More recently i'd have to say "The Ring" because I had nightmares for awhile after seeing that.
For classic, i'd have to say "The Shining". Nothing can top that one...and I still get goosebumps whenever I see it.
Oh, and I forgot Poltergeist...all of them. Gives me the creeps. And Nightmare on Elm Street...can't remember which # it is, but the one where her boyfriend gets sucked into the bed...for the longest time, I would have nightmares about being sucked into my bed lol.
2007-06-02 16:46:14
answer #1
answered by atlantagal 5
The grudge I still can't go into a stair well alone. Also spent 2 - 3 weeks jumping at every little sound.
But I will say this Exorcist was very boring I fell asleep while watching it.
2007-06-02 21:59:29
answer #2
answered by Tessylu 2
the new "amityville horror" was good and the new "omen" we - me and hubby - think movies about demonic s h i t are WAY scarier than serial killer / mass murderer movies cause you can unload a clip in a person, but a demon is scary ****. also, when both he and i were little, the original "texas chainsaw massacre" scared the **** outta us. here are the scary movies we have some are good ,some are not
American Haunting - ok , kinda jip ending
Texas Chainsaw Massacre and TCM the Begininng: my fave character is the sheriff (aka the gunny from that one mailbag show on military channel) and seeing how the old man lost his legs in the beg was kool
Toolbox Murders - i liked it , the "coffin baby" all grown up was creepy
All the Saws - he likes em i really dont
all the old halloweens, and omens
The Boogeyman I liked it
The Howling
we rented "the beast of bray road" the other day and it had a MEGA cheese werewolf
I like the ring series, but grudge is lame.also, hubby likes jeepers creepers and not me, but i like hills have eyes but not him. i hated black chritmas also
I like movies Underworld one and two a lot and the blade series.
2007-06-02 16:48:37
answer #3
answered by Brandi A 3
I don't watch scary movies.The scariest movie I ever had to suffer through was Night of the Living Dead,the first one,we went to the Drive inn and I sat with my fingers in my ears and sang so I couldn't hear what was going on it was horrible.we had people with us and they wanted to stay so I was stuck.That and the original Blob when I was 10 or 11.
2007-06-02 16:57:39
answer #4
answered by flossie mae 5
Silent Hill was probably the scariest
It was just so bizarre how the world kept changing and stuff was always jumping out. Basically it was always knocking your mind off a stable surface.
But even that wasn't terrifying or anything. Most of the modern "horror" movies are just glorified "Snuff" films.
Kinda sad really.
2007-06-02 16:47:08
answer #5
answered by special-chemical-x 6
the unique Psycho, I observed it whilst i exchange into 8, and that i could no longer take a tub for 2 years! another solid ones are Halloween, Rosemary's infant, The Shining, Friday the thirteenth, A Nightmare on Elm highway, The Exorcist, The Texas Chainsaw bloodbath and night of the residing lifeless!
2016-10-06 13:04:46
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Actually a movie made in 1967 entitled "Wait Until Dark" was pretty scary.It is about a blind woman who lives alone in her apartment and unknowing to her she has something belonging to a man who is a psychopath who goes to her apartment to get it back.
If you ever see this movie don't look at it in the dark!!!
2007-06-02 22:39:53
answer #7
answered by ROBERT P 7
Well hands down it has to be the original exorcist. It was years ahead of its time. it broke down barriers to what the "R" rating was allow to sensationalize as far what was perverse and disturbing. I do have to say the crucifix scene where the line "your mother sucks c#&ks in hell" was believable to me at the time. As far as my first scary movie, it was" Dracula". It gave me nightmares for months when I was a youngster.
2007-06-02 17:26:29
answer #8
answered by rtichare 4
Good question. I'd have to say "Wrong Turn." It wasn't a big Blockbuster hit, you just have to rent it yourself. Don't watch it alone! It's best watched with alot of friends. It still gives me nightmares.
2007-06-02 16:43:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
definetly the "Exorcist" it's an old film but it still gives me goose bumps. My wife makes me turn it off when she catches me watching it. If you've never watched it I think you should.
2007-06-02 16:49:33
answer #10
answered by H-vaker 2