At least you qualified your question with "it seems" before attributing your nonsense to the talk show hosts.
I don't think they would say you accurately represented their views at all.
2007-05-30 13:29:09
answer #1
answered by gcbtrading 7
Im assuming you are referring at least in part to the "Mexican " issue.
This mass illegal migration is skewing the makeup of the country by overloading certain areas with too many people unwilling &or unable to learn the language & have the balls to think they have a right to be here.
Immigration quotas ,properly applied are intended to allow time for absorbtion into the mainstream.
Wish I knew how to include Roosevelts 1907 comments on
Excellent piece of work ,worth looking for & sums it all up.
First off, live in an increasingly diverse area.
As in so many places, decent working people trying to get by.
Dont see any problems w/ color or national origin.
Thanks to the younger generation of these families, there is "assimilation" going on.
Point is there should be no multi-culturalism ,it implies separation whereas a community which has cultural diversity can be enriched by it if everyone comes to the party.
If you cannot say I am American without a hyphen then I get pissed off.
There are some groups that are resistant to learning the language ,hold on to their heritage with a death grip , & expect special treatment.
Lets face it, some "cultural "quirks can be annoying enough to feed negative stereotyping.
Been around a while & have seen the stock of Americans who happen to be black( really dont like hyphens) go up just because they are born here and have "arrived" after some rough times.
Talking about cops, firemen & trades that work hard & deserve the rewards.
Know what..these working stiffs are not thrilled with some of
the non- assimilating types either.
So, the way this dumb whiteboy sees it , you do not have to love everyone.
Personally, I give everyone a fair shake unless they prove to be an asshole.
"Assholeism" knows no racial or cultural boundaries & if you are one, I'm not going to get along with you.
A little tolerance for the newcomer, if they are making the "effort" is in order.
But, if they want to be culturally constipated...screw em.
Best regards
2007-06-03 15:48:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm white and a minority where I live.
I don't give a flying phuuukkee about race.
It's whats in a persons heart is what counts.
Strip off a persons skin and what do you have? Bleeding just like everyone else.
Race is just another word for imaging what your gonna win or lose.
The worst people in the world are racists. The best are those that are proud of what they are and their culture while being intrinsically curious of other cultures along with an open mind.
The world is a fabulous place with so much diversity. It is a shame to waste anyone energy on infantile rantings and beliefs of superiority.
The world has enough hate, why add to it.
An USA ex pat living in the PRC
2007-06-05 04:40:47
answer #3
answered by sailingjim 1
I am white. Born in Illinois, raised across the nation, but raised **white** as you call us.
My last name is now Perez. I got married to a man who's name is Perez. For years I just figured I married a good man. Then one day on the television news I heard the anchor man call white/hispanic unions as inter-racial. I had no idea.
Multiculturism is not important. Acceptance that people are equal no matter who they are is. It is a shame that people here, in the United States cannot just acknowledge that everyone here is allowed to do and be whatever they want "lest it harm anyone" right?
So, if I want to wear orange shirts with green skirts, let me. If I want to be goth, a white hispanic, a fireperson, whatever I choose, I should be allowed. I think that culture is nothing more than a choice, a way of being taught to live, and everyone is entitled.
It's the hate talk of those narrow minded individuals who believe they are right and if you don't agree, you're ignorant and incorrect that are swaying those who are impressionable. How unfortunate.
Good question. Thanks for asking.
2007-06-06 11:26:14
answer #4
answered by Kathryn P 6
I really appreciate your question and the manner in which you asked it . I have only one problem with one of your biased statements . You said " unless your a racist." what does that mean ? does that mean if we do not like a certain group of people such as the ***** race . Let me tell you you can paint the name racist to intimidqte people to get them to feel defensive , which i know thats what all of you people do when you call another human being "a racist." that keeps you from having any understanding for their point of view . Just like putin is doing to the people of russia now and stalin did to everyone in the soviet union .
The reality that this country was settled by europeans , the white race is American heritage just like Germany was settled by the white race and not negroes . Africa is black african ***** and always has been . Israel is all jew and believe me they dont want the ***** marrying their daughters or sons or anyone else but a jew and not a ***** jew . I'm 63 years old and cherish the memories of this country back in the 1950's and even the latter years of the 1940's . The negroes have trashed out every neigborhood they live in to make themselves feel at home . With the help of the government and the jewish kingdom of hollywood and the jewish dominated news and entertainment media they have turned this country into a bedlam of horrors for the white population . One last thing I have heard it said by different people over the years if hitler had not been stopped we would all be speaking german now . Well i would much rather be speaking german now than what i here our young white people speaking which is black ***** ebonics , you know like "da *****" , da ho, da sucka, i'm da gansta rap king" you know that and much worse , believe me i had much rather see and here american looking like germans and speaking germans than looking and talking like " da sewer kind."
2007-06-02 06:08:16
answer #5
answered by visayan95 1
I think and feel that you are either American or you need to leave, if you are so proud of being "Irish American" "African American" "Asia American" then go back to your homeland. Most people are descendants of families that left their homelands for a reason. Anything that divides, separates, or puts people in to "categories" I think is counter productive. Separated you can not have a "Union" or a "United States" Having a heritage festival, or month or celebration is great, but we should work to be one. Not a lot of little this and thats. Regretfully most of the multicultural teachings are used to divide in a supposed attempt to make the students feel pride regarding their families past, but it has been taught with a spiteful, mean spirited way that only shows, the evil of the American white man.
2007-06-07 05:46:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am, technically, according the definitions of the US Census, 'white.' I'm not entirely sanguine about the label, but I'll answer.
Multiculturalism is actually not about race. It is, as the name implies, about culture. Now, as it's been implemented by the left here in the US, it's often linked strongly to race - and the US gov even defines one race (hispanics) by identification with a culture. That's how whacked things are getting around the subject of race. Race was a tremendously powerful issue in the recent past, and there are political movements, and a political party, in the US that pine for the days when it propelled them to prominance. Thus, 'race issues' won't go away, even though they've been more than adequately addressed in the past 5 decades.
The threat of multiculturalism isn't a threat to any one race, but to a culture - that of the United States of America. The doctrine of multi-cutluralism is supposedly that all cultures deserve to be respected. The reality, in the US, and, I'm guessing, in much of Europe, is that it demands respect of all cutlures /except/ the culture of the state adopting it as policy.
Thus, multi-culturalism is a threat to any society that adopts it, because it elevates other cultures above it.
There's another level of 'threat' from the philosphy, as well, and this is where it can get back into race. Mutli-culturalism also offers an alternative to the 'melting pot' model - in which a larger society integrates immigrants who 'assimilate' into it, even as they change it in many ways - in 'diversity' in which multiple cultures are expected to exist, whole, unchanged and /respected/, within the host culture of a broader society (which need not be respected). It's this aspect of multiculturalism that has been seized upon by would-be race-warriors to re-ignite the racial issues that in the past invigorated thier politics.
2007-05-30 13:35:31
answer #7
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
It seems that the different cultures like to stick together. One on one, it is interesting to meet people of other cultures and learn about them. When the cultures form groups, as they ususally do, there seems to be some type of defense mechanism that kicks in that then creates barriers.
I am not a racist, but I don't believe the concept of diversity works. It was much better when everyone was working towards the same type of goal in basically the same way even though they had different nationalities and backgrounds.
2007-05-30 13:59:00
answer #8
answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7
Whites are the only ones who have to accept multiculturalism. Blacks have their own culture, as do Hispanics and others. All these groups raise holy hell if you suggest they do otherwise. When cultures clash, whitey loses every time. So I'm not only a racist for not supporting Obama (although I would support Condi), or because I'm opposed to illegal immigration (although I do favor immigration), I'm now also a racist because I expect fairness. Give the word a break!
2007-06-07 11:05:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I know you asked for white responses only, but I thought that such a discussion was really missing the viewpoint of someone who wasn't white.
Multiculturalism is, from my view, attacked because whites feel it threatens Eurocentrism's stranglehold on American society. It would threaten to expose much of the racist past and present by demanding the history of non-whites be taught AS WELL AS, not in substitute for, white history, which as of now is the norm still. It would do the same for the American patriarchy that still exists and rampant heterosexism that dominates our body politic.
The melting pot doesn't allow anyone in outgroups (outside the norm) to hold a claim to their own culture, whether that be a racial or ethnic culture, a sexual culture, a religious culture or so on. You either conform to the norm or you're ostracized and forgotten like the others in the outgroup. This impedes progress towards equity, excuses bigotry, and impugns anti-racism as Un-American. It's a trifecta for conservatives from what I can tell.
Another big reason is that there are underlying views of other "cultures" (many of these cultures being described within racialized contexts, such as the idea of "welfare queens" and hip hop being representative of black culture) as being inferior to the culture of those people in power, who are now still white, Protestant, heterosexual males. These views are then challenged by multiculturalism which says other cultures, which is usually meant to mean 'ethnicities', are different but equally important. This challenge may present a personal challenge to some, who may feel that they are being insulted by multiculturalists asserting that just white Protestant heterosexual male culture isn't good enough.
2007-05-30 14:24:10
answer #10
answered by prezalex87 2
I am sorry that you seem to find it necessary to make a prejudicial statement such as "...most WHITES...
I find this repugnant coming from anyone, no matter how they pretend to *sugarcoat* their inflammatory phrases. I despise Rush *airbag* Limberger cheese and I am probably with the majority of reasonable, INTELLIGENT Americans in this regard. Having said this, I believe that our country benefits from a diversity traditions. Except for the Native Americans, we are ALL immigrants here! (I will NOT tell you what my ethnicity or race is.)
2007-06-06 17:04:51
answer #11
answered by ? 4