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signs of philosophy leading to a gallory wall that must be passed through where many flesh have died to continue with their journey through life to return to the father what he has given to hold untill such a time as the crossing over? Why does the topic of conversation in the world have to be of death? . Father, my sacrifice to you is to give back what you have given unto my life may you find it to be worthy of return unto thy kingdom above all.

2007-06-01 04:46:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

9 answers

I look for a whole that may not be there. I may dig one to the depths of my imaginings and plant. If nothing else a fence post that may connect to others with ties that bridge and support. Perhaps a sapling tree that all may share, which I've done and it remains and is still there growing shooting off sprouts like fences connecting. Or a flower that can be plucked like a trophy to wither from the vine and agitate the bees that no not why they sting.

2007-06-01 05:23:06 · answer #1 · answered by RT 6 · 1 0

I post because thru life everyone needs help and everyone needs answers and if i can help just 1 person make a better choice for themselves then I've done something good .I have served a purpose in my life.. Reading your entry i'm wondering what religion you are , not that it matters i've just not seen these scriptures quite layed out that way before.. Very interesting......I was always taught that there is a purpose for everything under heaven and i intend to serve mine...as i hope everyone does so too. God Bless......

2007-06-01 12:07:20 · answer #2 · answered by mushpuppie 2 · 1 0

That was beautiful. I know that many of these people don't really know what that was, but that's a philosophy rant. People, she's venting using beautiful words put togther in a symbolic and philosophical way. Please, continue to write such passages and pour your heart into each one as you did this one. You have an obvious talent, whether you see it or not.

Best wishes.

2007-06-01 12:06:57 · answer #3 · answered by yvkujhbkuyb 3 · 1 1

Ok - not a question and heavily biased towards the religious. This belongs in the "Religion and Spirituality" section, not philosophy.

2007-06-01 11:59:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The spirit gathers momentum through the places where it is not welcome. Fortunate, those who hold the hem of your gown!

As for my own motivation...yet to be understood.

2007-06-01 12:21:12 · answer #5 · answered by Baron VonHiggins 7 · 1 0

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side....

2007-06-01 11:58:25 · answer #6 · answered by FIGJAM 6 · 1 3


2007-06-01 11:52:08 · answer #7 · answered by merrybodner 6 · 0 2

i have no idea of what you are talking about. I post cause i'm bored.

2007-06-01 11:54:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Could you please explain more

2007-06-01 11:56:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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