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I think it should be the teen's choice what they want to do with their life, not their mom's! Any opinions on this?

2007-05-31 01:11:30 · 21 answers · asked by Mariah♥ 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Miss Lonely...I totally agree!!!!

2007-05-31 02:57:14 · update #1

21 answers

I agree with you. I think teens are old enough to make their own decisions. Teens, especially teen girls, DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS! Guys are allowed to do whatever they want. They stay out late and go and hang out with their buddies on the streets and stuff, while parents make their teen girls sit inside and lay down all of these rules for them! I don't get it! Do you know what we need to do? We need to stand up for ourselves and live our own lives. Since the beginning of time it has always ben men, Men, MEN! They get everything. They didn't have to do anything to get their rights...before the Rev. War, anyways. Still, the girls were always forced to do things they didn't want to do. The thing that people don't understand is that girls are just as strong as boys, maybe even stronger! We are the ones that bear their children and we are the ones that have to put up with all of their crap! And now there are our parents telling us how to live our lives! We each are individual people and we have to live our own lives, which we are not allowed to do. Since the beginning of time, teens were never EVER trusted and they were stripped from their rights. I think we should all stand up and live our own lives no matter what our parents say, because I live my life the way I want to live it, not my parents way.

2007-05-31 01:51:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 7

It is most definitely not the teen's choice. It is not the teenager who will be supporting the child, in most cases. A teenager is not mentally or emotionally prepared to have a child. Teenagers today are not the same as they were, say, 100 years ago when teenagers had children on a regular basis. As I tell my own daughter, if you want to bring up the way they lived back then, you can do as many chores as they did throughout the day and can drop out of school, because kids back then didn't get to have freedom and fun the way they do now.

I had a child when I was 18 and although I love her dearly and wouldn't trade her for anything, I must say it was life changing. Having a child is something you can't turn back from. You can't trade a baby in like you would a guy if they frustrate you. You have to change a lot of things about yourself, things that you may not be ready to change. The idea of having a child is novel. Oh, they are cuddly and fun. But they are work. A lot of hard work. I don't think anyone, until they are truly ready, should have a child. In the long run, if you aren't ready, it is the child that suffers. I

think your parents have the right to tell you that getting pregnant is a mistake because they have first hand experience in raising a child, you. They have first hand experience in what it takes and will be supportive when you are in a position to take care of your own child. There is a right way to have a baby. There is a right way to raise a child.

Remember, babies are babies for a very short time. But your kids are your responsibility for the rest of your life. Or at least until they are moved out (but you will still feel responsible for them).

2007-05-31 01:30:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i wish you were kidding. no as long as you are under 18 it's your mom's option. the reason they get so mad is because first of all the last thing you should be thinking about is having a baby as a teen. depsite how grown up you think you are or how mature you think you are you are way too young to have a baby. you can't even work full time to take care of the baby. not to mention a baby is an enormous responsibility it's way different having a baby than it is to babysit or to play with someone elses. also your life pretty much ends once you have a baby. everything has to be about the baby not about you. you can't go out all of the time you can't sleep all night how are you going to get an education so you can provide for your child? you want to be stuck working at mcdonalds your whole life? live your life first there's a lot going on out there that is much harder to experience once you have a kid. not to mention the amount of money it takes to take care of a baby is a lot more than a teen can afford. a baby would be your responsibility not your mom's. that's why parents get mad. it's much easier to take care of children once you get your education and are making good money and have a spouse. also statistacally children have a higher rate of depression and behavioral problems when they come from single parent homes. and if you think that you and some boy from high school are gonna be together forever HA think again. it happens but it's extremely rare. try having your own life first before bringing another into this world. there's enough crap going on with out confusing a precious human life. not to mention the dangers of unprotected sex you don't truly know if your bf is sleeping around or not. say he goes and sleeps with marie then comes and sleeps with you then next week he goes and sleeps with anne and say anne has herpes then you sleep with your bf guess what you have? herpes. kids just aren't scared enough of the risks that go along with sex.

2007-05-31 01:52:04 · answer #3 · answered by butter_cream1981 4 · 0 0

think of this analogy... a 3 year old (who may be very smart and quick for her age) wants to cross the street by herself. the parent, older and wiser, loves the little girl and won't let her. why?

very similar.

It is so essential that you make the right choices now, so that you can blade a path for your future and your kids' future. Your parents want what's best for you. You should feel loved.

I am 26 and newly married. My husband and I both graduated from a 4 yr. university and have found stable jobs. We are not rich but we are blessed to bring in salaries that are above average for people our age in our community. We were fortunate enough to purchase our own home last year and also have some money left over each month for savings and stocks. And with this said, we are still doubting that we have "enough" for our first baby. We finally think we can manage and are now trying to conceive. But it won't be easy. If it's not easy for us can you imagine how hard it would be for a young, single, broke mother without an education? (High school doesn't count toward any real job) How would you ever get ahead in life? Why not set yourself up now and be that better mom you'd be if you waited?

I always think about this... if your life story was put into a book for all to read, how would YOU want the story to go? think about it...YOU are the author.

2007-05-31 03:20:44 · answer #4 · answered by Rossy 5 · 0 0

Your mother is going to care about you being sexually active and/or pregnant if you are a teen, like it or not! I am sure she has your best interest at heart. The highest growth of STDs are among teens. As long as you live under your mother's roof you will have to abide by her rules, and respect her opinions. Being a teenage mom is not by any means, easy. Why would you want to bring a child into the world when you are still one yourself? Do you have a job? How about a place to live? Will you have to use your parents assistance in raising a child? If you want to be sexually active get on birth control, if you are not already pregnant. Be responsible, enjoy your youth while you have it!

2007-05-31 08:15:18 · answer #5 · answered by Avery's_Mommy 2 · 0 0

Well I think the parents should have a say because most girls that are 13-16 that have sex with a male then have a baby then drop out of school really hurts their appearance for a good job or something they need to survive in life! 13 is also a very young age to make a decision like that when they have basically all of their life left. Let your parents have a say in what you do!

2007-05-31 04:32:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, depends on how old we are talking. I mean, 13 is different than 18. I think a lot of parents forget that they fooled around when they were young too. But, I also think that for them, sexually active meant touching, petting, but for their kids they think it means full out sex. I think there have to be some definitions and age limits before the kids and parents can have an honest conversation about it.

I also think a lot of parents are afraid that they will have to raise a child that is born if there is a pregnancy. Or that their children having a baby very young will limit the teenager's future. So many reasons...

2007-05-31 01:17:09 · answer #7 · answered by Cathy K 4 · 1 1

Well... think of it this way.
If you are a teenager and still living with mom and dad and you get pregnant... who is going to be helping you out with the baby?? If your teenage boyfriend gets you pregnant... is he going to give you money to help you out with diapers, formula, clothes, bottels, blankets, cribs, car seats... ect?
Probably not. Why? Cause he is still in highschool and doesn't have a job that makes enough money to support you, him and a baby. The responsibilty now becomes your mom and dads. Besides... your parents already went through their newborn baby years. They don't want another baby in the house.
Also... having sex is a very BIG responsibilty. You can get pregnant. Contract an STD. Jeopardize your health. There are just a lot of things out there that you have to protect yourself from. Your also doing something that was mean't to be for marriage only. It's your parents responsibilty to watchout for you and if your going out and having sex, I am sure it makes your parents think, "where did we go wrong?"
So... I don't blame your parents telling their child or asking their child about sex. You may be a teenager but... you will always be your mom and dad's baby.

2007-05-31 02:57:29 · answer #8 · answered by Operator 5 · 0 0

I am telling you from personal experience.
When I was a teenager, I thought I had the whole world figured out, and that I was indestructible and unstoppable.
when I was in my late teens, I was in a long term relationship where we had a child together.
I am now in my mid thirty's; and believe me, I still regret and am saddened by what I did a decade and a half ago.
I hurts more and more every day as time passes how much I miss my son. And the mom is very hurt still too.
When you have kids, you will realize that it is not right to become pregnant that early in life.
good luck!

2007-05-31 01:47:46 · answer #9 · answered by Texas M.B.A. 2 · 1 0

because when a teen is under 18. they are the responsibility of the parent by law... the teen is NOT an adult and NOT capable of caring for another life! Therefore the baby becomes the responsibility of them also! How is that fair to your parents? Also by getting pregnant so young you are telling your parents "I don't respect my body, and you brought me up the wrong way! Good job!"
That's REALLLLLL mature!!

2007-05-31 02:29:05 · answer #10 · answered by Mimi 4 · 1 0

First off who do you think you are to think parents should back off and let there teens do what they want? In my eyes under the age of 18 and your living under my roof then you are going to abide by my rules or you can get out. I want to raise good strong, smart, successful, and respectful, young men, not some hoodlems that ruin there entire life by sleeping around, getting girls pregnant, possibly contracting some fatal desease. You can go do what you wish you arent my child but I refuse to let my children throw their life away!!!

2007-06-01 03:32:41 · answer #11 · answered by shorty 2 · 0 0