Indefinite- till the end of 2+2 innings It has gone upto 8-9 days.
5-day match
3-day match
1-day match
1/2 day match(20-20)
Next to follow may be one Hour match(5-5)
2007-06-02 21:32:14
answer #1
answered by karikalan 7
When the game of cricket was originated, it was being played as a first class game for many years and after that test cricket started. There were only handful of matches in the initial stages. Once other countries started playing cricket the number of test matches gradually increased.
Then came the version of One Day Internationals, which in the course of time has become more popular than test cricket.
The latest version is Twenty/20 cricket, which I presume will become more popular than the test cricketand one day internationals in course of time.
Many changesin the laws of cricket have also taken place during the last couple of years.
2007-06-03 13:49:13
answer #2
answered by vakayil k 7
since the origin of cricket ,its rules has been changing at regular intervals.In the initial stage of international cricket ,there used to be 60 overs one day international match,test matches used to be of three days then it increased to four days.Even there was atime when there was a time less test match which went to upto 10 days but there was no result.Eventually it came to 5 days.From its origin till now several laws have been formulated which you can find in books and on website.
2007-06-03 05:42:57
answer #3
answered by dighalbank 3
i dun know more bout that but its to the contribution of the players that cricket has become an international game
2007-06-04 07:56:29
answer #4
answered by akil_1103 1
This should help you. The first version of the laws of the game.
This edition of the Laws is believed to be the first printed in book form. It was printed in 1775 by W.Read.
As fettled by the Several CRICKET-CLUBS,
Particularly that of the STAR and GARTER In PALL-MALL
The Pitching the firft Wicket is to be determined by the Tofs of a Piece of Money.
When the firft Wicket is pitch'd, and the Popping-Creafe cut, which muft be exactly Three Feet Ten Inches from the Wicket, the other Wicket is to be pitch'd directly oppofite, at Twenty-Two Yards Diftance, and the other Popping-Creafe cut Three Feet and Ten Inches before it.
The Bowling-Creafes muft be cut in a direct Line from each Stump.
The Stumps muft be Twenty-Two Inches Long, and the Bail Six Inches.
The Ball muft weigh between Five and Six Ounces.
When the Wickets are both pitch'd, and all the Creafes cut, the Party that wins the Tofs-up, may order which Side fhall go inn firft, at his Option.
The Bowler muft deliver the Ball, with one Foot behind the Creafe, even with the Wicket; and when he has bowl'd one Ball, or more, fhall bowl to the Number of Four before he changes Wickets, and he fhall change but once in the fame Innings.
He may order the Player that is inn at his Wicket, to ftand on which Side of it he pleafes, at a reafonable Diftance.
If he delivers the Ball, with his hinder Foot over the Bowling-Creafe, the Umpire fhall call no Ball, tho' it be ftruck, or the Player be bowl'd out; which he fhall do without being afk'd, and no Perfon fhall have any Right to quesftion him.
If the Wicket is bowl'd down, it's out.
If he ftrikes, or treads down, or falls himfelf upon his Wicket in ftriking (but not in over-running) it's out. A Stroke, or Nip, over or under his Bat, or upon his Hands (but not Arms) if the Ball be held before it touches the Ground, though it be hugg'd to the Body, it's out.
If in ftriking, both his Feet are over the Popping-Creafe, and his Wicket put down, except his Bat is down within, it's out.
If he runs out of his Ground to hinder a Catch, it's out.
If a Ball is nipp'd up, and he ftrikes it again wilfully, before it came to the Wicket, it's out.
If the Players have crofs'd each other, he that runs for the Wicket that is put down, is out: If they are not crofs'd, he that returns is out.
If in running a Notch, the Wicket is ftruck down by a Throw, before his Foot, Hand, or Bat is over the Popping-Creafe, or a Stump hit by the Ball, though the Bail was down, it's out.
But if he Bail is down before, he that catches the Ball muft ftrike a Stump out of the Ground, Ball in Hand, or elfe it's not out.
If the Striker touches, or takes up the Ball before it has lain quite ftill, unlefs afk'd by the Bowler, or Wicket-Keeper, it's out.
When the Ball has been in Hand by one of the Keepers, or Stoppers, and the Player has been at Home, he may go where he pleafes till the next Ball is bowl'd.
If either of the Strikers is crofs'd, in his running Ground, defignedly, the fame muft be determined by the Umpires. N.B. The Umpires may order that Notch to be fcored.
When the Ball is hit up, either of the Strikers may hinder the Catch in his running Ground; or if it is hit directly acrofs the Wickets, the other Player may place his Body any where within the Swing of the Bat, fo as to hinder the Bowler from catching it; but he muft neither ftrike at it, nor touch it with his Hands.
If a Striker nips a Ball up juft before him, he may fall before his Wicket, or pop down his Bat, before it comes to the Wicket, to fave it.
The Bail hanging on one Stump, though the Ball hit the Wicket, it's not out.
The Wicket-Keepers fhall ftand at a reafonable Diftance behind the Wicket, and fhall not move till the Ball is out of the Bowler's Hand, and fhall not, by any Noife, incommode the Striker; and if his Hands, Knees, Foot, or Head, be over, or before the Wicket, though the Ball hit it, it fhall not be out.
To allow Two Minutes for each Man to come inn when one is out, and Ten Minutes between each Hand.
To mark the Ball that it may not be changed.
They are fole Judges of all Outs and Inns; of all fair or unfair Play; of all frivolous Delays; of all Hurts, whether real or pretended, and are difcretionally to allow what Time they think proper before the Game goes on again.
In Cafe of a real Hurt to a Striker, they are to allow another to come inn, and the Perfon hurt to come inn again; but are not to allow a frefh Man to play, on either Side, on any Account.
They are fole Judges of all Hindrances; croffing the Players in running, and ftanding unfair to ftrike, and in Cafe of Hindrance may order a Notch to be fcor'd.
They are not to order any Man out, unlefs appealed to by one of the Players.
Thefe Laws are to the Umpires jointly.
Each Umpire is the fole Judge of all Nips and Catches; Inns and Outs; good or bad Runs, at his own Wicket, and his Determination fhall be abfolute; and he fhall not be changed for another Umpire, without the Confent of both Sides.
When the four Balls are bowl'd, he is to call over.
Thefe Laws are feparately.
When both Umpires call Play three Times, 'tis at the Peril of giving the Game from them that refufe to play.
2007-06-03 04:17:42
answer #5
answered by Johnny 7
This should help you. The first version of the laws of the game.
This edition of the Laws is believed to be the first printed in book form. It was printed in 1775 by W.Read.
As fettled by the Several CRICKET-CLUBS,
Particularly that of the STAR and GARTER In PALL-MALL
The Pitching the firft Wicket is to be determined by the Tofs of a Piece of Money.
When the firft Wicket is pitch'd, and the Popping-Creafe cut, which muft be exactly Three Feet Ten Inches from the Wicket, the other Wicket is to be pitch'd directly oppofite, at Twenty-Two Yards Diftance, and the other Popping-Creafe cut Three Feet and Ten Inches before it.
The Bowling-Creafes muft be cut in a direct Line from each Stump.
The Stumps muft be Twenty-Two Inches Long, and the Bail Six Inches.
The Ball muft weigh between Five and Six Ounces.
When the Wickets are both pitch'd, and all the Creafes cut, the Party that wins the Tofs-up, may order which Side fhall go inn firft, at his Option.
The Bowler muft deliver the Ball, with one Foot behind the Creafe, even with the Wicket; and when he has bowl'd one Ball, or more, fhall bowl to the Number of Four before he changes Wickets, and he fhall change but once in the fame Innings.
He may order the Player that is inn at his Wicket, to ftand on which Side of it he pleafes, at a reafonable Diftance.
If he delivers the Ball, with his hinder Foot over the Bowling-Creafe, the Umpire fhall call no Ball, tho' it be ftruck, or the Player be bowl'd out; which he fhall do without being afk'd, and no Perfon fhall have any Right to quesftion him.
If the Wicket is bowl'd down, it's out.
If he ftrikes, or treads down, or falls himfelf upon his Wicket in ftriking (but not in over-running) it's out. A Stroke, or Nip, over or under his Bat, or upon his Hands (but not Arms) if the Ball be held before it touches the Ground, though it be hugg'd to the Body, it's out.
If in ftriking, both his Feet are over the Popping-Creafe, and his Wicket put down, except his Bat is down within, it's out.
If he runs out of his Ground to hinder a Catch, it's out.
If a Ball is nipp'd up, and he ftrikes it again wilfully, before it came to the Wicket, it's out.
If the Players have crofs'd each other, he that runs for the Wicket that is put down, is out: If they are not crofs'd, he that returns is out.
If in running a Notch, the Wicket is ftruck down by a Throw, before his Foot, Hand, or Bat is over the Popping-Creafe, or a Stump hit by the Ball, though the Bail was down, it's out.
But if he Bail is down before, he that catches the Ball muft ftrike a Stump out of the Ground, Ball in Hand, or elfe it's not out.
If the Striker touches, or takes up the Ball before it has lain quite ftill, unlefs afk'd by the Bowler, or Wicket-Keeper, it's out.
When the Ball has been in Hand by one of the Keepers, or Stoppers, and the Player has been at Home, he may go where he pleafes till the next Ball is bowl'd.
If either of the Strikers is crofs'd, in his running Ground, defignedly, the fame muft be determined by the Umpires. N.B. The Umpires may order that Notch to be fcored.
When the Ball is hit up, either of the Strikers may hinder the Catch in his running Ground; or if it is hit directly acrofs the Wickets, the other Player may place his Body any where within the Swing of the Bat, fo as to hinder the Bowler from catching it; but he muft neither ftrike at it, nor touch it with his Hands.
If a Striker nips a Ball up juft before him, he may fall before his Wicket, or pop down his Bat, before it comes to the Wicket, to fave it.
The Bail hanging on one Stump, though the Ball hit the Wicket, it's not out.
The Wicket-Keepers fhall ftand at a reafonable Diftance behind the Wicket, and fhall not move till the Ball is out of the Bowler's Hand, and fhall not, by any Noife, incommode the Striker; and if his Hands, Knees, Foot, or Head, be over, or before the Wicket, though the Ball hit it, it fhall not be out.
To allow Two Minutes for each Man to come inn when one is out, and Ten Minutes between each Hand.
To mark the Ball that it may not be changed.
They are fole Judges of all Outs and Inns; of all fair or unfair Play; of all frivolous Delays; of all Hurts, whether real or pretended, and are difcretionally to allow what Time they think proper before the Game goes on again.
In Cafe of a real Hurt to a Striker, they are to allow another to come inn, and the Perfon hurt to come inn again; but are not to allow a frefh Man to play, on either Side, on any Account.
They are fole Judges of all Hindrances; croffing the Players in running, and ftanding unfair to ftrike, and in Cafe of Hindrance may order a Notch to be fcor'd.
They are not to order any Man out, unlefs appealed to by one of the Players.
Thefe Laws are to the Umpires jointly.
Each Umpire is the fole Judge of all Nips and Catches; Inns and Outs; good or bad Runs, at his own Wicket, and his Determination fhall be abfolute; and he fhall not be changed for another Umpire, without the Confent of both Sides.
When the four Balls are bowl'd, he is to call over.
Thefe Laws are feparately.
When both Umpires call Play three Times, 'tis at the Peril of giving the Game from them that refufe to play..
iam prabhu answering your question
iam prabhu answering your question
2007-06-03 09:00:05
answer #6
answered by prabhu suresh 3