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Why is that? Aren't these people ashamed of themselves? I've seen tons and tons of obese patrons at McDonalds and these people don't seem to mind that they will be having all sorts of health complications because they abuse their bodies with trashy food. McDonalds is the worst kind of food that there is out there. Why do Americans insist on eating junk food? Than they are the same ones that complain and complain about their taxes going up. In reality they are the same ones causing the tax increases since all the health services are overburdened with so many unhealthy patients that have all sorts of health complications either because they ate too much junk food or because they were smoking tobacco. Isn't it Ironic that the same ones that complain about the high cost of living are the same ones that are responsible for the increase?

2007-05-31 05:28:05 · 25 answers · asked by ev1go 2 in Dining Out Fast Food

25 answers

Sadly I eat at McDonalds occasionally and I could be in better shape, sometimes I do not have the time to cook and it's the closest or easiest but I agree with your statement.

2007-05-31 06:01:08 · answer #1 · answered by jan 3 · 1 0

Because junk food is addicting and full of corn sugar. There are studies that are saying that corn sugar is messing with people's metabolisms and this is the reason that obesity is on the rise. Also the media is constantly selling an image of beauty that is unrealistic for men or women so people feel bad about themselves and seek comfort in food. Probably a whole lot of other reasons too like pp are spending too much time in front of computers and TV instead of getting exercise (like us here at the computer, right now. How many of us should really get more exercise? C'Mon, be honest...)

2007-05-31 22:28:08 · answer #2 · answered by brazilexile 2 · 3 0

You will tack a few pointless years on to a boring life. Congratulations. BTW, how do you get B12 without eating animal products? Oh yea, you take vitamin supplements. Look at the latest research regarding longevity and vitamin supplementation. I'll give you a preview, it's not good. Might want to check the source of that B12 too. Obtaining it from natural resources (i.e., animal products) is far easier and cheaper than making it.

2016-05-17 21:25:17 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I don't think you can blame the high cost of living entirely on obese people. What about people who live off the government and make no attempt to do anything about it? Criminals whose cell and food cost you money daily?

That said, I think most of us eat McDonald's because it's faster and more convenient than cooking. Just like every other fast food place. When Americans learn to slow down, we'll all be healthier.

2007-05-31 05:43:05 · answer #4 · answered by Trisha 4 · 4 0

Since federal taxes do not pay for universal health care, and most states have cut medicaid for most people, your argument makes no sense. What exactly are you doing in that McDonalds watching those tons and tons of obese people? That food isn't good for anyone, obese or not. Eat real food.

2007-05-31 15:44:52 · answer #5 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 1 1

Junk food is cheap. And even supermarkets sell stuff cheaper thats junk too. 2 for 1 oreos for example. Also some people's perception of junk food is off. For example some people think a footlong meatball sub with provalone and mayo is good for you since its Subway and tacos are good for you because it has lettuce. The truth is beef tastes great while chicken tastes good. If most people convert to chicken I'd be the country would get skinnier, though lighten up on the mayo.

2007-05-31 05:39:08 · answer #6 · answered by Todd L 2 · 3 1

The real question is people want America's to loose weight but yet the fatty food is cheap and the healthy food is expensive sooooo if your poor uuuuummm which one are you goin to go for. I'll eat a $5.00 salad for 1 day and starve for the rest of the week or eat 65 cent taco's and be full the rest of the week?

2007-05-31 06:52:24 · answer #7 · answered by Lola 1 · 3 0

What about everyone having to pay for State Hospitals for peolple like you? Oh, I'm sorry are taxes increased only for health reasons? I have seen people workout everyday and eat healthy and have a heart attack. I have seen people die from Lung cancer that never smoked a cigarette in thier life! Maybe if they ate Mcdonalds once in a while they would have died with a smile on thier face, knowing they were wern't so small minded and ignorant like yourself!

2007-05-31 05:46:41 · answer #8 · answered by brandielynn320 3 · 6 0

America is a free country.. u should be able to eat what ever u want... Dont matter whether its healthy or fatty foods... Im in great shape and i eat junk food sometimes... That should be an amendment to the constitution.. oh wait .. I think the 1st amendment already covers it though..

2007-05-31 12:14:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes, people are stupid. Also people with SUVs complain about the high cost of gas and global warming, but their habits are creating these problems. Smokers, drinkers, and junk-food consumers are killing themselves - and ruining the planet for the rest of us. I see people in huge trucks running the engine at the fast food restaurant drive thru, and I think "that is the American dream?" We went off course somewhere, and turned America into a shopping mall.

2007-05-31 05:41:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1