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74 answers

Shyt when did the alarm get so loud

2007-05-30 19:22:45 · answer #1 · answered by brat 5 · 1 0

Good Morning Sunshine.

2007-05-30 19:23:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Salaam Alaikum

2007-05-30 23:37:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it depends on the morning, and half the time its between 430 and 630 in the afternoon/evening that I am waking up (I work overnights and get home at 730 am). In that case it's..."I" (I slept this late?) or..when I work days the rest of the week its..."dammit" (dammit, it's 7 already?).

2007-05-30 19:25:48 · answer #4 · answered by ~~*Paradise Dreams*~~ 6 · 0 0

It does not sound prevalent to me that a million. His receptionist may well be calling him early interior the morning for something that would desire to probable wait till he have been given to artwork 2. He may well be chatting together with her interior the bathing room (in keeping with danger attempting to verify you're able to desire to no longer hear him). i will grant him the income of the doubt. an incredible style of fellows call women effective names like 'sweetie', 'hon', 'expensive', and issues like that without meaning something with the help of it in any respect. My desirable buddy is a guy who has a gradual, stay-in female buddy and he calls me 'expensive'. that is merely a term of endearment so i does no longer unavoidably bounce to conclusions and assume that he's having an affair merely because of the fact he talked approximately as somebody sweetie. which would be his character. you're able to nicely be overreacting somewhat. Do you have any further reason to no longer believe your husband or think of that he's having an affair? merely shop your eyes open and don't act too suspicious in case you do. The extra you act such as you're suspicious approximately something, the extra he will conceal it IF he's doing something incorrect in any respect. in case you think of he's chatting together with her inappropriately, in keeping with danger you're able to flippantly (I tension the observe flippantly) clarify which you do no longer think of that the way he's chatting together with her is suitable.

2016-12-30 08:29:01 · answer #5 · answered by lisk 3 · 0 0

Usually I say I am so tired when I get up in the morning

2007-05-30 19:21:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good morning sunshine to my boyfriend
he seems to get a kick out of this

2007-05-30 19:25:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dam dog, it wants to go out for his pee, and it's 5 am. in the morning, so I just roll over and let the wife take him out.

2007-05-30 19:25:19 · answer #8 · answered by Gumbo 6 · 0 0

Usually S**** or f***, as I look at the clock realizing I don't have enough time to eat or take a shower and that I forgot to do my laundry.

2007-05-30 19:23:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my first word is usually "aaauuuuugh". can't tell you my frist word. it's not nice.

2007-05-30 19:29:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I thank god 4 giving me such a wonderful and amazing life. i thank him bcoz he has not made me cripple or blind . i thank him 4 giving me such a loving family and caring friends. I hope that I shud never 4get him , even in my happiness and bad time !

2007-05-31 01:53:24 · answer #11 · answered by Neeta 5 · 0 0

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