Mutual Funds is definitely the best way to go!
2007-05-31 08:07:56
answer #1
answered by Rocky 5
That's an extremely open-ended question that cannot be answered properly without knowing more about your background, financial state, financial obligations (family, bills and other obligations), etc
If you may need the money short term - on solid possibility is one of the high interest on-line savings accounts (search there are tons of them - with interest rates at or over 5%).
If longer term, you can go into the market - mutual funds or individual stocks. Most people advice smaller investors to go the mutual fund route since your are buying a pool of stocks and thus diversifying a bit. Others would rather choose a few select stocks they've studied or are comfortable with owning. That's your call.
I'd read as many articles on-line as you can and maybe subscribe to some basic magazine like Money to gain more exposure and understand other things that should factor into your decison like taxes (should I invest through my companies 401k, an IRA, or do I want this as an after tax account?)
Good Luck. But my more succinct answer would be the best way to invest is to "start" - you can alwasy adjust the method down the road.
2007-05-31 15:16:11
answer #2
answered by BPM 2
That depends on what you want it for, how much you have, how long before you need it, and how tolerant of risk you are. If you don't have answers for all of these, then the best thing you can do is get educated.
Go click on the Finance link on the nav. bar of the yahoo main page, look for the Education tab, and start learning. The Motley Fool website may be a good place to start also, but they always seemed to be a little pushy about selling stuff for my taste. Still, you can learn a lot there. Also check the Adult Ed. system in your area, and see if there's a basic investments class. Finally, check the local community college and see if they offer anything in this area in their curriculum.
2007-05-31 15:13:51
answer #3
answered by Ralfcoder 7
The best way to invest your money is the way that will help you achieve your goal. We invest not merely to "make money", but to achieve our financial goals and become independent.
The most important thing you should consider when investing is your time horizon. This will determine the amount of risk you can take, which will help you select the most appropriate investment.
The second most important thing you should consider are the costs associated with the investment. Small differences in costs compound to very large differences in wealth over long periods of time. You'll never become wealthy or meet your financial goals by "trading away" your money in transaction costs.
Good luck.
2007-05-31 16:28:08
answer #4
answered by derobake 4
Look at some exchange traded funds (ETFs). You get the hedging value of a broad set of holdings to spread your risk across, but without the higher expense ratios of more actively managed mutual funds. The only "load" or sales fee is your broker's commission because they trade like stocks. For instance, I got to ride values of funds covering major stocks for places like Japan and Malaysia and each only cost me the $7 a trade that Scottrade would charge if I bought a single stock from companies centered in either of those countries. I thought of buying into some REITs a while back (worth watching again today), but bought into a fund that held those and many more, and it made me more than any one of the three I targeted would have made if I bought it alone.
Mutual fund innovator John Bogle has long been preaching (and I'm starting to believe it more and more) that the average investor can no more win against the market in the long run, then a gambler can, in the long run, win against a casino. Check them out. When I think of how I started to put a bunch of my own money into NY (biggest 100 on the NYSE) instead of ferret out opportunities for trading, I keep getting this urge to bop my head like in those V-8 vegetable juice commercials ([instead of tomato juice] I could have had a V-8). For all the work, I would have been quite a bit further ahead (it sells for just over $80 today, but I could have bought it at about $65 around this time last year, not a bad increase).
2007-05-31 15:22:02
answer #5
answered by Rabbit 7
i think the best way is to invest your money in education first. After you have the knowledge then you can begin to invest.
2007-06-01 03:50:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hedge Funds.
2007-05-31 23:42:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
how much you have?
more you invest in whatever, more you get back.
plus, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.
dont invest in realestate right now.
2007-05-31 15:07:05
answer #8
answered by ktlove 4
An IRA - specializing in Mutuals. Definitely. And don't touch it.
2007-05-31 15:13:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
there are no. of ways to invest... depend upon person, how much, how long, how much risk taker, etc.....
2007-05-31 15:24:03
answer #10
answered by Raj m 1