The reason why the protests were much Bigger in the Vietnam Days is because back then there was a Military Draft,More Americans were Dying and the news media was much more truthfull than they were compared to know.
Over 3000 Americans and Rising have Died In Iraq and Afghanistan,thousands of Soldiers have been seriously injured.Thousands of US Soldiers have gone AWOL.Iraq is a thousand times worse now than before America started it's Occupation.The News Media is not telling the whole truth.
There is much Disinformation in the Media. Talk Radio is dominated by Right Wing/ Republican/Rich Man/Racist.Noise. Fox News is owned and controlled by Rupert Murdock who alters the truth with the Giant Media Empire he owns.Things are getting worse yet the Media feeds as the News stories about Paris Hilton and America Idol.
This is why america has been Brainwashed and few continue to support Bush's War.
2007-06-03 04:00:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Before I answer, let me correct you on one point. Contrary to lefty idealism, there were indeed WMD's which said lefties conveniently like to forget that their ilk (the Dems) in government also believed existed. Not reported due to the dicey situation surrounding US/Russia relations was the fact that Iraq shares a lengthy border with Syria and had a cozy relationship going, in which said WMD's would not have been difficult to spirit away prior to the ousting of the one man known to have used them. Now, I know that in the perfect little world of liberalism the denizens are allowed to think in a vacuum whilst gazing through a drinking straw, one would ask what the hell does that got to do with things. Well, nothing officially but I've been around long enough to know that WMD's don't pick and choose where they're stored. While I'm at it, there is another point that needs correcting. Those farmers who were killed in Vietnam were soldiers. Yes they didn't wear uniforms and actually farmed and had families but they were very much involved in the effort to defend their country. I know that concept is alien to lefties but hang with me. You see, just because maps show a border separating North from South Vietnam, it doesn't mean that the human eye can distinguish which are South and which are North. Many an American soldier was either killed or permanently disabled because they weren't able to make out the difference (or have any reason to) and were sucker-punched if you will. Look up references to little Vietnamese children told to run up to that American soldier with a live grenade. Last, but not least, world history has shown all through the ages that when there's war there are civilian casualties. That's why I fight liberalism here in the States because if you had your way, the hammer and sickle would be waving in the Washington air. I'm sorry your mind has been poisoned by liberalism.
2016-05-20 00:54:41
answer #2
answered by ? 3
This is a misconception.
More people have protested the Iraq war than ever protested the Vietnam war.
Early in Bush's Iraq invasion, millions of people in the U.S. and equal numbers in many other countries around the world all joined mass protests on one day alone.
The protests may not get as much news media attention as the ones in the 60s did. But I think it would be more accurate to say that people simply have much more competition for their attention now-- in the 60s there were 3 TV networks that had news programs, and a few radio networks that covered news. Now there are a multiplicity of TV networks, cable stations, Internet sites, podcasts, ad infinitum.
2015-07-29 17:33:03
answer #3
answered by Gary C 7
You've gotten some great answers containing many truths. Sadly, during the Vietnam era, this country had the "draft"....and many of our youngest and brightest were needlessly killed. Those that did manage to come home in one piece were damaged in many ways because of that folly of a war. The protests of those days were more than justified because of what was happening.
We don't have a formal "draft" now, we have military volunteers and the National Guard - and what some are calling a "back door draft" by extending their tours of duty. There should be more protests over this war of choice. The Country, as a whole, don't feel it as personally as they did during Vietnam or WW II.
There should be tax payer outrage over the cost of this war of choice, and who and where all the money is being paid to. I feel so sorry for the guys and gals that are being sent to Iraq over and over again. Our volunteers and National Guard ranks are thinning out. When will the insanity end???
2007-06-03 05:36:13
answer #4
answered by Rag Doll 5
Viet Nam Vets were DRAFTED. They didn't volunteer. There hadn't been a precipitation factor like 9/11 in the US. And we watch American Idol because listening to war news all day will drive a sane person nuts. And we here are essentially powerless. The guys and gals in Iraq chose to be there (except for a bunch of national guards who may be justifiably ticked) and they chose to be there so I can have the freedom to do whatever I want, that included American Idol. There was a serviceman on there or didn't you know??? He may be headed to Iraq.
2007-06-03 04:22:38
answer #5
answered by dtwladyhawk 6
Maybe because a lot more people than the media would like you to believe (the silent majority) feel the war was a noble cause, and even though it ain't been easy and Saddam got rid of his WMD's, it still is. We need to keep the middle east out of the control of radical Islamics because they will disrupt the entire world's economy if in control.
The majority of Iraqi's still want a democratic type of government. They voted and have asked us to stay. We are Americans. We don't cut and run from fascists when the going gets tough. If we do, then we as a nation will show the world we don't really give a damn about freedom, except for ourselves and I think it will be the beginning of the end for our freedom.
Don't listen to the media and Hollywood's short term thinking. Yes, short term it would be easy to just leave and let them slaughter and take over, but long term it will hurt our country even more.
Why do you believe Hollywood over the word of our soldiers who keep telling us to stay and do the right thing? Our soldiers are there fighting and dying and they want to win.
2007-06-03 04:19:51
answer #6
answered by GABY 7
The 60's and 70's was a time when the world stood proud of that generation of Americans.They were a generation a proud generation.
The present generation do not have the same PASSION.
They are some how disconnected and there are no young singers who sing to inspire this generation.In the 60's and 70's singers sent out the message that war was wrong. Now you are afraid to be labelled unpatriotic.
2007-06-03 04:49:44
answer #7
answered by thumba 5
Maybe deep down people know that this war is a lot different from the war in Vietnam, you can not compare the 2. maybe deep down people KNOW this is World War Three and we need to win to protect of freedoms. So why protest somelthing which is being done to PROTECT your rights to protest in the first place.
2007-06-03 03:49:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Vietnam was just different. See how different it was from WWII? We really got behind that war. Vietnam was a chance to protest more than war. It was a way to protest against our parents and their general belief structure.
2007-06-03 04:12:39
answer #9
answered by Sharyn 5
Because during the Vietnam war era..they would arrest you take you to the station and issue you a fine.
For the Iraq protest, they tazer you, beat you with night sticks, then call you a possible terrorist and put you in a federally controled 'holding cell' for years.
2007-06-03 04:09:35
answer #10
answered by Paul D 3