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"The era of tax-free e-mail, Internet shopping and broadband connections could end this fall, if recent proposals in the U.S. Congress prove successful.

State and local governments resumed a push to lobby Congress for far-reaching changes on two different fronts: gaining the ability to impose sales taxes on Net shopping, and being able to levy new monthly taxes on DSL and other connections. One senator is even predicting taxes on e-mail.

At the moment, states and municipalities are frequently barred by federal law from collecting both access and sales taxes. But they're hoping that their new lobbying effort, coordinated by groups including the National Governors Association, will pay off by permitting them to collect billions of dollars in new revenue by next year."

2007-05-31 09:05:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

"But with Democrats now in control of both chambers of Congress, the political dynamic appears to have shifted in favor of the pro-tax advocates and their allies on Capitol Hill. The NetChoice coalition, which counts as members eBay, Yahoo and the Electronic Retailing Association and opposes the sales tax plan, fears that the partisan shift will spell trouble."

2007-05-31 09:19:33 · update #1

13 answers

That is their bread and butter! They would like to distribute your cash. tf

2007-05-31 09:14:32 · answer #1 · answered by Knick Knox 7 · 4 2

OK first, I am a republican and have always been happy to say so. Traditionally republicans believe in smaller government and less taxes, they are supposed to want us to be able to keep more of our hard earned money. Can you imagine what our paychecks would look like if federal state local and social security weren't deducted from them? Wow! Now I am not totally against all taxation obviously we need good roads, schools, etc. etc. But I am all for keeping the government out of our personal life. Social security for instance was the product of a democrat telling us that we apparently are too stupid to put away money to take care of ourselves in our old age. I resent that. Our government was founded on the belief that we could govern ourselves. People need to wake up and take responsibility for themselves. Democrats historically have always wanted more money from the taxpayers to spend on socially funded programs because they apparently believe that we are not smart enough to help ourselves.( Of course sadly, in some cases this is true.) Lately though it seems that the dems have become so far left that some of the things they come up with are just plain loony. The republicans however have become much more like the old time democrats and are not sticking to what they are supposed to stand for. I have often thought we need a new party. But people in general are just so greedy that it seems to me they don't really care anymore whats good for the country, they just care about what is good for them and until that mentality changes we are in a downward spiral.I am in a position where I must hire alot of young people, it is truly amazing to me that maybe 1 out of 100 know anything at all about current issues. They don't vote and most don't care. How to change that attitude? I wish I knew. It seems to me that if all the big mouth Hollywood libs and liberal politicians would just donate all of their own money, or even just the money they spend jetting around the country (to preach to everyone about global warming) they could fund their own half crazed programs and keep their hands out of our pockets. But I'm sure it's much easier to get it from the sheep which it seems that 75% of the population has become. Woe to us!

2007-05-31 10:22:45 · answer #2 · answered by jones 4 · 0 0

Funny that you blame this on the Democrats, when the only government official named in your link is a Republican.

"If that doesn't happen, other taxes may zoom upward instead, warned Sen. Michael Enzi, a Wyoming Republican, at a Senate hearing on Wednesday. 'Are we implicitly blessing a situation where states are forced to raise other taxes, such as income or property taxes, to offset the growing loss of sales tax revenue?' Enzi said. 'I want to avoid that.'"

Okay, how on earth do I get a thumbs-down for an answer that's simply pointing out the irony of this question? Do people seriously just put in thumbs-ups and thumbs-downs based on their political affiliation? IMO, that paints the perfect picture of how we got into this horrific situation in the first place!

2007-05-31 09:17:12 · answer #3 · answered by abfabmom1 7 · 1 2

Your question is so loaded I think I need to put it in a drunk tank for the night.

If you read the article or at least read what you put down in your Question Details section, you would notice that it is state and local governments (Nothing indicates the political viewpoint of said governments.) and not the Congress that are lobbying for taxing certain internet serivces. The article doesn't indicate any strong Democratic or Republican support for such a bill.

2007-05-31 09:17:36 · answer #4 · answered by Liberals love America! 6 · 1 2

Hate to tell you, but in New York State, we've had no tax free internet shopping since the REPUBLICANS took office 8 years ago..... We have to pay a SALES TAX which was brought upon us by the REPUBLICAN governor and the REPUBLIC head NYS senate and congress.... Oh guess what----the Republicans got voted OUT last time around..... Don't go blaming the Democrats or the "libs" for everything bad in this country---Republicans do THEIR FAIR SHARE of screwing up our lives TOO!

2007-05-31 09:12:59 · answer #5 · answered by LittleBarb 7 · 3 2

I'm sorry but taxes are a good thing. It's just if the money gained from taxes usually doesn't go towards what it is supposed to go to. If this money went to schools, parks, roadways, hospitals(a national health care plan perhaps) it would be wonderful. But most of the time it the tax money collected goes towards senators getting raises.

2007-05-31 09:13:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

"The Project for a New American Century" (PNAC) is the elusive "cabal" that is hardly mentioned in the news, and never called by name. PNAC was co-founded by William Kristol and Dick Cheney & other familiar people. This cabal is the group that is presently in power. Needless to say, our American press has not been reporting all the facts regarding the current Bush Administration , so PNAC is rarely mentioned by them, if ever. If you google PNAC you will find it all over the internet , and many websites attempt to expose and "out" the PNAC. The UK press reports on PNAC all the time now, starting with an article by Neil Mackay in 2002 in the Scottish Sunday Herald:

2007-05-31 09:09:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Proposed by Michael Enzi a Wyoming Republican. Just as in the Neocon controlled Congress the Democrats will fight and defeat the Republican tax grab.

2007-05-31 09:13:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Um, that was a republican proposed bill, not a democratic one. It even says so in the link you give. Why do you lie? A simple debate on the merits of the bill or lack thereof would have been an interesting question. You sadden me.

2007-05-31 09:17:41 · answer #9 · answered by Chance20_m 5 · 2 2

maybe because the unfair advantage online business has over local business's due to the discepancy in law...or let me guess, you're one of those people who don't like to see Americans have jobs? As your own post states, it's not a democrats federal tax plan, it's states and local authorities trying to close a loophole

2007-05-31 09:09:00 · answer #10 · answered by gunkinthedrain 3 · 1 3

Money grab. Next thing, they will seek to impose a tax on services. That will be the last straw.

2007-05-31 09:08:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2