 7
the amount of answers usually depends on how busy it is on here, if its busy, questions move quicker off the front page, few people go onto the 2nd page to look at questions
its nothing to do with cliques
2007-06-03 05:03:30
answer #6
answered by ♠ Merlin ♠ 7
I don't know why. I have the same problem where I only get around 15 or 20 answers for my questions. I'll look especially for your questions. *pat on the back*.
2007-06-03 05:07:44
answer #7
answered by Prayer Warrior 5
you got it,i know how you feel.i asked a question about birthdays last month and got 17 answers,a different girl asked the same question the next day and got over 75 answers.i quit asking questions.
2007-06-03 05:04:46
answer #8
answered by alcaholicdemon 7
I don't get a zillion answers either. I must just ask bad questions, lol and I personally don't answer unless I know the answer.
2007-06-03 05:09:08
answer #9
answered by Lisa T (Stop BSL) 6
The most I ever got was 15, and that's a MIRACLE for me. But I will try answering your other questions
Gaby =D
2007-06-03 05:04:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous