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Jack Kevorkian was released from prison yesterday. What is your opinion on assisted suicide for the TERMINALLY ill??

2007-06-02 06:25:16 · 30 answers · asked by andieangel2003 2 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

30 answers

My mother was "terminally ill" had COPD, heart and lungs filled with fluid, her colin cancer was back and she was bouncing from home to hospital to nursing home to home.

She had an attack on Saturday morning, decided herself NOT to return to the hospital, she was already on HOSPICE. The following Friday nite she passed away with dignity and peaceful. We utilized everything legally within our power to make her comfortable.

She talked laughed right to the end, said good by and loved her family. But in the end it was HER decision -- did I assist her by not taking her to the hospital, I don't believe so.

Was I accused of assisted suicide? Yes I was, but she was under constant medical attention, she just refused literally refused further treatment.

She was 92 years young, and I respect her decision, but it was HER decision, not mine nor anyone else's.

2007-06-02 06:33:50 · answer #1 · answered by Kris 3 · 5 0

I Think That People Should Have The Right To End Their Own Lives If They Are Terminally Ill And Want To End Their Suffering~I Believe In Mercy killings...

2007-06-02 06:36:24 · answer #2 · answered by Psychotic2 6 · 2 0

Vets are required to do so in some circumstances, does that mean animals have more rights than people.
I has to be allowed. But there muat also be a period of time allowed, say six months or a year, between the decision and the act, to allow for the fact that the decision may have been made in the heat of the moment and was not the true wish of the patient.

2007-06-02 06:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I have left a living will,where I shall have no heroic measures taken.I don't want to suffer,and I prefer not to be a burden to my children.In case of a terminal illness or an accident,I prefer for my children to pull the plug than see me suffer or in a state of vegetation.It's my choice and it's written down in paper.I'm all for assisted suicide,also.

2007-06-02 07:31:37 · answer #4 · answered by Ms Lety 7 · 0 0

Yes, no one should be made to suffer. Being terminally ill has got to be just like sitting on death row in prison. Except being on death row sometimes is not as it seems, they still get collage degrees and work out int the local gym, and of course they are not usually so sick they can't hold their head up.

2016-05-19 04:38:13 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

What is the purpose of a person who is dying and in intolerable pain to be forced to continue on until they die? Would you do this to your animal? If it had a painful cancer and was obviously miserable, would you have it put to sleep? Why should we treat humans less humanely? If a person wants to be put out of their misery and there is no hope for betterment, I think they should be allowed to choose that. A pharmacist co-worker once told me about a family whose family member had pancreatic cancer (very painful, from what I understand) and he was in so much pain he was vomiting. The family would not allow him pain medication. I don't know why. I'll never forget that. No one should have the right to make that decision for someone else though, because they are a drain on society. I also respect religious and spiritual beliefs, but not when they are forced upon the one in pain.

2007-06-02 06:35:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It should be upto the individual, it is their life. I watched my brother suffer awfully from a very rare cancer. It broke his bones, paralized him for the last couple months, he was was in chronic awful pain. There was no hope for him he just suffered. In the head they shorten his hours by overdosin him on pain meds. I would rather end my suffering then ever go thru that,

2007-06-02 06:32:16 · answer #7 · answered by TritanBear 6 · 3 0

Wow. I wish I could answer this question!! I am biting my tongue. But due to my profession (hospice nurse) I'm really afraid to say very much. (You never know who's reading these answers. And I love my job!! :-) :-)
But thank you for asking such a great question!!
I would just encourage everyone to not take this kind of stuff lightly. We have some really young patients.

2007-06-02 06:32:11 · answer #8 · answered by luki1rn 4 · 4 0

personal choice and if documented and witnessed and found to be of sound mind there should be no repercussions to the Dr assisting in ending the suffering of the person requesting

2007-06-02 06:32:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I do think we have the right to choose if we are terminally ill.

2007-06-02 19:18:01 · answer #10 · answered by Patti C 7 · 1 0

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