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do the jerk in a movie theater

2007-06-01 05:41:09 · 23 answers · asked by David 6 in Entertainment & Music Movies

23 answers

Yes he did

2007-06-01 05:42:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Pee Wee Herman Mugshot

Paul Rueubens, a k a "Pee Wee Herman", was arrested July 26 1991 for "masterbating" at the South Trail Cinema, an XXX theatre. [Editor's note: one wonders whether that should even be a crime at all.] Reubens paid a $50 fine and did various and sundry community services. Children's television will never be the same.

2007-06-01 05:46:23 · answer #2 · answered by THE SINGER 7 · 1 0

Yes he did July 26, 1991

2007-06-01 07:38:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Paul Reubans, a.k.a. Pee Wee Herman, did in fact masturbate in an adult theatre in Sarasota, Florida in 1991 & was arrested for indecent exposure. In Sarasota County Court, he made a deal that year: in exchange for a fine & a few public service announcements, he was given a clean record.

2007-06-01 06:16:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's what it says in Wikipedia:

On July 26, 1991, Reubens was arrested in Sarasota, Florida for masturbating publicly in an adult theater. The news media went into a frenzy and the scandal marked the near-death of the character "Pee-wee Herman," reducing both the actor and the persona to an ubiquitous punchline. Although the series Pee-wee's Playhouse had already ended by that time, CBS reacted by dropping its reruns from their lineup. Reubens made a deal with the Sarasota County court: in exchange for a fine and a few public service announcements, he was given a clean record.

Contrary to belief, Reubens' last appearance as Pee-wee was not at the MTV Video Music Awards on September 5, 1991. His last appearance as Pee-Wee was in fact in 1992 at a tribute to Minnie Pearl at the Grand Ole Opry. The MTV awards were, however the last time a major audience saw Pee-wee.

Reubens was arrested again in 2002 in connection with an investigation involving child pornography. Public news stories concerning his case cast doubt upon the suggestion that Reubens intentionally acquired child pornography, as he stated that he was a collector of "erotic artwork" and that he had a sizable collection of vintage erotica with samples dating back to the 18th century. On March 19, 2004, child pornography charges against him were dropped by Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo after Reubens pleaded guilty to a separate "misdemeanor obscenity" charge.

"The DA waited 364 days (one day before the statute of limitations would have run out) and then alleged that some of it was 'child pornography' -- decades-old physique poses, old art photos, and yellowed nudist magazines. Some of the nude photos were of minors -- when the pictures were taken, but most of the models would have been dead of old age before Reubens was born. All of the photos, Reubens maintained, were legal when they were first published. The charges were reduced to 'obscenity', and Reubens pleaded guilty and paid a $100 fine in exchange for probation."[5]

Said Reubens: "Personally, I think we're living in a very scary time. Do we let the legal system decide in a courtroom what's obscene and what's not obscene? I didn't want to be in a situation where there was a possibility I could go to jail... I mean, that just seemed insane to me."

"One thing I want to make very, very clear, I don't want anyone for one second to think that I am titillated by images of children. It's not me. You can say lots of things about me. And you might. The public may think I'm weird. They may think I'm crazy or anything that anyone wants to think about me. That's all fine. As long as one of the things you're not thinking about me is that I'm a pedophile. Because that's not true."[6]

Prior to his arrest, Reubens had made a guest appearance on the hit TV series Everybody Loves Raymond, playing the role of Amy McDougall's comic-book-obsessed brother (Russel McDougall). His arrest prompted the show's star, Ray Romano, to object to Reubens being a part of the show's cast and actor Chris Elliott was cast as the character of Peter McDougall, apparently a second brother of Amy's, to replace Reubens' role.

2007-06-01 05:52:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, it was an XXX theater also I believe.

Pee Wee ( Paul Reubens) was just on 30 Rock in a guest appearance.

No spanking the monkey though.

2007-06-01 05:45:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, he did, from all accounts. He even made light of it, cracking a joke about it (I believe it was during an awards ceremony), showing he could laugh it off later. It seemed like a real career-ender, but Peewee is a real go-getter...

2007-06-01 05:44:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NO, it was a guy named Paul Reubens and it was a XXX theatre. Pee Wee would never hang out at a place like that. Or at least I've never seen him there.

2007-06-01 05:45:32 · answer #8 · answered by David B 2 · 0 0

pass on your doctor as quickly as achieveable... truthfully everyone desires pals & lonliness motives melancholy. pass on your previous pals & clarify to them in a mature way the way you sense & attempt your ultimate to re build your relationships. pass on your loved ones for help, ie mum and dad & or brothers, sister or cousins. forget women on the 2d you're nevertheless youthful. locate something you like, ie activities, any hobbies. stay busy & workout. pass working, swimming, play soccer. workout is solid for psychological well being. you will no longer have the potential yet stress your self, then have confidence me you will sense extra powerful. Get a activity or learn. you are able to desire to sit down down back your techniques... extra importantly you have your well being & you're alive, be grateful to god & relish your existence & sort it out now. solid success. God bless you inshallah

2016-10-06 11:00:29 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes he did and I quit letting the kids watch the show when he did.

2007-06-01 05:49:36 · answer #10 · answered by Rochelle N 5 · 0 0

Yup, the movie in question was "Nurse Nancy"

2007-06-01 06:08:45 · answer #11 · answered by Experto Credo 7 · 0 0

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