No. If it's so embarrassing then why do people from other countries keep trying to come here to become citizens?
2007-05-31 02:10:47
answer #1
answered by NONAME 3
*LOL* What is disgraceful is your spelling. It's only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.
Rap music is an oxymoron.
Our borders aren't impervious but not open.
No war is endless and never for profit.
The Democrats are responsible for 6 trillion of that 8 trillion dollar debt.
The Democrats are the ones who declared war on drugs and poverty ---*LOL* Now those wars are endless. About the one on terror. That is like WW2. We got attacked so we thought it would be a good idea to declare war on terrorists. Or should we rely on law enforcement to stop them?
And what does it say when an 'idiot' (your term not mine) beats the best the opposition has to offer?
Is the corruption in the capital total? 100% Everything? Or did you exaggerate some.
About those cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers are an abomination in my opinion. But then my opinion differs from your on other matters also.
2007-05-31 03:06:35
answer #2
answered by namsaev 6
I really think that there is more to war than profit.
I'm sure America is not the only country with a drug war.
The war on terror doesn't seem to be a failure. Besides, other countries have it a lot worse than America regarding terrorist attacks.
Every President gets criticized like it's the easiest job to do.
What's worse $8 trillion in debt or living like a third world nation?
Open borders mean people want to live here. Why is that embarrassing. It would be more embarrassing if nobody wanted to live here.
Corruption is everywhere in the world, not just in the US Capital.
Rap music? Okay, I'll give you that one.
Instead of looking at the media negatives of America, we should focus on the positives.
Freedom to go on sites like this and express our opinions.
Land of opportunity.
Right to express your religious beliefs.
Democratic society. Non dictatorship.
2007-05-31 02:26:09
answer #3
answered by Paul 3
Endless 'wars'? Afghanistan was not a war raged for profit. Do you not recall 9/11/2001
Rap Music is enjoyed throughout the planet unfortunately
Open borders (well, you're right about that). Same with the national debt
The war on drugs, terror and poverty are being fought the wrong way, I must agree.
I won't disrespect the President, but he is a loon
And their is corruption in every government on this planet.
But I still proud to call myself an American regardless.
2007-05-31 02:13:33
answer #4
answered by Frank Dileo 3
Frankly, no, and while those are all problems we face, you forget or take for granted that we hold our own destiny in our hands. We can stop making the election of our officials a popularity contest and get involved in positioning relevant people in office. That is our failure and not the government's. We have become as, a whole, fat and lazy and take the easy path of having the main stream media and Hollywood pick our officials.
What we need to do is remember that we live in the world's most generous and opportunity filled country. Our people give more to end world hunger than any other country. We have a bill of rights and an enforceable constitution. Very few other people around the world can claim to have that privilege. What we need to do is stop complaining about our short comings and get busy to change the things that need improvement. I came from a country which under communist rule lost all of its basic civil liberties, Cuba. I am very proud to be an American.
2007-05-31 02:29:09
answer #5
answered by bharpman 2
Shoot NO!
Endless wars for profit? Do you realize the price of war?
Rap music- I like it.
Open borders- Because everybody wants to be an AMERICAN
$8 trillion national debt? a lie anyhow, we only owe a federal bank, in which we are just skimming the interest, to pay ourselves.
failed war on drugs, terror, poverty- drugs, we didn't want to get rid of all of them, just the bad ones. Terror- so when was the last time we had a terror attack? 2001! We are doing good. Poverty- whatever. None of us are really poor. Look at the people in Africa. We put too many people in the poverty range that shouldn't be there anyhow.
Idiot president- I didn't vote for him.
Total corruption in our capitol- it's everywhere buddy.
2007-05-31 02:29:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, thanks for ending on a high note. Best burgers in the world may I add. Don't forget our long tradition of fantastic barbeque as well. I wish and hope that these other countries that were are friends and now are either laughing at us or starting to hate us, realize that the actual people that live here are for the most part good people and don't hold the beliefs that our totally out of control govt. does. I am proud to be an american, just not proud of the govt.
2007-05-31 02:27:25
answer #7
answered by f_i_s_h_1 2
Thank God people thought I was from New Zealand when I was in England.... I was there during Israel's bombing of Lebanon. There was such a hatred of anything and everything American those 2 days I was in London.
I thought for sure I'd have been killed on the spot if people knew I was a U.S. citizen.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country. I'd never want to live anywhere else. I just can't stand seeing it being torn asunder by greedy misguided zealots.
It's humiliating to be instantly associated with the barbaric Neanderthals running this country, and their support of such heinous acts abroad.
And no, I have the pleasure of saying I DIDN'T vote for them.
Yes we have AWESOME cheeseburgers!
You weren't there, you didn't see, hear or experience what I did, so don't post a comment on it until you've lived through it, you proletariat elephant ****.
2007-05-31 02:14:48
answer #8
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7
It may look bad now, but I believe in the spirit of the American people. There's still hope for us all. I still believe in Reaganomics ( ya know, the trickle down theory) & I know that eventually all the greedy war proffiteers are gonna re-invest therir wealth and restimulate our sad economy and do away with drugs, terror & poverty. And then we're gonna make the world safe for Democracy if we have to kill every last Iraqi to do it. You'll see.
2007-05-31 03:00:44
answer #9
answered by SKYDOG 3
I wake up every day glad that I'm an American. I don't think we're so bad and apparently neither do the thousands of people who come here every week looking for a new life and better opportunity.
Who knows, maybe this is just my arrogant American view.
2007-05-31 02:14:13
answer #10
answered by Colonel 6
Things couldn't be much better right now for America!
Rap music does indeed suck in my does MTV. Why isn't there a white channel on tv??
I really wouldn't worry about our debt. It doesn't mean much and we are slowly paying it off because we pay so much in gas.
Drugs have always been around and theres nothing you can do to stop it. Same with's their fault for being lazy.
Our president isn't that bad...maybe corrupt
I think things aren't too shabby!
2007-05-31 02:14:43
answer #11
answered by Tim A 3