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17 answers

in the world of crime escalating, i do not know whether i live the next moment i answered the question. then how can i predict about grand children?

2007-05-30 21:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by geyamala 7 · 2 0

There are 2 areas financially that must be fixed in order to allow them to have any sort of a decent life.

First is the rising cost of healthcare premiums. They are taking a larger and larger % each year and are rising faster than inflation. As a result of the rising cost of premiums, more employers are either reducing coverage or requiring the employees to pay more of the premiums. That is, if the person is lucky enough to work for an employer who pays for their insurance. More and more of our Americans are losing healthcare coverage and at the rate that this is continuing, and combining that with the Medicaid situation that will go bankrupt in a few years, our grandchildren will not fare well.

The second issue is our national deficit. Sooner or later that money will have to be paid off and our government (I'm talking America here) will have a day of reckoning sooner or later.

So, while these are two issues, they both fall under financial issues that our government needs to address so our future generations will have a chance for a lifestyle even close to what we have today.

2007-05-30 19:35:05 · answer #2 · answered by * 3 · 1 0

We have over 6 billion people on Spaceship Earth, and the number is growing. We are crowding out many species of animals as well as plants, ripping out the the rain forests which create much of the oxygen we breathe, and turning our once-lovely blue planet into an overheated slag heap. In short, we are behaving like an insane species.

We need to greatly reduce our population over time & learn to live in harmony with nature instead of being at war with it.

2007-05-30 19:38:27 · answer #3 · answered by Husker41 7 · 0 0

Global Warming (really obvious).

But also

I think we should stop living as competing nations where life is a GDP growth competition, and we ignore those in other countries. Im not saying do away with countries, or stop doing what is in our best interests, but we should stop making it ok to neglect countries whose needs exceed ours, using economic growth as the excuse. Otherwise our grandchildren will to deal with everything we have ignored, which will have snowballed.

2007-05-30 19:33:24 · answer #4 · answered by askandanswer 3 · 0 0

no dating

2007-05-31 05:09:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I have grandchildren gas prices will have become so expensive that everyone is using non-fossil fuels so the air will be cleaner and global warming will be less and it will be a better and healthier world for my grand kids

2007-05-30 19:31:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

being I feel fortunate to arrive beyond the grand and
am at ..another degree my great grand sons,,
Christopher and Alexander and in respect of my own
four CHILDREN whom in return gave me twelve
ten grandsons ,,7 of them men 3 to become
and from each of my sons they each had ONE PRINCESS
...please do not let me CONFUSE YOU ...
my words ARE BEYOND the truth and there is no other
WAY TO REPAY Life for.....

that freedom ,,its beyond the Strength and stability
stubborned tough LOVE hadding believed humbly
gratefull in my one LIFE

ability and as TOUGH and as STUBORN BE-living RULES I fear if you ask my children they will say
they compete in those forces ..being they are in their
late forties and my eldest the two early fifties .when
their Father and I started our LIVES ...no longer here
but the TRUTH MORE LOVED and respected in the SPIRIT .. then what LIFE's MEANING as when you are
young we are received and handed out under receiving
blankets to protect you from THE NEED OF dissasters
in the atmosphere to protect you from LIFE,,,
and the truth we GREW up THE TRUTHS
Stuborn and mean machines and learned TOUGH LOVE
for the FREEDOM OF LIFE...within all humanity for which
we must LIVE [independant strong and with the WILL TO
Compete all .. THATS about all you need to improve
NO matter whom you are no matter the ROADS
[ S"CUSE ME ...is this alright for Y.H. comm. SERVICES
AND THE TRUTH i let go of my HOBBIES and tasks
to hang out on this BOX and start answering ,,,,
JUST THREE cares ABOUT he answers to everything...
''' I,,,NO NO..and he tell NO lies nor has excuses
are you going to insult the truth in him too.... my little KOY

2007-05-31 04:38:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

good lord...... if I ever have grandchildren I hope for their sakes their mothers have learned to cook, clean up their rooms and wash clothes by then!

2007-06-01 01:42:53 · answer #8 · answered by Marianne not Ginger™ 7 · 0 0

The elimination of nuclear weapons

2007-05-30 22:53:33 · answer #9 · answered by rosey 7 · 0 0


2007-05-30 22:32:24 · answer #10 · answered by jsardi56 7 · 0 0

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