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17 answers

Just look at the Middle East (Holy Land?). Jews are fighting christians and muslims. christians and jews are fighting muslims, muslims are fighting christians and jews and muslims.
It's obvious that religion is one of the major causes of war and if organised religion was banned we would have a more peaceful world but greed and the lust for power are also causes for war.

2007-05-31 18:00:51 · answer #1 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 2 0

If religion could truly be used for good then I would be more inclined to support it. Unfortunately though, religion has done nothing but to serve as a dividing force in humanity - a reason to shun or destroy those who do not subscribe to or stray (however slightly) away from the religious doctrines. Human nature is such I guess. As for whether religion should be done away with...well it has been on this Earth since time immemorial so I doubt it will ever be eradicated. As well it does have some important benefits to the individual (calm, sense of belonging and community, spirituality, purpose). However, it seems that in today's world, the negatives far outweigh the benefits and so perhaps we would be better off without religion.

2007-05-31 18:05:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I believe the on-going wars including the war on terror is a clash of contrasting cultures & ideology.
Laden & friends choose only what suits their deeds from the holy Quran.
In the last few decades, almost all wars have been fought in the Middle-East & Africa.
The wars involving Israel/USA & Arabs/Soviets were more to do with politics/ideology than religion.
The wars in Africa are all about ethnic disparities.
Religion was a cause for war, but not much these days.

2007-05-31 17:46:01 · answer #3 · answered by daffy duck 4 · 2 0

Me! Me! Me! I think this way. Take a look at many countries in the Middle East where they don't educate their children but they sure think it's important that they read the Koran day in and day out.

Many middle eastern countries have been war torn for thousands of years, long before the U.S.A. started the charade of a war going on now in Iraq

Religion breeds intolerance and hate. It teaches people not to tolerate certain groups, it teaches them to be very hypocritical and judgmental

In countries like the U.S.A. we can't even begin to understand the religious fanatacism and insanity that goes on in some parts of the world, essentially teaching people to hate anything and everything in the rest of the world that isn't the way they are or has the slightest spice of liberalism. Now what does that sound like to you? Sure sounds like racism to me.

In Iran? a woman will get stoned to death for adultery. And what does a man get for the same thing, a prince's crown? Ridiculous.

2007-05-31 18:00:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Done away with? War or Religion?

2007-05-31 17:43:54 · answer #5 · answered by Mister Bald 5 · 0 1

No religion is the cause of any war in history.
It is mad men and women who manipulate religion to serve their own ego.
All religion teaches tolerance so it can not be religion .It is the egocentric who want to dominate their positions. They use weak followers to do their dirty work. We are then blinded and blame religion.
If it was religion then every man, women and child will be out in the streets killing each other. It is just a minority that causes this pain to other who do not believe in their doctrine.

2007-05-31 17:49:22 · answer #6 · answered by thumba 5 · 0 0

Religion in deed does seem to be the root of all evil if we take a look at the present day scenario. But if we were to do away with religion we would still find something to kill each other for.....thats the tragedy of the human race. Violence seems to be inherent in some ways.

2007-05-31 22:32:43 · answer #7 · answered by vigi 2 · 1 0

No, I don't. I believe the religion is often a cover for war, to whip up frenzies. But there's usually another reason going on in the background. Like the greed for land. Treaties. Power.

2007-05-31 21:51:23 · answer #8 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 1 0

Wars are caused by evil people. Religion is an excuse, but without religion, these people would just find other excuses.

2007-05-31 20:58:59 · answer #9 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

Religion has been the root cause of almost 100% of the wars in the past 2000 years.

Done away with? Not really possible.

The funny thing to me is that people are so loyal to there religions and faith. And there faith says treat people with respect and honor, and then they go ahead and bomb others with different views. I also can't stand persons who push there religion on others.

2007-05-31 17:52:36 · answer #10 · answered by Stuckart 3 · 1 1