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Need I say more?

2007-05-30 15:02:45 · 49 answers · asked by camera_chic_JV 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

49 answers

i dont believe this.. if this were real i think you would know what to do or atleast be mad enough to add some details..

or are you an adult that always fights with your parents?

if this is real.. divorce him and have him arrested..

2007-05-30 15:10:24 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Sarah♥ 4 · 1 3

I would hope you know what to do. You seem to have a lot of information about what happened to know your husband is the father.
Unless you are ok living with a sexual predator, I will move on with your life without him. Help the 13 year old find answers of what she will do with the baby. Adoption, raising it, etc.

2007-05-31 05:24:26 · answer #2 · answered by Cowboy 2 · 0 0

First of all I would call the police then i would divorce him. He has to be a pretty sick individual to get your 13 year old niece pregnant. Also if you have any children with him then I would not let them see him cause he could be messing with them also. It is almost impossible to cure a child molester so just remember that if you ever want to get back with him. If its not your niece or children it could be your neighbors children or some random child.

2007-05-30 15:41:08 · answer #3 · answered by Carrie S 1 · 1 0

This is too much even for me... Leave you husband for sure by getting help. I mean what the heck is the matter with this man. That's statutory rape, isn't it? He could go to jail.

Get out, get help, and take care of yourself first. Counselling about the 13 year old girl is needed as to what to do. This is too much.

2007-05-30 15:07:24 · answer #4 · answered by SuBee 3 · 1 0

Report the husband for rape with a minor, divorce him, and help your neice take care of her and your husband's child.

2007-05-30 15:14:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get your niece to the counselor if she isn't. Divorce your husband and report him for statutory rape. It's just desert. You wouldn't be able to bear living with him any longer would you? And you don't want him to possibly do the same thing to another kid in the future would you? If he can get away with this, he may just be very tempted to commit the same crime again. It may be difficult to do the right thing now, but do it because you should.

2007-05-30 15:16:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

have your neice for counseling, she needs a lot of attention right now because she is too young to be pregnant and she is not in a good situation right now. and do not forget to send your husband in jail for rape.

2007-05-30 16:15:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sorry to hear this. I know you must love your husband but he is not the man you thought he was. He needs to be prosecuted. If you have children they may be in danger of their own father. Divorce him. I know it hurts. Your whole family needs counseling. This is so serious. I know you must want to die right now but you and your niece have to take this one day at a time.

2007-05-30 15:22:27 · answer #8 · answered by checkthisout! 5 · 1 0

Okay, well I'd say divorce him and have him arrested. Or just divorce him. And since you know about her being pregnant that her mother knows, so help her and be supportive to your brother/sister. She probally needs to talk to a psychiatrist even if she was willing.
Good Luck!

2007-05-30 15:12:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sorry but I think this is fake. If it was real you would know what to do you would be so mad you would have already filed for divorce!
If it was real you would atleast put details
If it was rape or if your niece let him
if she let him how long was their relationship going on
If this is your brother's kid or Sister's kid
How they feel about it
Uh you would have mentioned if you have kids with this guy and if he has touched them or not or if you have even had them checked out

I could go on and on but I'm going to stop because this is FAKE

~Sarah = )

2007-05-30 18:21:38 · answer #10 · answered by Saerah 4 · 0 0

1. Divorce his stupid a**
2. Have him arrested for rape.
3. Help your niece to decided if she wants to go through with the pregnancy.

2007-05-30 21:37:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0