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When you look at some of the questions and remarks on all of these catagories, not just R&S, does it just depress you and make you sad to see what a horrible state this world and it's people are in? I mean, it's not something you always think about, but when you do, it really hurts. It's a hurt deep down in my soul. For all these people. I find myself just praying that today will be the day Jesus comes back for me.

2007-05-30 10:15:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Amy and Older but Wiser: You are the ones I am sad for. But beyond your lack of faith it is your rude words and disrespect that really make me sad. I do not disrespect you: I suppose it is a matter of maturity.

2007-05-30 10:31:44 · update #1

Tx: Don't you know what the Rapture is! It is not death!! It is Christ returning to this world to raise up His chosen people with Him in Heaven. It is a rebirth! Read Revelations.

2007-05-30 10:34:02 · update #2

15 answers

Yes it does.
There are also so many people wanting children before marriage which is very sad. Christianity is something to be treasured, not trashed.
I DO pray for all these people to some day realise their wrong doings.

God Bless!


2007-05-30 17:36:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

why do you think only Christians are sad with some of the answers on this site? you think you are better than other people? i think it's horrible when people bring up religion on this site because they always use it in an inappropriate manner? i understand you may be angry with how people treat others on this site, but to bring religion into it in your question really makes you seem that you are one of those people, acting like your better than the rest. these boards are for scientific or real life matters and people need serious answers, not something riddled with religious insults and negativity. re-think when you post here because clearly this place isn't for you.

2007-05-30 12:12:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You were put here for a reason. I don't know what that is but I know what it isn't. You aren't here to dwell on the bad. If it depresses you that much than do something about it. And the fact that you are praying for Jesus to come get you sound like you may need to seek counseling because it is a sin to wish for death.

2007-05-30 10:28:10 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 1 2

I feel bad for them. I feel bad about their situation, and I feel bad for them because religious fanatics like you try to back handedly insult them and thier choices by bringing religious purity into it. That is a scumbag move. People are entitled to follow what they will and forcing them to follow a religion or the ideals of a religion, does not make you a good person worthy of salvation from christ. The church is supposed to teach tollerance, however, all religious people who judge based on differences of beliefs and lifestyles are intollerant of others and therefore not worthy of heaven.

2007-05-30 10:36:14 · answer #4 · answered by marishka 5 · 2 2

have you ever read the bible??
i think if you really read the bible you wouldnt believe so much in jesus. I think praying is just wasting your time becuase i can tell you right now jesus wont be coming back for you. I mean, if you really think he will, then cool, what ever, keep thinking that and good luck.

2007-05-30 12:42:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a Christian, but it really doesn't bother me. The world is evil, plain and simple. Don't deny it. Ever since Adam ate the apple, we've been screwed. The way I deal with it is to remember that I live in the world, but I am not of it. It doesn't bother me when someone curses or is profane, since I know God will settle with them at the end.

2007-05-30 10:55:41 · answer #6 · answered by Sir Nigel 6 · 0 3

yes when i see people cursing at each other i pray for the souls that God softens there hearts and helps them to see the error of their ways i also see the attacks against Christianity and it makes me sad because they know nothing of which they speak so i just look to the hills from which cometh my help and pray that Jesus will take me from this horrible place of suffering soon!

2007-05-30 10:23:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

AMEN to ALL that you are saying!!!!!!!!!!

I CAN NOT WAIT to see my friends in heaven, including my invisible friend, Jesus.
He's ALWAYS there.
ANYONE email me at katlynbush@yahoo.com If you have ANY questions about the christian faith.

2007-05-30 10:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by Katie Lynn 3 · 1 3

It is sad, but we have to keep our faith and keep telling others about Jesus and his wonderful love, it's what we are here to do!! God bless!!

Remember you are not alone!!

No matter what others say, and how much they hurt, keep your faith and all will be fine.

2007-05-30 10:21:04 · answer #9 · answered by DeAnna 5 · 1 4

the ones that make me the saddest are the pregnant young teens or the young teens looking for boyfriends on here

2007-05-30 10:20:23 · answer #10 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 2 3