You dont want to know. The old days it was basically anything left on the meat packing floor. Pig entrails, and anything that was unusable like the ears and hoofs. Also, rats and rat turds, becasue they dont get paid to remove that kind of stuff. Basically everything they dont put in ground beef and other meet products, thats what goes into bologna and hotdogs. Its pretty gross, but they cook it for you and its not unhealthy for you, its just kinda disturbing when you think of it. If you like the taste, there should be nothing to stop you from enjoying them.
2007-05-30 19:31:01
answer #1
answered by Robert G 2
Hot dogs are GREAT!!! They are made from all the left over parts of pigs and some even have some chicken in them.. I like to think of hotdogs as the modern Native American food (Its one of the most popular foods that can be made from all the stuff people dont want, allowing us not to waist all that left over stuff)
2007-05-31 02:33:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A hot dog is a kind of sausage. Sausages are usually made from cheap cuts of meat, including some of the guts. If you read the label of a package of ordinary hot dogs you will notice most of the calories come from fat. That's because the expensive meaty cuts of meat are used for more expensive products, and the cheaper fatty cuts are used for sausage types of products.
2007-05-31 02:33:08
answer #3
answered by x4294967296 6
Ground beef and spices - frankfurters or beef dogs and the texture, if you notice is the same as luncheon meat, it is because its double ground.
Pork and spices - hotdogs
Chicken and spices - chicken hotdogs
Its what the butchers call "trimmings", it is actually the left over meat that butchers cut off from your prestine and perfectly cut steaks. Grounded twice and added with spices and steamed and the compressed into the shape you know as hotdogs.
Almost the same process as pearshaped hams, the one in cans. Its the cut offs from the ham with bones but is compressed into the shape!
2007-05-31 02:38:14
answer #4
answered by badbroth 3
Pigs Leftovers!!!
Maybe Even Horse Meat!!!
2007-05-31 02:28:51
answer #5
answered by Aztec Warrior 4
usually made from beef or pork, sometimes a combo. But alot of people dont like them because it is thought to be they are made from the crappy meat of the animal. Basically left overs.
2007-05-31 02:31:23
answer #6
answered by Bo 2
it depends some are from pork and hot dogs are ade by mixing everything from the animal i think.
2007-05-31 02:31:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, you don't want to know.
I don't want to know.
Not even the hot dogs want to know.
Do yourself a favor and don't read any of the other answers.
Just don't look down.
2007-05-31 02:41:07
answer #8
answered by Ajsansker 7
No, you don't want to know. My sister found out when she was 8 years old (when we were in Africa) and she NEVER ate another one! She's going to be 40 this September.
2007-05-31 02:28:55
answer #9
answered by eesha 4
Beef and pork or all beef or turkey or chicken. I question which parts of them, though
2007-05-31 02:29:57
answer #10
answered by jamaicabound191 3