I never give"thumbs down" even if the person repulses me!! It is more of a challenge for me,not to do anything,I really hate that thumbs up thumbs down thing because its kind of rude and creates an arena for trolls and negativity to fester so to speak,its kind of like if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all,It's just a difference of opinion is all,and I feel they should only have nice things, like you said a"hug ,or a "smile" or a "thumbs up"...otherwise the only thing worthy of a thumbs down should get none of the above and not have a thumbs down option..getting rid of the negativity....
2007-05-31 02:36:08
answer #1
answered by FYIIM1KO 5
I agree with you, and I've thought about asking the same question myself. I want to give them a thumbs up to show that I'm sad with them, but on the other hand I don't want to give the impression that I feel it's a good thing they had a bad/sad experience.
2007-05-30 19:22:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
For Those Dumba.ss Racists Punk A,sses Out There, A Good Punch In Their Nose!!! Make Their Brains Ooze Out Though Their Nostrils!!!
2007-05-30 19:22:44
answer #3
answered by Aztec Warrior 4
definite i do fee solutions I fee solutions each and every of the time, thumbs up if i accept as true with the person or if the clientele answer is huge yet i disagree, i nevertheless provide him thumbs up thumbs down; to trolls, or an answer which sucks and that i disagree with WQ: Randy Orton will proceed to be WWE champion, until Triple H returns. i'm guessing that Triple H will return at SummerSlam and could defeat Randy Orton @ SS RKO >>>>> Triple H - STARRED
2016-10-09 04:28:31
answer #4
answered by ? 4
That sounds really nice but impractical. It would take to long. I know how you feel because there are many answerer's that deserve a better score. The old saying, "use what you got". Primitive, yes, but its all we have.
2007-05-31 02:22:19
answer #5
answered by Lady 5
u can make the comment n give ur % rating besides thumbs up or down.
2007-05-30 19:27:08
answer #6
answered by robert KS LEE. 6
I think some answers should have a parental advisory warning on them and some questions too. Just so you know they are naughty.
2007-05-30 19:22:36
answer #7
answered by ♥c0c0puffz♥ 7
I think if you get enough thumbs down, you should be banished from answers.
2007-05-30 19:32:44
answer #8
answered by Pat C 7
How about: Tick for good answers and Cross for bad answers
2007-05-30 19:23:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A rating that you can add a comment too
2007-05-30 19:21:24
answer #10
answered by brooke,<3 5