~~~ HELLo Y.S.D.! I wish I was more observant. jEst now is the very foist time I noticed the spell check thingie on my computer! Cool!I tried it out and it informed me that I misspelled HELLo! lol! I ignored it. Looks right to me. Anyway.....I wish I was better at MULTITASKING! That's funny. I jEst checked it out again and it said I spelled MULTITASKING correctly. lol! I thought it would tell me not to say "TIT" Isn't "TIT" a bad word? Back to your question. I really, ReAlLy. REALLY,reALly,REalLY,reallreallreallYYYY....suck at mulTITasking! Yesterday, I was trying to cook my dinner and the stupid smoke alarms kept going off. By the way....I have a new way of making pork chops,BUTT!! that's a different story. So, to make a short story long.....I was also trying to jAzz up my Betty Crocker Au Gratin potatoes AND shop up a box of brick hard brown sugar because I love it and had to hurry up and add it to the chops. The potatoes kept boiling over and I accidently stabbed my hand with the knife! So I jEst gave up and tossed the whole box of brown sugar on top of the chops and poured cooking oil on top of them. While running around turning fans on and turning alarms off....I got hot. So I chucked my jeans. Then, my boyfriend called. He asked me why I breathing so hard and I started laughing. I had to turn the stereo down acuz I had earlier turned it up to hear it over those damn smoke detectors! Is damn a bad word? Lemme check it out. Unholy crap! It's still spinning it's wheels. I must have a ton of misspellings in here. Let's ignore it. Where was I? Oh yes....J. was wondering why I was breathing so hard and I was messing with the stereo. Then this really,REAlly,ReAlLy,REALLYreALly good GoOdGOodgoOD song came on. Naturally I wanted to share it with my Honey so I said "Babycakes! Listen to this!" He replied..."Is that Reggae?" Sometimes he gets such a snotty voice. By this time a fire had errupted in my oven. The potatoes were no longer in the pan and I was HOT! So I calmly ran into the kitcken , threw open the oven door and turned off the chops. Then I had to turn off the alarms AGAIN. jEff asked what dahell I was doing. I told him what was going on while I was in mid air . I had meant to land on top of the coffee table to reach the smoke alarm above it BUTT!! accidently kicked over my can of Vanilla Coke. Now That pissed me off, so when jEff "tried" to tell me what to do next I snapped. Remember...I was running around half naked and he tells me to open the freakin door.I told him I couldn't acuz I was jEst wearing HIS T-shirt and my boxers.Yes. I wear boxers. Now the whole world knows. So....get this. J. informs me that I am a "Hick" A "Hick" who blasts Reggae. He says he hates Reggae,BUTT!! I make him listen to it when he visits me over here. Where was I AGAIN?!?! See,if I was better at mulTITasking I would know. Sorry,BUTT!! I totally lost my train of thought. Bottom line is....I can't mulTITask so good.And, I also wish I was better at "Cough Syrup" like winnerfull-1 wishes. That's another story too. lol! Shoot! That spell check thing is STILL spinning around & around & around & around & around! I don't care. It needs to shut up acuz I'm gonna try two submit this the weigh it is.I CAN spell dammit! Well,YSD I oppose I best be going acuz their are sum things I think I should be mulTITasking at. Have a fun day. ~~~
2007-06-02 03:45:04
answer #1
answered by donelle g. 7
There are lots of things I wish I was better at! The main thing is probably the ability to remember things. I have a problem with short term memory and it sucks! I wish I was better at math and computer skills, also.
2007-06-02 01:38:13
answer #2
answered by vanhammer 7
Yesterday somebody told me I'm perfect, so I guess not.
Wait! I wish I was better at growing hair! Think I'd do Rastafarian Dreds. Whatdea think?
2007-06-02 11:52:25
answer #3
answered by Freesumpin 7
Yes. I wish that I was better at eating healthy foods, unfortunately I don't like ALL vegetables and I tend to not eat as healthy as I could, because I'm a gymnast, and singer so I can't afford to be sick. :((((
2007-06-02 01:05:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I wish I was little better at playing the drums and guitar.
2007-06-02 01:03:19
answer #5
answered by Kraziegurl79 ist ein Rock Star 7
I wish i was better at drawing
2007-06-02 01:16:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I wish i was better at writing horror stories.
2007-06-03 00:41:41
answer #7
answered by Yūsuke 5
Not really, If I lack at anything I improve it right away. If I had to say anything though I wish that I could get my flowers to grow just a little faster than they do.
2007-06-02 01:30:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
this is my first year being a teacher aide and although I have learned a lot from "hands on" experience, I wish I were better at it-for the kids' sake.(elementary)
2007-06-02 01:09:53
answer #9
answered by little lu-lu 6
Cough Syrup, Dont know why, just wish I was better at it.
just kiddding! Writing,
2007-06-02 01:05:51
answer #10
answered by winnerfull-1 5
Yes, indeed. I wish I was better at "Cyber Flirting".
2007-06-02 11:57:55
answer #11
answered by Anonymous