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In Australia, Grindhouse was meant to come out in mid-May! It's now June and hasn't came out! So I called up on of my local cinema's and asked them what's going on? He replied by saying that Grindhouse is going to be split up into different movies but what made me even more mad is that they aren't even going to show Planet Terror! Just Death Proof, which I thinks ruins the whole theme of it being a Grindhouse Genre.

So I called up the only other cinema in my town and they said it might not even come out at all! But If I call up on Monday I can talk to the manger about booking a special screening about it. I don't really want to do that because it'll cost to much but I really want to see the whole 2 movies at a cinema (A)Being that it'll be better then watching it on DVD (B)They'd show them together!

I wish the other cinema would come to there sences and just have like a one day only showing of it!!

What are your thoughts and did this happen in America??


2007-06-01 18:07:06 · 3 answers · asked by MKroX2202 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

3 answers

..."Grindhouse" did not do so great at the box office in the U.S., due to a general rampant 'shying away' of the three-and-a-half-hour running time; per certain resources, the single films that make up "Grindhouse" might be reedited for separate limited release in the fall. Supposedly, the films ("Planet Terror" and "Thunder Bolt"....er, I mean "Deathproof") will be cleaned up, and the widely-reported 'missing reels' will be re-inserted.

However, having experienced the total "Grindhouse" experience a total of six times, since it's release over a month ago, it is plainly clear that the full 'grind house' experience is the way this presentation was meant to be seen; it is understandable that overseas, in Europe and Asia (as well as the folks down under), that the 'grind house' presentation is relatively unknown, and never been experienced; well, why not introduced THE WORLD to this monster!!! Ultimately, it's an experience not to be easily forgotten!!! (and this is coming from one who has toured the ''grind house motion picture circuit experience repeatedly first-hand, in various cities across the U.S., such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc., from the late 70's, on into the mid 80's!!!).

I can only hope that at least ONE theatre in your area, has the cajones to present "Grindhouse" the way it was meant to be seen; trust me when I say, it just won't play the same, when the DVD finally comes out...let alone, if the separate features within, are played separately.

I truly feel for ya' man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-01 18:23:39 · answer #1 · answered by Fright Film Fan 7 · 2 0

I'm not living in America, so I don't know.I watched it on DVD, whole two movies in one.And, here, they didn't even comed out in any cinema.But few days ago, I saw them two as two splited movies.

2007-06-02 05:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by Scary girl 2 · 0 0

I'm American...I have no desire whatsoever to see this junk....can't believe anyone was dumb enough to fund it in the first place.

2007-06-02 10:23:46 · answer #3 · answered by mnkstapel 3 · 0 1

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